The Weighting Room Podcast

Episode Eighty Three: That's a Wrap on 2023

Chris & Lisa

Remember the character Fatmonica from Friends? Ever wondered how she helped smash stereotypes and further the conversation on body acceptance? Join us as we dissect her portrayal in popular media and discuss an enlightening AI technology that approaches the ever-evolving fat acceptance narrative without judgment. This episode is a heartening stroll through the lanes of body positivity, urging us to embrace our appearance and discard prejudice.

Ever felt the daunting pressure of turning 40, or faced the uphill battle of reaching your health goals? You're not alone. In a candid discussion, we reveal our personal aspirations, our journey towards them, and the inevitable stumbling blocks along the way. From battling health issues, paying off debts, to chasing promotions, we share it all. And, as we gear up for milestone birthdays and a brand new year, we inspire you to stay patient, stay focused, and remember that it's never too late to reset your compass.

As we bid adieu to this year, we look back at our triumphs, our trials, our laughter, and tears. We’ve been through injuries, surgeries, and incredible milestones. As we stand at the threshold of a new year, we share our hopes, our plans, and our enthusiasm for the adventures that lie ahead. We also pay a heartfelt tribute to you, our amazing listeners, for being with us through this rollercoaster ride. Join in this joyous farewell and ring in the new year with a promise of optimism, acceptance, and unwavering determination.

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Disclaimer: We are not Medical professionals and all views and opinions are our own.

Speaker 1:

Let's wrap it up. Wrap up the year, wrap it up.

Speaker 2:

That's it. That should be a song, that was a song. I mean I like a, let's record it, stamp it, sell it.

Speaker 1:

Oh no.

Speaker 2:

We're still in a little bit of a silly mood. I'm in a silly mood. I have a range of emotions apparently that I'm going to right now you do. Ram's got a king. Can I love the king? What Pepsi, oh, I treat myself to regular Pepsi sometimes, and when it's out of a king, can they taste so much better?

Speaker 1:

It's just like it's just life.

Speaker 2:

That's just like how I prefer a can over a bottle because it tastes crisper.

Speaker 1:

You were the only person I know who would ever say that.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, if I'm traveling I'll have to get a bottle, but if glass? Bottle or plastic bottle, plastic bottle OK now I'm picking up what you're laying down. Ok, because it's just like out of a can it's crisp, sure Put out of a bottle. It's just there's too many ranges in a bottle actually.

Speaker 1:

so OK, I believe you.

Speaker 2:

I don't like cola at all, so I've drank pop religiously for so long that I think I should be like a, like those wine people that get a lot of money.

Speaker 1:

You want to know what's gross. Like this is gross. I know it's gross, but people out there who get it get it. I'm that way with milk, Really 100 percent.

Speaker 2:

That's so funny because I detest milk.

Speaker 1:

But I have like specific, like milks that are my favorite milk.

Speaker 2:

Oh, island Farms. I can tell the difference. So I don't drink milk. I don't like it. But when we get Island Farms it's only at Costco. I'm very aware, because I will drink that milk.

Speaker 1:

That's very much a BC thing. I've never heard. No, you wouldn't have heard it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, it's good. But I also, like, will not drink milk for like months and then all of a sudden I could stand in front of the fridge and drink a one later. I think I've said that million times. That's fair.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, let's move on, get it, because they come from cows.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I was being sure the cats are being fed. No All right, Anyways it's not funny anymore. What are we going to start with?

Speaker 1:

Um, I don't know, what do you want to start with? I'm excited for all of it.

Speaker 2:

I can't believe this year is like we're wrapping this up I know this is kind of crazy Like we started in 2020.

Speaker 1:

This has been such a good year it's see Kate.

Speaker 2:

so funny. I feel the opposite.

Speaker 1:

Funny haha or funny moo Fuck Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Christ, you're cut off.

Speaker 1:

My egg nog is all gone, I can switch to water. Is there rum in it? No, I did think about it, though I'm not going to lie, but decided not to because I'm going to the gym in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Mm, hmm, there, Anyways um, I forgot.

Speaker 1:

I was saying uh we were saying how great this year was. Oh yeah, I actually said the opposite.

