The Weighting Room Podcast

Fat Girl Therapy 35: Tripping Over Thirty with Foodie Finds and Workout Whines

Chris & Lisa

Ever catch yourself sharing a laugh with your favorite podcast hosts as if they were old friends in the room? That's the type of intimate, candid banter we bring to the table this week as we traverse the tangled web of personal growth and the paradox of aging. Tune in for a heartwarming yet comical journey through the quirks of turning 30, from clinging to a cherished sweater that's seen better days to embracing the stair climber's brutal embrace.

This episode isn't just a trip down memory lane; it's a buffet of contemporary conundrums and triumphs. We dissect the weekend's dietary debacles and champion the Ninja Foodie slow cooker as our newest kitchen ally in the quest for balanced nutrition. As we swap tales of fashionable faux pas and the evolving plus-size clothing scene, we invite you to contemplate the intersection of body image, personal style, and the thrill of finally finding workout gear that doesn't scream "business casual."

Rounding out our eclectic discussion, we delve into the gym supplement galaxy, from pre-workout tingles to the muscle-mending magic of amino acids. Keeping pace with technology, we compare the merits of our Apple Watches and Fitbit devices, celebrating the little victories they record and the motivation they muster. And because we cherish the connection with you, we're eager for your input on future topics that spark joy and intrigue. So, whether you're powering through a workout or kicking back with a cuppa, join us for an episode that promises laughter, relatability, and maybe even a toe cramp anecdote to keep things interesting.

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Disclaimer: We are not Medical professionals and all views and opinions are our own.

Speaker 1:

Hi, how's it going?

Speaker 2:

Okay, I was going to say pretty good, and then I'm like it's not pretty good. It's good, it's all right. I just downed a McChicken meal.

Speaker 1:

Not the.

Speaker 2:

McRib, and there's a McRib on the side that I have not really had because I am I am, but I really wanted to try the McRib but then I kept remembering I'm like I don't think I actually like it because I always remember it's too saucy. I'm not, I like dry rub instead, Right, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

So on Friday I did a. I guess we can call them weigh-in videos because that's kind of what they are, but I've been calling them recap videos of the last week and I always struggle with tracking on weekends. And again, I could have tracked yesterday and I can track them freaking McChicken meal today, but I just don't. I don't open up the app, I don't put my Apple watch on, I don't go for a walk. This bright light it is so sunny outside today. It is the clearest day that we have had in weeks.

Speaker 2:

Us too, like the sky is blue.

Speaker 1:

We had not a single cloud in the sky. It was gorgeous.

Speaker 2:

And I'm not out in it. I decided it's a couch day again and it really makes me sad because I'm the only one stopping myself Like there's nothing getting in my way and I don't. I don't say anymore that it's just laziness. I just I don't know. I don't really know what it is that's stopping me. Yeah, I don't know. Sorry, that just did not have a conclusion, because I don't feel that I'm lazy, there's just something stopping me, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Do you? Know, let's start with that.

Speaker 2:

My name's Chris.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying 40 and five months.

Speaker 2:

That being said, you just turned 30.

Speaker 1:

I just turned 30.

Speaker 2:

We get to be in the 30s together for five months and two days.

Speaker 1:

No 40s. That is I. It's still. I don't feel like I'm 30. You know what I mean. But then sometimes my like someone will say something and I'll just be like, yeah, I'm definitely 30.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. What were Rams and I doing the other day where I said that I can't remember, but I was just like I, I, I feel like I'm in my 20s sometimes, but then sometimes something happens and I'm like, oh my God, I'm not. Yeah, yeah, you know what's actually funny? This sweater I bought.

Speaker 1:

I was looking at that sweater Back in 2007.

Speaker 2:

It's pretty like I don't have clothes that like I've had for that long, because I've lived like such a like a life where I'm just constantly going and packing up and throwing stuff away, but this I had kept in the trunk that my friend held on to for 12 years.

Speaker 1:

Right, right.

Speaker 2:

And it's super ripped, but it has such good memories Like it's a place I used to party at. It's a hostel and a bar underneath for everyone out there, it's the Cambie and I used to party there so much. And then one day I'm like, oh no, I want a sweater to remember these times. And every time I put it on I'm like, oh my God, I just remember standing in the rain and like my flat shoes, like waiting to get in there.

Speaker 2:

And then finally just giving the guy 10 bucks at the door to let me in the side door.

Speaker 1:

I didn't want to give 10 bucks, though Always, always wearing flats, I never wore heels growing up because it was so tall, yeah, and then I was also bigger. So it was like there's no way I'd have the balance for this, because for whatever reason in my head I don't know if it was a balance or like I was just afraid I would break a heel or what, but I could just never wear heels.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah. I loved wearing like wedges sometimes but it was if I was going to a fancy party and stuff.

Speaker 1:

But I just watched that happen. Yeah, I dropped my chapstick for everyone out there, yeah, but it was like chapstick side down onto yeah, and all I get that goes like yeah, there's cat hair on that now.

Speaker 2:

That's exactly what I thought.

Speaker 1:

And then I went and put it on anyway. Yeah, that's what you do. You just keep going.

Speaker 2:

You know, I came across that clip where you were putting it like underneath your nose.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what the?

Speaker 2:

hell are you doing? That was really funny. That's like years ago now.