Speaker 2:

I think that this was the shittiest.

Speaker 1:

I thought I'm talking about the podcast.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, Specifically um, to be honest, I think it was a great year, but I think my expectations of it were a bit different, so it didn't hit my expectation that expectations versus reality, um, but there was a lot of really great moments, but when I think about the past, I just think, like it's, I just love it every year, you know what I mean? Like there's been so many amazing moments. The one thing I didn't like about this year was the lack of the amount of guests that we had. I agree, uh, but that was really just us not being able to coordinate a schedule.

Speaker 1:

This was like this year in general was insane.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like I had surgery. I was in and out of the hospital. I was figuring out how to be a mom. We're now getting ready to move. At the end of all of it, I returned back to work Like it was just Like this year was insane. Yeah, absolutely insane.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you know what? I think that that should be saying something on its own, that the fact that we were even still able to get out episodes with everything that we both had going on between us is says a lot. But I guess, like you know, I just I, you know, when people say like I'm ready for the next year and like this year can go on the garbage, I had never really like truly felt that way where it's just like every year has its obstacles and whatever, but like this year, like I am ready to throw it away because I felt like so much of the last couple of years of my life have been thrown down the drain because of injuries. So I'm coming from it from a totally different perspective, that it's just like I'm done with being hurt and I just want to start living my life again. You want to close that chapter. I just want to close injuries, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It can never happen again. And I get that. I'm not. I'm, I'm getting older. So like things are going to, not things are just going to happen, but I'm going to take better care of myself. I have health benefits that technically, are a part of my pay. You know what I mean. Like I'm going to start using them. I'm going to start going for massage therapy and and checking stuff out. You know it's, it's about time to use those benefits.

Speaker 1:

And honestly, like 2024, I feel like it's not an exciting year for us for birthdays.

Speaker 2:

No, that's a year I turn 40.

Speaker 1:

I know I'm 30 next year. Yeah, I'm only for 10 years apart it doesn't feel like it's pretty crazy yeah.

Speaker 1:

So let's let's start with our favorite moments of this year. Okay, what was? What was your first one? So the first one I have was like we had talked about talking about this like on and off, like since we started the started the podcast, and it just felt right to talk about this again after how this year has gone with it. But we had an episode specifically where we talked about Fatmonica and how Fatmonica felt for us when we were watching it and like the representation that we had from Fatmonica and it. Just that episode, to me, is one of my favorites because, as we've talked about so many times on this podcast, like friends is such an important part of my life. So talking about it in the way that we did was just like I don't know, it was like opening a door that I haven't been able to talk about with other people when it came to that because it's your favorite show, right?

Speaker 1:

So you don't necessarily want to say like, you know there's bad in quotation things about it, like, or not even just in quotations, you know there's bad things about it, but it's like it's still your, it's that thing that you feel like you have to protect because it's been there for you for through so much, right? So talking about how Fatmonica made me feel for the first time was just almost like a closure, I guess. So yeah, that was kind of that was one of my favorite episodes.

Speaker 2:

I did like that episode. It was nice because we both also have a love for friends, so it's it was nice to like have that mutual understanding of that same feeling towards Fatmonica as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and if you don't remember that episode, here's a little clip of it. Yeah, let's go. So there's four episodes technically five episodes that Fatmonica appears in. The one with the prom video, where at the very end of the episode it's Rachel and Monica getting ready for the prom in high school. The one with all the thanksgivings, where it's all the Thanksgiving flashbacks where Chandler loses his toe and he called Monica Fat spoilers, if anybody is the one that could have been. This is actually a two part episode where they talk about I wonder about this and I wonder about this and Monica says I wonder if I was still fat, like what would your life be like Kind of thing. So that was a two part episode.

Speaker 2:

That was the one where Chandler's Joey's assistant right yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then the last one is the one where the stripper cries. And this is actually so. The girls are doing Phoebe's bachelorette party, which is a tea party that they hired a stripper for that actually ended being Danny DeVito, and the guys are at a college reunion where they actually run into their high school or their college crush, who turned out to be Meredith Gray, yeah, and they're doing flashbacks to when Rachel and Monica visited them at college. So, yeah, those are the four episodes that we're going to be referring to today, specifically in the moments where Monica is fat. So, yeah, that was one of my favorite episodes. What about you?