Speaker 1:

I know we've been at this for a long time Too long, too long, or just long enough or too short.

Speaker 2:

You know, randomly though, I did think in my head today. I was like I wonder when the end will be.

Speaker 1:

I thought that over the weekend I was like what if I just text her? And said, no, I didn't want to, but it was just like you know, when, like your brain has those thoughts where it's just like, it's just such a bad thought that it's like you don't know but it's not like it's not you, it's not like you have bad thoughts your brain just all of a sudden goes like hey, you could totally just swerve in front of that car, in front of you and it's just like no brain.

Speaker 2:

No, you can't Like yeah, like I don't really know how long we will go on with this and, like you know, I feel like it did change a little, obviously after Harper, because like, yeah, you're on time limits and stuff now.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's just like a part of me even went like I could. It's just so funny that you say that, because I literally thought the same thing. I'm like I could text Lisa right now and just say I don't want to do it, and then I. But then I was like that's going to carry on and I'm like we're going to silently just end this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it would just be like nah, I'm not joining, no, I'm not, I can't, no, I can't. To be fair, the only reason I like the times that I have said that I can't like thus far for this season, as we're recording episode two. So but the only reasons I've said it is because I am just physically and mentally exhausted and I just I really need to get back that, like I don't know, momentum, lifeness, energy, I guess they call it.

Speaker 2:

And I don't think it's fair for like us or the people listening for us to record when we're tired, because I've like with editing, even listening to our episodes where we're tired, I'm like, wow, I'm going to fall asleep. Yeah they're okay, but I don't know. There's just no oomph to them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's one of those things where it's like like before, when I was working on my weight loss journey, like that was the priority. You know what I mean? Like losing weight was the priority. So even when I was going to the gym it had to do with my losing weight, like that was always what the priority was. And then when we made the podcast, like I was still, even though I was trying to lose weight, there wasn't Harper. I was trying to lose weight and I was just working. So it's like the time was there.

Speaker 1:

But now, even though, like, yeah, harper's here and that's a huge time consuming thing, but like I've also had to completely adjust my schedule so that I have time for her and making time for me, which just like, so some stuff just has to be sacrificed. Like unfortunately, it means recording on Sunday sometimes, and a lot of the time it means video games. I used to play video games all the time. All the time I was playing video games, and now that is just not really a thing. I think over the last two weeks I've maybe played three hours of video games. Like it's just non-existent compared to what it used to be, but it's not just because of Harper either.

Speaker 1:

Like this time with my weight loss journey, it's not just about weight loss. Like I'm really focusing on just like being the best version of me. So it's like I am trying to get more sleep, I am showering more, I am going to the gym not for weight loss but because I actually really like it. Like there's just it's not about how I look in the mirror. This time it's not about the number on the scale, it's just about, like taking care of myself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I hear you. Yeah, that's I like that I, when I film the weigh in thing on Fridays, it's like I sometimes forget and I'm like, oh yeah, no, I'll do the scale, but I'm not going to lie. This last time doing the scale, like and I said it in my video it took me a minute to process it because I was like it went down 0.6 of a pound.

Speaker 2:

So to me it's just like maintaining and I was like I put in so much effort the last two weeks. But I have to think of it in the way of well, I'm probably building muscle back up in my legs because those things were like depleted because I didn't have a job where I walked around much last year and then the year before I had that stress fracture and I wasn't moving.

Speaker 2:

So, and even if it's not muscle whatever, like you know, I just I got to stop thinking about it because I'm happy, I'm moving my body more, I'm making time to go to the gym and I'm being mindful of the food going into my body, just like today I was mindful of the fact that I was eating McDonald's.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The weekends have been rough, though, like I will say. That's one thing I wish I could change. It's just the minute the weekend hits, I'm so exhausted from working and you know like. But what was my excuse when I wasn't working? It was oh well, rams is off, and like we can just spend time together, rather than me being in the kitchen, even though being in the kitchen wouldn't take that long, or if I meal prepped or put the slow cooker on. So I think I'm just actually like I am finding excuses to not stick to my plan and I just really want to work through that.

Speaker 2:

Weekends are hard for me and I want to figure out weekends.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's fair. I feel like progress, oh so sorry.

Speaker 2:

I feel like progress would go further though, like if I was more mindful on weekends. I don't feel like it's. I don't look at it as though, like you're putting in all this work and, oh, it all went to waste because of the weekend. I don't look at it that way. I just wish that. I don't want to be 100% on. I'm going to allow myself to have the takeout or whatever, not all the time, but I just wish I could regulate it better.

Speaker 1:

It's the 80, 20. Yeah, yeah, I, yeah. One thing that always kind of stuck with me, with that kind of mentality too, especially the 80, 20, is like so the zigzag calorie counting. I've talked about that in the past how it's like I'll take a little bit off of my calories each week so that I could have a little bit more on the weekends, but sometimes, like, my weekends just get out of control and I know it's the weekends that are making it, that are that is making it so that the scale isn't going down, kind of thing. Because, like, just like zigzag calorie counting, that you can take stuff off, like if I, if I don't take stuff off through the week, like even though my calories say 1500, and then in my head I'm like, yeah, but I can technically make it to like 2,300 and still be at half a pound loss. And then I get to the weekend and I'm like, yeah, but my calorie counts this weekend was 1500. So I'm okay to eat this extra stuff, but really during the week I didn't have 1500, I still had 2300. That's why I'm not seeing progress on the scale and that's exactly what happened the last two weeks.