Speaker 2:

So my first one. I don't think I sent you what my my thing was. I really like chat, the chat GBT episodes.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, I almost picked that one because when it read back like how weight loss, like my brain's not even working, I just the way that it was reading back about things baffled me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like humans can't like because you know it's an AI and they don't have empathy or like any kind of emotions, and then people that generally do have like a whole different range of emotions, can't be on board with this. It's like thank you for spitting facts at us. Yeah, and I remember that you were just like oh, what? Like, what are we doing? Like I just kind of threw that on you that day, like I have no idea what I'm getting you to do.

Speaker 1:

I had no idea what it was, so I was like, ok, but that was so cool Like I was baffled by it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And, yeah, I think that this the clip that I have also had, like your jaw on the floor, I'm sure with it. So here is that clip, let's let's ask you this question why are there people in the world that are fat? Oh, wow, it, it, that's going. This is a very it's given me a lot, ok. Well, there are several factors that contribute to why some people may have a higher body weight or be considered fat.

Speaker 2:

It's important to approach this topic with sensitivity and without judgment, as body weight can be influenced by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental and lifestyle factors. Here's a few key points to consider. Okay, sorry, lisa's mouth is on the floor right now. One genetics. Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to carry more weight. Genetic variations can affect metabolism, fat storage and other factors related to body weight.

Speaker 2:

Two environment and lifestyle. Factors such as sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity, access to nutritious food and socioeconomic conditions can contribute to weight gain. Three medical conditions. Certain medical conditions, such as hormonal imbalances, example, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome and certain medications can lead to weight gain or make weight management challenging. Four emotional and physical oh sorry, emotional and psychological. Emotional and psychological factors. Emotional eating, stress, depression and other psychological factors can influence eating behaviors and contribute to weight gain. It's important to remember that body weight is not a definitive measure of health or worth, and everyone's body is unique. Promoting body positivity and acceptance, focusing on overall well-being rather than weight alone, and avoiding judgment based on appearance are important steps towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate society. Wow, oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

That was great. That's amazing.

Speaker 2:

So do you like chat GPT Wow.

Speaker 3:

He's so smart.

Speaker 1:

Great episode. So good, that was so good. The fact that, like, it's just that technology is saying stuff like that, you know what I mean. It's just yeah, yeah, it was good.

Speaker 2:

Love it. What about your next one?

Speaker 1:

So the second one I have is actually the one where I did I talked about the good life advertisement. Oh yeah, I just loved that episode so much. I just really really loved what good life was doing, even though I got a little bit attacked in some Facebook comments and whatnot for like standing up for what they're doing and actually liking what they're doing. But at the end of the day, it was just like it was real bodies doing real workouts. I loved that campaign so much. It was very good.

Speaker 1:

If you want to listen to the whole episode, like go back to the Good Life episode. But I'm just going to point out this clip where I'm talking a little bit about the Facebook status and what I was saying in the background about it. So here's that. So one person that had commented at the beginning their comment has since been removed but one person who commented was I hate that we're now calling obese people fit fluencers Actually they didn't use the word fit fluencers.

Speaker 1:

They said I hate that we're now calling obese people athletes. And then I went in and commented and I was just like are you aware that in 2021, 81% of the NFL players were categorized as obese? Comment was deleted 81%, oh, but sorry, it's a bunch of guys, so that's okay, anyways. So I did end up commenting on this post or this advertisement. I guess you can say it has gotten a lot of reactions. I'm just opening this part here. It has gotten a lot of reactions, I will say from what I said.

Speaker 1:

So again, we just talked about what it is normal in quotations bodies going to the gym. So I commented saying the amount of times that I've been bullied by the phrase go to the gym is ridiculously high. Then you see comments making fun of those who are plus size going to the gym. You can't win. This ad campaign is the first time that I've seen someone like me go to the gym and I love going to the gym. But in the past I always felt out of place, judged, unwanted, and some of these comments have proved that to be true. But the gym is an excellent environment to move your body for so many other reasons than how you look Strength, cardiovascular health and dolphins. So do whatever the heck you want and ignore the haters. You want to go to the gym? Go to the gym, but not for anyone else but yourself. This is an excellent ad.

Speaker 2:

It is amazing how people can be like in the comment section, being like oh, this isn't cool, we shouldn't be promoting unhealthy habits. But they're not. They're promoting anyone and anybody being at the gym like hello.

Speaker 1:

I think it's just it sucks because people out there is just like we don't want to see the fat people, like you need to hide away until you're no longer fat and then you can go out and do these things. It's just like no, that's what they want. They just don't want to see the fat people.

Speaker 2:

I wish that those people could be fat for like a month, and I don't mean in a fat suit, I just mean like magic happens and they are fat for a month and just just seeing what life is like, and then they'll probably be like oh well, this is motivation for me to like lose it. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, do you have another?

Speaker 2:

clip I do. I have my last clip, I think is a shared one actually between Lisa and I, because we both wanted to pick from the ozempic episode. But before I go into that, like there is so many clips I wanted to take from this year and like one of them would have been Sarah's episode, but literally Sarah's episode. So, recent that it's like I don't really want to pull from that, but like oh, my God, this episode and you haven't listened to Sarah's episode.

Speaker 1:

Go listen to Sarah's episode, because the stories that she was telling First of all, if she's listening. Thank you again so much for sharing those stories. They were so personal, raw and real and it was just like, oh, yeah and saying the amount of people who messaged me and was like, is that actually true? Like somebody went through that, I'm like, yep, true stories yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it was really nice because she is in a different size body than you and I and it was very nice to have another perspective to like. We've wanted to have like midsize episodes and actually even like, have people come on here that haven't even like their? Lisa and I have hopes that we will even go through the what was that show called skinny versus fat or what was it called? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what it's called. And then it would be kind of interesting having like different perspectives on it coming from that size and coming from us, like watching a show like that. So different things like that have been we've been toying around with, maybe for the next year, but coming back to this year, I mean Lisa was even excited, like we were both really excited when we had Shane on here.

Speaker 2:

That was a huge highlight for us and it was. It was really raw and open and it was really nice to have someone else as well coming on and talking about their struggles and their accomplishments and everything. Yeah, for sure, so many to pick from. But so the ozempic episode I didn't edit it, but I'm guessing it was a tough one to edit. It took us a while, or Lisa while, and how many people did we have on? It was five or six.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was. It was a big group of us and I was the only person on the episode who wasn't on ozempic. Everybody else was on ozempic. So hearing other people's stories and not opinions well, opinions, but everybody's stories and their perspectives on it was so amazing.

Speaker 2:

It was so great and I am blanking on who it was that was saying this. I believe it might have been Kelly, but I'm not 100% sure. But I did pull this clip out. It's kind of, I guess, like boosting us with us having this podcast. But it was so nice to hear because sometimes do I feel like sometimes I'm talking into a void, like the noise out there actually listening Other than us, and it's nice when it's like I'm going to just go into the clip and you will hear it for yourself.

Speaker 2:

And the biggest, like Lisa and I pay to keep this podcast and it's to help us and others just feel less alone and talking about these things. It's just so helpful. I realized at I didn't really even realize in the beginning what we were doing, and it wasn't until episode four when we had guests can come on as a guest, and then we opened up about suicide and I was bawling my eyes out because I'm like someone else is talking about this, someone else is talking about the same feelings I was having and it just it means so much to us to have you guys on here.

Speaker 3:

I just want to start with. What I'm going to say is, a lot of the time, fat phobia comes about because we are judged to be moral failures in some way and being fat you can sound clip me or whatever advertisement being fat is not a moral failing. Being fat is not a moral failing. We are not failures of people because we are fat, and that is part of the reason that it is so freaking hard to to change, and it's also why I find it so uncomfortable to even think about the prospect of putting myself out there, like being here now. I feel like I'm amongst friends. I feel like having this conversation is giving me something that is filling the hole in my soul right now. So I'm so happy that I could be here and I'm so happy that we're talking about these things. You're going to make me cry, stop.