Speaker 1:

I did my weigh in on Friday. I didn't post it because I was in a rush. I had some stuff going on on Friday for my birthday. But I did do my weigh in and it actually went up. I can't remember if it was four or six pounds, I want to say four pounds, but I was kind of I'm going to double check that because I want to be accurate here as I'm talking yeah, it was four pounds and went up four pounds and I was kind of just like I just lost eight and now I went up four and one week, like it was in my head. I was just like that's so stupid. But then I started thinking about it. I'm like, okay, first of all, it was my dad's birthday the weekend before and then my birthday this weekend, so you have not been eating the way that you have been the last two weeks. For one and for two, you've been going hard at the gym, which reminds me to come back to my big toe. So I've been going hard at the gym, right. So I'm like, okay, there was probably some muscle building in there. Because, like, yeah, there's probably some muscle building in there. Plus, you haven't been eating like the way you usually do.

Speaker 1:

A game makes sense, but let's not, and I didn't want to stress that about it too, because I had like that eight pound drop in a month. But for that, and realistically, for me to stick with my goal for this year, I really only need to lose four pounds a month. So I'm trying not to stress about it. You know what I mean. Like well, it's not that I'm not trying, I'm not stressing about it because I just ate more junk this weekend because it was my birthday. But I said, like Sunday morning I'm getting back on track, I'm going back to calorie counting. Like I didn't track this week. But then it was like Sunday this morning came and I'm like, nope, get back on it, get back to tracking, get the Costco and buy your vegetables for your salad. Like you have to do this and it has to be this like 80-20 ratio thing for me. Anyways, that's what works best for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, the zigzag thing, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

There was something I was going to say. I got a new slow cooker today.

Speaker 2:

Oh, nice. Oh, before you get onto that Sure Big toe, oh okay, I'll come back to the big toe.

Speaker 1:

So, because I got a new slow cooker today. So I wanted to get a new slow cooker because the one I have right now is Crock-Pot brand but it has a dial. It doesn't have buttons, so I never felt safe like leaving the house with it on right Because it's a dial. So it's just always on high or always on low. It doesn't flip to warm, it's always cooking blah, blah, blah. So wasn't a fan of that. I only ever used it while I was at home. I got a new one today that it does allow it to like cook for however long you want it to cook and then it just flicks to warm, which I'm so excited about. But I didn't get Crock-Pot brand, I got a Ninja Foodie. What's it called Ninja Foodie? Possible cooker is what it's called.

Speaker 2:

Is that the one that's also like a pressure cooker? No, not a pressure cooker.

Speaker 1:

But it was like 14 appliances and one or something like that. It sears and sautees and steams and bakes and you can proof bread. I'm never gonna make bread, but it can do it. That's cool. My favorite part was like so I don't like pot roast, but my husband loves pot roast and I just made it for the first time in the crock pot, maybe a few weeks ago, and he was like this is the best I've ever had, blah, blah, blah. So I used a big like most people would use, like a cast iron pan. But I don't have a cast iron pan, I just use like one of those big I don't know frying pan kind of things and I seared it on all sides, the roast, and then I put it into the crock pot. This allows you to sear and then turn it onto slow cook, so I don't have to use multiple pots, and all of the juices and everything that you just seared it in stays in the slow cooker.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited and the thing comes out and can go in your oven. So if you like make pasta and like top it with cheese, you can put it in your oven up to I think it was 500 degrees. So that's cool.

Speaker 2:

That's so cool. I've always wanted a ninja foodie I had. I think, that's what it says. Ninja foodie right.

Speaker 1:

This is a ninja foodie. So ninja foodie is like their brand, cause they have like a ninja, which is the brand, and then you have like ninja blenders and then like the ninja foodie is like their cooking appliances. So this one is the ninja foodie. Possible cooker is what it's called.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I want one of those and I also really want an Instapot because those people that make those freezer meals and put it in the Instapot. They have all their stuff. They prove like there's this woman. I downloaded her thing. I haven't read it yet, but it's like she does 30 freezer meals, like for she did a few weeks, a whole month? Yes, and then she puts it in the fricking whatever I just said.

Speaker 1:

Instapot and it's done in four minutes, I know.

Speaker 2:

I know I need this thing.

Speaker 1:

I had an Instapot, stayed in the box.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I never even used it, oh no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like it's one of two ways. You either just want to make your meals and have it done right then, or you cook it for eight hours. Well, you know what I mean and I'm an eight hour cooker.

Speaker 2:

One of my most amazing followers on TikTok sent me a dehydrator a year ago and I used it to make and I still do like with, like banana chips or something like that and like kale chips, but I'm dying to try and make some beef jerky but I'm just waiting for some beef to be on sale.

Speaker 2:

And then I really have to figure out how to do it properly, because my dad and I used to make like caribou jerky, because he would bring caribou home from none of it where he worked and it was so good. But we used to do it in the oven and then prop it open a little bit, like to anyway. So I feel like that the dehydrator would be easier, but I'm also just worried because, like, if you don't do it long enough and it still has a bit of moisture in it, then it can go bad and I don't know. It just kind of freaks me out. But I'm going to try it soon. I'm looking right at it. I'm like I'm going to get you, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You are mine.

Speaker 2:

I need a bigger kitchen, though. I have so many appliances that I like love using, but not enough counter space.

Speaker 1:

I know, I was like I'm getting this in Brandon's, like okay, but then you need to throw your slow cooker, like my crock pot, and I was like I want to keep it for a month just to make sure that I actually like this thing and then if I don't like it, or if I like it, then we'll get rid of the slow cooker. But yeah. Um on it. Oh yeah, Unless you want to, you go. I'll remember big toe at this point.

Speaker 2:

No, I was going to change the topic, so I'll change it to big toe.

Speaker 1:

No, you, let's change yours and let's see how long we can remember big toe, and everybody can just stay in anticipation of what my story is about big toe.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say I mentioned it on TikTok. I don't think I, because we haven't recorded in a couple of weeks, but I still have a lot of.

Speaker 1:

I loved your TikTok, by the way, the one that you were talking about with what's his face with Ben. Oh, yeah, well, I loved that TikTok. I know it's like an emotional and like kind of sucks for you, but I it spoke to me on many levels.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. I really hope that people stayed to the point where I was like nothing has happened, like I'm not, I'm okay right now, I'm just. I was just having a fed up moment, um, honestly, like because it kept happening and uh, but that was not what I was going to talk about.

Speaker 1:

You were talking about. It was something else on TikTok, a different video, I think.

Speaker 2:

Actually, this was not what I was going to talk about at all. I was going to talk about Sarah. Oh, okay, I was going to talk about um, how, in the video before that one, I was talking about hanging out with Sarah and whatnot. Um, and we might end up doing like a group event, a group walking event, but we got together last Sunday and we went for sushi and then we ended up going for a walk in the park for like 40 minutes. I was so mad I forgot my Apple watch.

Speaker 1:

I know Chris texts me the next day and she's like which, I still haven't gotten any of the badges from those. I don't know what happens with my watch, but all it does is it shows Um, if I go to the bottom here I might know it won't blur it out, See how it goes gray. So it's showing that I should have them, but it won't actually give me the badges and I don't know why.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you have to win it. I did bitch, oh, I did yes, not with you.

Speaker 1:

I didn't notice Because you walk so much at work, but I, sammy, oh, one of them I did win. It's saying victory over our one friend, victory over you, and then victory over my mom, and then the fact that I've done a competition, but it doesn't show that I have the badges. It just goes like this. And then it's like you earn this when blah, blah, blah and I'm like bitch, I did that Like give me my reward. It did this the other day I say the other day, but it was like a few months back, um, and it was like complete a reward or complete a workout today and you get this bonus reward Because it was like some special holiday and you still worked out or something like that.

Speaker 1:

And I worked out, did the full time, didn't get it. I don't know if my watch is just outdated and I need to know watch or what, but Anyways, you were talking about you and Sarah. Oh, and that's what I was saying was how Chris texted me like a couple of days later and was like how do I add a workout to this so that it could go towards that? And I'm like you can't and like I was trying to be nice about it, because I've been in that position and it sucks, but at the same time we were in a competition, so it's like Well, next time we use Fitbit.

Speaker 2:

So that's you know. When you were comparing Apple and Fitbit, that should have been one comparison. Remember how long ago.

Speaker 1:

That was, oh my God, that was a whole. I don't even have a Fitbit anymore.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow. I don't know if you've noticed if you get updates of other people's workouts, but I've been trying the stair climber at the gym Three minutes. I'm at three minutes max. Unfortunately, I recorded seven minutes the other day but I was like no for those minutes. I was on the floor. I just I forgot to press end. I only have three minutes right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I wouldn't say I'm going to be like positive about it. I wouldn't say only three minutes, because it's three minutes more than he used to do and I would not be able to do three minutes.

Speaker 2:

To be fair, it also says that in that three minutes I did 10 flights of stairs and I'm like that's a lot to like. That is a lot. You had a constant pace, like not stopping.

Speaker 1:

I'm terrified of the Stairmaster. Oh, but I did do chin ups, assisted chin ups. That was so freaking exciting.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, you did, I saw that. Yeah, that was awesome, it was yeah. Yeah, that's great, that's a huge goal.

Speaker 1:

My arms were dying afterwards, but it was totally worth it.

Speaker 2:

I do think that I'm going to switch from the Stairmaster, though, and do regular stairs, because my building at work is four stories and I can practice the way that my physiotherapist taught me to walk upstairs, whereas with that machine, I noticed me mostly only using my calf muscles. And it does eventually start hurting my knee, so I think I will just try and do regular stairs.

Speaker 1:

Do you not Like? Is it like okay, you know how you can push a belt on a treadmill without it on, so is it like that Like, will it start moving when I go to step on, or will it not move until you hit go?

Speaker 2:

The ones that we have are just like the two steps, whereas the ones at the gym that I like or like it looks like an escalator and I really like that one. But yeah, it does start moving. So you just kind of have to be walking and just press quick start, like that's. What I do is quick start and then adjust it Like.

Speaker 1:

I don't even like escalators at the mall.

Speaker 2:

But the one that I'm stepping on is one where each one of your feet go that one right when you stand on it. Both of them go right down to the floor, so it's like you have to pick your foot up and try and get back up there, right?