Speaker 1:

Wait, I'm sitting here like wait, this is what we do, this twice a week and it's just like ah, I'm going to stop, Okay I'm.

Speaker 3:

I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not at all.

Speaker 2:

No, don't be sorry.

Speaker 3:

So and this is so important that we talk about these things, because not only like people need to know we're human beings and we have feelings and we're not monsters, you know like.

Speaker 2:

So what I really loved about that clip was when she was talking about it being well simple things but being a safe space, and that is something that we strive for and that just felt so nice to hear that come out of someone's mouth towards us. But also everything that she was saying about fat phobia and you know, it's just. It really hit and I have been thinking about that clip like that be even being a clip that thinks I don't have the recordings and I wanted to make it a clip. This whole time I keep forgetting to tell you, but I kept remembering that part in that episode is like that really hit me. Everything that she said there and I absolutely loved it, and everything that everyone said on there was so amazing. Just having a group of people talking about a shared experience and like even though, lisa, you don't take Osempic, like you've been there right with me, like me bitching about it or talking about the frustrations with it and everything.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I feel like also it was very eye-opening for you as being someone that has considered it. You know and and yeah it was a also I've had a very back and forth relationship with it being for weight loss or whatnot, and so it was really nice hearing it come from the perspectives of people that are taking it for weight loss. I'm and I think I was the only one in that one that was taking it for diabetes, but I think that there were people that have the the diagnosis of pre-diabetes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, that was you know what. Oh God, now I wish I could go back in time and take back what I said. You know, it was actually a pretty good year. I think I'm just down in the dumps, you know, because, like, I think of all the things that I had planned for this year and that I didn't get to accomplish, and the fact that in six well, no, it's like seven months I'm going to be 40, and not that life ends at 40. It's just, I had a lot of it's like the Phoebe episode.

Speaker 2:

I had a lot of things I wanted to do before I was 40. And I feel like I'm going to find out that I'm 41.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get that feeling.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I get that feeling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, that being said, we have goals that we wrote to ourselves one year ago. Have you looked no, I have not. I haven't looked at all either. Red and done goals and wishes, and they all still have the blue thing beside them. Oh, we sent. I sent mine on Christmas or New Year's Eve. You sent yours on New Year's Day but then sent a new one on the.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I did.

Speaker 2:

And all I can see is, chris, if you're seeing this, I am redoing my goals and wishes. Lol, do you want me to just open them, Do?

Speaker 1:

you want to open mine, I open yours. Um, I'll, oh, what do you want to do?

Speaker 2:

Open each other Because of this. How about I go into your first one and then go into your second one?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, go into my first I have. I don't even remember doing that, that's so you want to do yours first or mine first?

Speaker 2:

I'll do yours first, because you have two.

Speaker 1:

I'm super like paranoid to read yours, because last year you got hella bummed. Oh you were so bummed and then it was like well, retry, Try again next year.

Speaker 2:

Okay, oh, my goodness, okay. So do you want to know both of yours? Did you want to know, like your, only your second one, because I think your second one.

Speaker 1:

I want to know both.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so for anybody who joined like partway through the year real quick, um. Basically I started this thing with my friends. My face is like so bright because of the silly thing here. We started, um. Um. We started the thing with my friends like years and years and years ago, where we would all write down three wishes and three goals. And basically the difference between a wish and a goal is like a goal is something that you have control over, that you want to do or have happen, um, and then wishes is like it's out of your control, but this is what you would like, um, so you write three for the year, um, and so we did it last year and then we redid it for this year. We wrote our goals and wishes at the start slash, end of last year, started this year, um, and now we are opening them for the first time since we've emailed them to ourselves. We literally just stick them in a folder and then not even look at that folder all year until this episode. So I don't remember what I wrote.

Speaker 2:

I wrote it like 12 months ago, so I don't really remember either.

Speaker 1:

We get to find out, and then we think about it for the month of December, and then we do it again, and then we have this episode at the end of next year, and that's what this is. So, chris, what did I do, or what was I supposed to do, that I may have not done, that you changed two weeks later. Yeah, so the first email, first this was your goals.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, an average of 5000 steps each week. I almost did that. I think I might have 50% of the credit card paid off.

Speaker 1:

That did happen and then it didn't happen.

Speaker 2:

Eat vegetables with every meal. That didn't stick to All right, your wishes. Okay, I think I might not be able to read the second one, but I'll blank it out for people at home. So the first one is Harper stays happy all the time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, she is happy.

Speaker 2:

Every time you send me a photo she has the for all of you out there. She is the cutest freaking baby ever. Best smile I've ever seen. She's so cute. I am so sorry you don't get to see it.

Speaker 1:

I heard somebody at work yesterday or on yeah, yesterday actually told me that I should have more babies, because we make such cute babies. You do, you should.

Speaker 2:

You would have. They're going to be like models. Oh my goodness, you guys are so tall. You guys are so tall, you're going to have model kids.

Speaker 1:

The second one is Okay, just so everybody knows the second one didn't happen.

Speaker 2:

moving on it wasn't really a you thing anyway. Yeah, yeah, okay. And then you wrote as a side note I do not want to make an official goal for a wait. I would like to reach as I do not. I do not to be discouraged if, when, I don't reach it within a certain amount of time. There this year, I'm dedicated to putting my health first. A goal without a plan is just a wish. By the way, I read that differently when you were talking earlier and I read a goal without pain is just a wish.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

You are not the person I thought you were. My current plan is go for a walk every day, workout every three days Monday, wednesday, friday, have vegetable focused meals and track your calories.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm not going to lie I did pretty good like I stayed on track up until like the end of August and then went through what we talked about last week. And now I'm talking about getting back on track and it's like I didn't stay on track in the way that I had planned, but like I still lost like 60 pounds this year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you did.

Speaker 1:

And that's me talking about going back to the 20 or whatever it was that I'm just that, you know what I mean. Like I almost had 100 pounds lost. It makes me realize next year I can lose 100 pounds. You know, like I can hit that mark next year, because I almost did it this year and I haven't gained all that way back from this year.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, yeah. So your second email says Chris, if you're seeing this, I am redoing my goals and wishes. I already forgot what my other ones were and I figured we're still in January. So here we go. It was two weeks later. It really was Dumb bitch, but the I actually like these goals better. Nice, okay, I think you were being nicer to yourself. Goals Okay, love myself again.

Speaker 1:

I did, and then I didn't, and then I almost do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so you're getting there. Yeah, and the year is not over yet. It's a roller coaster.

Speaker 2:

By the end of moving, you'll be like I love my muscles.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

To improve on my productivity around the house.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I did, I mean look how clean it is these days.

Speaker 1:

It did. You know what I did today? I cleaned out my drain.

Speaker 2:

Oh nice, the one that I threw my ring down, no different drain, which, by the way, can't find it. I wore it to the Christmas party, can't find it. Yeah, I'm pretty upset about it. I'm sure it's here somewhere, but I'm pretty pissed right now.

Speaker 1:

What? This ring went down my bathroom sink and Chris was like no, no, no, don't worry about it. And like the guys in the house were like no, we're going to get your ring. And now she's like lost it again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you guys need to understand I never wear this ring because of how expensive it is. Like never wear it. And yeah, the last two times it's just it wants to fly off my fingers. It's because it was bigger, like it would actually fit my fingers before. Now it comes off really easily, right, right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Where's the thumb ring? Anyways, I'm sure it's somewhere. Don't tell your dad, don't let him listen to this episode.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'll get right on that.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to get it, I'm going to get it, I'm going to get it, I'm going to get it, I'm going to get it, I'm going to get it. They took the drain apart to get it Cause, like the thing that you guys need to understand that I wasn't freaking out. I was like, no, you guys don't bother, but in my, in my head, and I was saying it out loud I'm like it's a thousand dollar ring, it's a thousand dollar ring.

Speaker 2:

I never, I didn't pay that, just so that you'll know. I did not fucking pay that, but it was a thousand dollar ring, yeah. But I'm like, don't worry, I'm not like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I'm like dude, I don't, I'm not gonna be free anymore.