Speaker 1:

So you're using the stepper, not the stair master, or are you using the stair master? This?

Speaker 2:

the step, not like the one that looks like an escalator.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah the stepper, I can use the escalator. One terrifies me. I want to be able to. I want to be like, yeah, I use the stair master. But when I see people get on the stair master, I'm like, damn, you are a brave soul, like stair master, people scare me, not because they're scary but because they could take me in a fight. I'm sure of it. I am sure of it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you know what I actually really want to play you, this TikTok. I'm gonna take permission to put it on here. This is Lindsay. Where is it Lindsay? At Fantastical Fatty. But it made me think of you and like we've actually had this discussion before, so we've actually had this discussion before, so I'm gonna hopefully it'll play through the microphone. I'll add it in later. Okay, I know, there's no such thing as dressing your age anymore.

Speaker 1:

That's not a thing, right? But I also just made this pretty interesting connection as to why I am so repulsed by things like towel necks or just certain fashion pieces that I see that look bold, and it's because if you grew up in a bigger body, you were forced to wear older people style and like business casual.

Speaker 2:

Like as a kid, as a teen. You're like don't you Like when I'm dressing?

Speaker 1:

I'm like a 60 year old accountant. I'm 15. Like I can't, I can't, I can't, I will dress like a 15 year old as a 44 year old now. I'm pretty old now. It just made me laugh so hard.

Speaker 2:

Cause I was like, yeah, petting tins Like every time I walk in there.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

Like pennington, is so different now oh yeah, literally I would.

Speaker 1:

I just had that conversation with mom because her and I went to penningtons and I got some new workout gear, because I have had a shirt that I have decided at this time to throw out, and I have had this shirt ever since pennington started selling active wear. So I'm talking like I would have gotten this shirt probably. I think this is back when I was doing the whole keto trying to lose weight thing, so that would have been like 2017, 2016. I can't remember if I got it then or if I got it a bit before that. It might have been a bit before that Cause I think the first time I had a gym membership was at Good Life, not the other place, and I started wearing these ones there.

Speaker 2:

But anyways, that doesn't matter.

Speaker 1:

But the point is it was like at least 10 years ago that I have this shirt, and this was when penningtons, when they first started making workout gear. It was like they weren't taking it seriously, like it was literally the vibe of, like fat people aren't working out, so like, let's just slap a cute pattern on top of a cotton t-shirt and call it workout gear. That's what this was, and I have a purple shirt that it's like. It's got like a pattern here. I'm sure if you look on my Instagram, I'm sure you'll see me wearing it because I loved this shirt.

Speaker 1:

But now Penningtons has like real athletic wear that's actually really comfortable and breathable and light and nice and I love it and it's making me realize I actually hate this shirt and it's time to get rid of this shirt. So, oh, actually it's right there on my laundry pile cause I haven't thrown it out yet and I just got these shirts this weekend. But yeah, cause that's what Penningtons was. It was like old lady clothes because, like fat people weren't in the fashion industry at that time. And then when it was like, oh, they want active gear, so let's just give them cotton shirts and that was it Even still to this day?

Speaker 2:

like I've said, I don't dress the style that I love the most, and I never have. I like boho and it's always just been like my favorite.

Speaker 1:

I have no idea what my style would be.

Speaker 2:

Oh okay, I thought you were gonna say you have no idea what my style is.

Speaker 1:

Oh no no, no, no, for myself, I don't even know, because, like I was that and then I was mom, you know what I mean. So it was like I slap on a pair of leggings or yoga pants with a hoodie and call it a day, you know what I mean, Like yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I have so many photos where I'm just wearing hoodies and jeans all the time. Hoodies and jeans.

Speaker 1:

Yep, that was me. Or yoga pants.

Speaker 2:

Or yoga pants, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Cause that was it. That was it. That was cute at that time, because everything else was a sweater that your grandma probably had in her closet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I even got. When I was younger I did get one of my cousins old, like I'd get all her old clothes, but she also had like double F boobs. So I did not, so everything I'm like oh, I'll take this hoodie yeah. Yeah, yeah, but anyway that was that just had me like going down memory lane. I saw that video today and I was like oh my God.

Speaker 1:

I still even remember the jeans skirts.

Speaker 2:

But you know what a lot of people had jeans skirts but mine didn't look like a hip and trendy jeans skirt.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, I get that.

Speaker 2:

I remember being in.

Speaker 1:

I remember being in grade six. I was 12 years old when this happened and I was. I don't know if my friends just weren't there that day or what was going on, I just remember walking by myself and the coat that I was wearing was an old lady coat because I was plus size my entire life. So at 12 years old, like I'm not wearing clothes that 12 year olds were wearing. So I'm walking around the playground by myself and this other kid that was younger than me but not by much, like I'm gonna say like three years younger kind of thing Kid comes up to me and he's just like, excuse me, this kid just did blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, like tattling on the other kid, and I'm just like, okay, but they thought I was a teacher because of how I was dressed.