Speaker 2:

It's a matter of no, it was a different drain in my house. Yeah, that's where this would Okay. Yeah, what was my last call your third?

Speaker 1:

goal Pay off 25% of the credit card you want. That's more accurate. You know what I do an okay with it. I've been making regular payments.

Speaker 2:

It's not where I want to be, but you know what I'm better than I was. Want to know your wishes. Yeah, I reach under 300 pounds For wishes. Yes, ok.

Speaker 1:

I was four pounds away from that.

Speaker 2:

You were Mm-hmm. The second one is promotion at work goes through. Ah, that didn't happen, ah, ah.

Speaker 1:

But I did not get the. I didn't get the promotion that was supposed to happen.

Speaker 2:

But you got a better job. But I did get a different position. I mean not a better one, but a better, you know yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I still, I still moved forward in my career, exactly yeah. That's why I was like it's a good thing, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

OK me, what was the last one? You only said two of them.

Speaker 2:

No, they only had two.

Speaker 1:

I only had two wishes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We only had two in the first one too.

Speaker 1:

Oh, did I.

Speaker 2:

The second one that you didn't answer.

Speaker 1:

Oh right.

Speaker 2:

You did answer, but you didn't Slacker slacker.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's see what Chris said about stuff.

Speaker 2:

I'm probably, I probably didn't do any of it.

Speaker 1:

Ooh, you have a secret note to self At the end, let me know if you want to read it. If you want me to probably know it, ok, I'll read it out and then if you don't want it in, but just so everybody knows there was a secret. So three goals Number one be under 300 pounds. Not sure, not sure if I'm going to use the scale or not this year. I might, I might gel on it for MWM purposes, but might not look If I don't look. Look a door doing this. Maybe you what?

Speaker 2:

That's what it says.

Speaker 1:

If I don't, look, look a door doing this maybe I don't know what I was trying to say there.

Speaker 2:

I have no idea Maybe. But the MWM that was for the medical weight management program. Yeah, but I haven't really gone on the scale that much. And no, I did not get under 300 pounds. I was trying very hard to read that without looking at what the next one is.

Speaker 1:

Well, the next one is go on a new big hike plus do gross grind again under three hours and 30 minutes.

Speaker 2:

God, well, you know, this year was the year of my boot on my foot and then constant knee pain because of that boot. Yeah yeah, so that was just and I'm not actually mad about it, it's I had an injury and that's just actually a goal that is going to be for next year anyway. So, I had something I couldn't prevent.

Speaker 1:

Number three is go on a vacation by myself. I did, you did, I went to see you, I was here.

Speaker 2:

I did something and I actually went to Toronto again just for one day that was weird. But yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wishes to save $5,000. The reason this is a wish? Because the economy is complete crap and unpredictable right now. Amen.

Speaker 2:

That was before the economy even got as bad as it did.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, no, I didn't save.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

My account is actually minus.

Speaker 1:

Number two is horrible, with what we just said on the previous episode. Number two spend more time with friends.

Speaker 2:

I really did not think I spent a lot. Oh, I'm so lonely.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and number three, that I finally make the decision to have surgery or not Just make the decision already. It's going to be hard, no matter what opinion you choose or what option you choose.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I guess I did and, like I said, I don't want to do it. It's just not the time right now and I'll reassess it years from now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But it's not on the table anymore. It's OK.

Speaker 1:

Secret note to myself have things changed? If not, are you going to spend another year like this? If they have changed, are you happy?

Speaker 2:

things have changed, so that's good.

Speaker 3:

You know what I was talking about, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was depressed when I wrote that because that was a really bad time for me. Yeah, but I also have to remember that, like. So I'm sorry that none of you are really going to know what I'm talking about there. You can come up with whatever you want. I really don't care. Make your own drama.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was so depressed for so long and that had a really big impact on it. As well as that, you know, on their own is a dumbass. Yeah, I think that also putting in like the effort on my mental health has been helping and being more communicative and everything. So very different place that I'm in this year now than I was last year. I was fucking depressed. Yeah, I think I had just been diagnosed finally with my stress fracture after like so many months of just being in pain and not knowing why.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I do remember that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so now that's it, we're close. That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I actually thought that I would have put that I wanted to buy a car, but that was the year before, but I thought I did that again.