Speaker 1:

And I'm just like okay, like I don't know what you want me to do about that, like I then realized like well, aren't you supervisor? I'm like no. I'm not supervising anybody, right Like that's just it was how tall I was, and then I was plus size and then I was dressing like a 40 year old, like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Geez, there's. Yeah yeah, the industry just didn't care about us and they still pretty much don't, but like it's getting better, I mean like a little bit not a lot but it's better than it was. Growing up, like I feel like kids these days that are plus size, like they have a bit more of options, but also not really because of fat tax, like seriously, we can't have just, we can't just have average pricing. It has to be so expensive. Sorry, yeah, boo.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, Anyway, on a plus note. Oh my God, I lost my plus note because I'm thinking too much of negative stuff.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking of the joke of plus no being plus size, but that's fine.

Speaker 2:

You know what we haven't talked about yet, though is my big toe Correct?

Speaker 1:

Yes, okay. So Friday night, I get foot cramps and like cramps from time to time. That's not a big deal, but in the middle of the night I wake up shooting pain down my foot and I look and my big toe is sticking up. Stuck sticking up. I could not get it. I'm trying to wiggle my toe, it wouldn't move and it just stayed and it was so much pain and I'm panicking. I'm like what, what is happening? Like I am freaking out. My toe is not moving. So I sit up and I tried to like. It's like as if I'm like going, like like up, like putting my toes up, but it's just my big toe. I can wiggle my other toes, but my big toe would not come back down and I did not know why.

Speaker 1:

I got up and I started pushing my toe back to where it should be, because I'm like what else do you? What do you do at this point? Right, like all I could think was like, did I break my toe? And I didn't realize it. Like what, what is happening here? Right, so I'm like what is happening here? So I I sit up and I tried bending my toe back down and it's like just shooting pain at this point would not go back down. I'm like, oh my God, what I'm like. Do I wake up, brandon Dude? Like at what point of panic should I be at right now? Because I'm like, I feel like at a really high level.

Speaker 1:

So I get out of bed and I put my foot flat except for my toe, obviously, because it's not going anywhere and I use my other foot to push down on my toe and then like twist my ankle to like stretch it out, and it was just like, oh my God, it was so much pain. And then it kind of just stopped being painful, like it was like I was stretching it out, kind of thing. And then I walked a bit and I was okay and I'm like, okay, okay, we're okay. So then I had to go to the bathroom and I'm like I'm just going to Google this real quick while I'm peeing because like what the hell was that so quickly? Look it up and it said toe cramps. I'm like that was just a toe cramp. I'm panicking like this over a toe cramp, because I've had foot cramps and leg cramps before. I've never had a toe cramp.

Speaker 1:

And it was like toe cramps can be caused by dehydration. And I was like, well, I don't dehydration because, like, literally, I drink two liters of water just in the morning while I'm at the gym. So it's like I'm pretty sure I'm not dehydrated today. I'm definitely dehydrated, though, but I'll get back to that in a second. I'm pretty sure I'm not dehydrated. So I don't think that's it. But then it said and if you have been doing more intensive workouts, you might be lacking vitamins such as potassium, magnesium and then a couple other ones. And I was like, oh, that makes sense, because my workouts have been pretty intense as of lately. So I was like, yep, that, that makes a lot more sense. So the next day I bought magnesium and potassium tablets to start taking in the morning with breakfast, because I was like I'm not going through that again.

Speaker 2:

What milligram of magnesium did you get?

Speaker 1:

I just got the lowest dose for both of them because it was I just wanted a bit of a boost and I didn't go get blood work and whatnot done with it. So and I didn't want to take too much, because I get vitamin D for in the winter. But if I take vitamin D every day I start getting hot flashes. So I know I'm okay for vitamin D, these ones. I just got them because of the toe cramp situation kind of thing. So I didn't want, I kind of just wanted the boost. It wasn't necessarily to help those vitamins kind of thing. I can get you the actual numbers though if you want me to go grab them.

Speaker 2:

It's okay, just tell me next time.

Speaker 1:

I'll send you a picture later. But yeah, I just got the lowest doses, I think it was 250. Yeah, I'll have to check them. The other thing I did that was stupid last week was I can't remember if it was last week or the week before actually but I've started taking pre-workout for my workouts, which is probably how they've become so intensely.

Speaker 2:

Can you actually explain that then? Because in that video I was like I'm lost, because I was even trying to read the comments and people were talking about the pre-workout, but then there was this other thing to take, and I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

Speaker 1:

So there's three main. I'm going to call pre-workout a supplement, but it's not really a supplement. So there's like three supplements that are pretty mainstream when it comes to the gym community. I guess I could say four. So the first one is pre-workout, and pre-workout is literally just like caffeine. Basically, it just gives you a boost for your workout, gives you more energy, wants you to keep going. Depending on the ones that you get, though and this goes into the story that I was going to tell I'll tell my story and then I'll come back to that so I've been taking half a scoop of pre-workout, which has been fine for me and my body and everything's fine, but there are side effects, I guess you could say, to pre-workout, depending on which one you get, and one of the side effects would be like you could sweat a lot because your body is like let's just go, go, go, like it's burning energy kind of thing, and I have very tiny sweat glands on my face.

Speaker 1:

So when I sweat on my face, it feels like prick, like it feels like it's pricking, it feels like pins and needles. So the other day I was like I'm going to try a full scoop of pre-workout, because you can do half a scoop and then, once you build up tolerance, you just add a little bit more, add a little bit more kind of thing up to a full scoop. So I was like I'm going to try a full scoop, let's see what happens. My face wanted to sweat, but my sweat glands are so small it couldn't get out. So my face was on fire. It was red, all up here and all in here, like it was like on fire, hot, like so bad, because it wanted to sweat and it couldn't sweat. So I went back to half a scoop after that. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's like let's go back down.

Speaker 1:

So I do like the pre-workout. As I said, it does make me want to keep going and I feel the energy and everything's good. So that's what pre-workout is for. You can get different ones. I am using the Alani New brand because it is zero calories. It also, if you're somebody who does fasting I have read that because it's zero calories and zero sugar and blah, blah, blah that you can take it during fasting, similar to tea and water and coffee. But that's not why I chose it. I just fell in love with the Alani New protein shakes from Costco and that was a brand that I ended up trusting, so it was a brand I decided to use for my pre-workout for the first time. So that's the first thing Pre-workout you take 20 to 30 minutes before your workout so that you get that little bit of an energy boost.

Speaker 1:

The next I'll say two things. You have BCAAs and then you have EAAs, and EAAs are essential amino acids. And then BCAAs are I can't remember what the BC, but it's also amino acids and basically these amino acids are a part of your proteins Like proteins are made up of like 20 different things and your essential. So your EAAs if you take this one, it's hitting nine of those proteins, versus if you take BCAAs, it's only hitting three of those proteins. So and they kind of they help with what's the word that I'm looking for. Like, if you're trying to build muscle, it helps with muscle repair. Usually, it can help you hurt less. I feel like that part is a little bit of a myth, personally, but it does help repair your muscles faster because it's just added proteins. Again, you can get them as zero calories as well.

Speaker 1:

I'm also doing a lot of new, so you can take them before the gym, after the gym or during the gym I have been. So Brandon told me to use the BCAAs, but then, after I did research and everything, I found out I should be using the EAAs, because that one's nine proteins instead of just, instead of just the three. But you know, it's what Brandon was doing before and I was just like, yeah, sure, but I think it's one of those things where it was just like Jim bro to Jim bro to friend to friend, to like, yeah, so I already bought the BCAAs at that point. So I'm going to use it up because it's not, it's not bad for you, it's just that EAAs are better than BCAAs. So I'm going to finish the BCAAs and then I'm going to buy EAAs, but I personally drink my BCAAs while I'm working out.

Speaker 1:

So, instead of water. I have that.

Speaker 2:

Is that not something that people that just do cardio would need? It's more if you're doing strength training.

Speaker 1:

I feel like it would help for both, because even when you're doing cardio, you're still doing a leg workout, you're still moving your arms, you're still definitely working your leg muscles. Personally, I think any kind of muscular movement I would say it's beneficial personally, but I'm not a personal trainer and I'm literally just going off of my own experiences and from what I've, looked up.

Speaker 2:

No, that's great information. I'm definitely going to go to one of those places and look into it. I just want to know a little bit of information before I go in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah. And the last thing that a lot of people say is weight protein as well, because, again, it's just that added protein, but it's protein.

Speaker 2:

That's your key thing there, right, you're adding that into that, or you're drinking these all separately, separately.

Speaker 1:

You can. I mean, you can make a super shake and do it all at the same time if you want. But I personally have my pre-workout before the gym and my BCAAs during the gym. Sometimes I was taking my BCAAs after the gym with my breakfast because I read somewhere that you could have it with carbs, but I was noticing better results while I was working out. And then you're not just drinking water, it's like fruity water while you're working out, and then I personally don't have the weight protein, but I have the protein shakes.

Speaker 2:

I wonder if the I've contemplated pre-workout before, but I wonder if it'll be good for me. It's just that I don't want to be too awake when I get home.

Speaker 2:

I start my shift and then I do my major workout. I'm not major, I'm just doing cardio at the gym. I got to stop saying just I'm doing cardio at the gym and to have that beforehand, because normally once I'm done the gym I feel like my whole body weighs an extra 500 pounds as I'm trying to go and do the rest of my work. So maybe I need that little kick of energy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like it gives me a bit of a boost for like two to three hours kind of thing. Like it's, I drink it, I have my workout, I come home I still have the energy to get Harper ready and unload the dishwasher and blah, blah, blah, and then usually and I have it at like 330 and then usually by about well, I guess, a few more hours than that, because usually by about 637 o'clock I'm like I need a coffee. So I find it more of a boost versus if I have like. Yesterday I had one of my espresso protein shakes, which, oh my God, those are amazing. I had an espresso protein shake last night at like five o'clock and I did not fall asleep yesterday until after 1am.

Speaker 2:

So do you mean just like an espresso in a protein? No, I don't.

Speaker 1:

So I had been making my protein coffees that way. Right, I would use the Premier shake and I would do like a six ounce of coffee or an espresso shot or whatever. Now I have been taking one of the Elani new shakes. At Costco they have the cookies and cream where they have the munchies one. I will take an Elani new shake. I put about a third of it into a cup with ice and then I take espresso powder half a tablespoon of espresso powder and put it into the shake and then put the lid back on and shake it up. Do you mean instant?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Instant espresso powder.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I shake that up and then I add it to the rest of the shake and then stir it up in the cup with ice and it is amazing.

Speaker 2:

What brand is that so good Instant espresso coffee.

Speaker 1:

The one I got mine at PC. This one was PC brand, okay, but you can get it on Amazon. You can get it by who is that big instant coffee one that isn't Maxwell? Okay, no, not that one Begins with an N.