Speaker 1:

I know I'm yeah. Now I'm like what am I going to put for this year?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we have to make ones before the year wraps up, but we have. We have a good month to do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe I'll be dumb and redo it again.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm gonna. I'm gonna you know what I liked, especially in your second one and in my first one, that not everything had to do about our weight.

Speaker 1:

Yes there's other things in life you know.

Speaker 2:

I think it's just like maybe we feel obligated sometimes because we have a podcast called the waiting room, in fact, girl therapy, you know, and it's it's like that's what we're, that's what we're bringing here. Like I feel like some people that come here, like I feel like you get a lot, like people get to know a lot about us, but you know that's what we come here to talk about, you know. So it's of course, our goals are going to have that in it, but it's also like me and you just making our goals with each other that we're going to read, and they really don't have to be just wait, focus there is so much more to this journey.

Speaker 2:

Fucking sleep focus. You know like I'm getting sleep now. I'm happy. I'm going to cut out my sugar, though that should be a definite goal.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of sleep, I should probably sleep soon, because it is nine o'clock here and I have to be at the gym at 430.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, oh my goodness, that's so exciting. Yeah, I guess we won't know until next year what happened.

Speaker 1:

Or if you follow me on tiktok. I'll probably post about it at some point, maybe I don't know. Also, you know what I realized. I'm moving, so my near way in and my scale is not working. I'm not going to have a final one, are you?

Speaker 2:

going to? Are you going to move Tom Nook? Oh yeah, Tom, your bathroom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Tom Nook's coming. Yeah, he'll be. He's along for the journey.

Speaker 2:

I feel like he's a staple of your bathroom, like everyone that was like such a big thing. Is that Tom Nook?

Speaker 1:

I fully believe that cross stitch belongs in a bathroom. If you don't have a piece of cross stitch in your bathroom, like your bathroom's incomplete.

Speaker 3:

I had.

Speaker 1:

I have one, two, three, four pieces of cross stitch in my bathroom. I used to have five, but I took one of them down.

Speaker 2:

I don't have any cross stitch, but I did just put up a new piece of like art in my bathroom. It's one that I got at Walmart. It was on for $19 and it's. My mom didn't believe me, but it's just like this big rock. And then there's a little bit of rock on the outside. I was like, oh my God, that's Johnson's Canyon. And my mom's like it's a picture of a rock. And I'm like, yeah, it's Johnson's Canyon. And she's like how do you know that? I'm like because I lived near there. I'm like that's Johnson's Canyon.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, but I have a picture of it when it's all there's ice all around it and she's like, okay, and it was on for like 19 from 34s. I'm like, yeah, it's my new bathroom. I got really tired. Remember those decals I put up of the? You might not. It was like dandelions. Do not get decals off of Sheehan. No one shops at Sheehan anymore. I get that, but this is back when I did it ripped the paint off. I was so upset, but I think also our paint sucks. This apartment building sucks Like I can hear the downstairs neighbors stomping, which is very bizarre. Anyway, merry Christmas, happy Holidays, happy.

Speaker 2:

Anything that you celebrate Happy New Year. We are going to miss you all and we don't know when we're coming back, but we will be back next year, yeah maybe with a website.

Speaker 1:

I'm so tired.

Speaker 2:

I was like that was a cough.

Speaker 1:

I'm so tired, chris, as you can see, I'm literally pulling my hair out here.

Speaker 2:

But now you have all the time in the world Just kidding. I'm kidding, she's moving. Oh my God, the look of death I just got.

Speaker 1:

We need to cancel the podcast Listen the amount of times Brandon has pushed my buttons today. I'm just like so done with him, so done with him. And like he said something today and he just turns to mom and he was like worth a shot. And I'm like how worth it, was it exactly?

Speaker 3:

Like, oh my.

Speaker 1:

God, I love him, but I just some days, you know. Anyways, okay, I'll talk to y'all next year.

Speaker 2:

Bye, I was waiting for that.