Speaker 2:

Nescafe yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they have espresso powder. There's good to. Okay. Yeah, I highly recommend doing it that way because it's not watered down from the coffee or the espresso, and I prefer the Elani news more than Premiere. Personally, I can actually finish the whole shake with the Premiers. I was only using half a shake anyways whenever I made coffee with it because it was just too thick and too rich, but this now lets me have five extra grams of protein, so it's a little more sugar, but I love it.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to try that out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's good, I recommend.

Speaker 2:

Do you have any goals for this week? Are we doing another Apple Watch competition?

Speaker 1:

Are we? I don't know if it's worth it because I never get a fucking badge. Why don't you even Apple's like scared you?

Speaker 2:

I think that I'm not going to say names of who's in there because I don't know. Yeah, but anyway, even if you want to do one starting tomorrow, I can definitely do that I'm down to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we should send those in. I don't know if it's what their name was going to send one or not, because they also said that on Monday they wanted to do one.

Speaker 2:

I should change my stats, though I think yes, you should.

Speaker 1:

You would log all day and at first we were like everybody let's just all have the same stats. I've been thinking about, let's talk about this together right now, while we're talking. If you don't have an Apple Watch, basically how it works is you have activity rings. I know how Fitbit was a little bit, I don't even remember how it works, but it was different but you have a movement ring which is like how many calories extra that you're burning on top of your BMR, I think, but this is just how many calories from your normal movement. Then you have your exercise ring and then you have your stand ring. These three rings build up your activity. Basically, I currently have my movement set to 450. I just want to see what my average is. Oh damn, I hit over 1,000 on Tuesday. Nice, oh, holy shit, I had 1,400 on Friday.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to switch it to more than 30 minutes of movement, because that is my goal, even when I'm at work. When I'm at work is when I go to the gym and I do exactly 30 minutes of cardio.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I'll do over Exercise. You mean right, you're talking about the exercise ring. Yes, okay, you said movement. That's why I was clarifying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know that it says move goal, but because it says calories, I just think of it as the calorie counter and I don't even like that ring because it's accurate.

Speaker 1:

I know, yeah, I don't take it for calories, I really don't.

Speaker 2:

I'm inviting you to a seven day competition.

Speaker 1:

Okay, my stands have all been over 10 hours. Most of them are close to 15 hours actually. Oh, but that one was until midnight. So I'm going to leave my stand at 10 hours and I'm going to leave my exercise at 30, but my move goal, I am going to change that.

Speaker 2:

People that are at home that don't have a watch are like what are you guys talking about? It's serious. It's actually really awesome. I love seeing it when it's like you have completed all of your rings. I'm like, yes, I'm the ringmaster Change goals.

Speaker 1:

I'm bumping this all the way up to 700.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I find that this has been really motivating because, like being in a competition with you and the two others that are part of this, I've now added Sarah to my watch too, and I want to.

Speaker 1:

I want to, sarah. You can give her my info, yeah.

Speaker 2:

The person that gave me the watch as well, who also is so encouraging, like she'll send me texts and just be like look at you, like woohoo or whatever, and I'm like I love you. And then at work, I have my work bestie and like, honestly, all he has to do is just give me a look when I'm like I don't want to go to the gym, he's like, oh yeah, sure.

Speaker 2:

That's the end of going to the gym together. It's really good. I'm ready to make this week. I was ready to squash some goals. That's literally all I really want to say.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I feel the same after the week that I had last week, like seeing the game, eating like junk, blah, blah, blah. I'm, I'm in the same boat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the thing is. The thing is, is I like I'm going to have to figure out the meal planning or something, because it's going to be more of like a clean your fridge out kind of week, because I've been there, yeah, like it's like it's all just piling up and I do. I do have to make a grocery order order of things. Like we need margarine and like bread and whatnot, but like I still have a big bag of broccoli that will last me longer, I have frozen stuff. Like we even have frozen chicken burgers and like do I want to eat an entire week of frozen chicken burgers? Like no, but like as long as I add it into my calories, like I think that that's a fine thing to have a couple of days, you know.

Speaker 1:

I bought dino nuggies at the grocery store yesterday, nice. So that's for dinner tomorrow Dino nuggies with steamed broccoli and sidekicks.

Speaker 2:

Do you know that sounds so good Do?

Speaker 1:

you know what?

Speaker 2:

makes me so sad, though I did an Instacart order last weekend from Costco and I ordered one of those big things of the already sliced, of already cheese.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I went and took one out and I ripped it in half and I started eating it. And then I looked down at the other piece and there was a piece of blue on it and I'm like, oh my God, did I eat mold? And then I took out the whole package and the entire thing was filled with mold and we had only had it for like three days at that point.

Speaker 2:

And the expiration date was way later. The next day I go to make toast. Is that blue on the bread? And now I'm like how is this happening? And it was something else as well in the fridge. Oh, our mushrooms, they were moldy. They were moldy. I'm like is there something going on? But it doesn't make sense. At first I was like, oh my God, there's something in our fridge that's making this happen. But the bread wouldn't have done it too. So I'm like right, how did this guy store it? Or like what happened in?

Speaker 2:

the time that it took him to get to my house. But I don't really I don't blame the driver, I just think it's a very weird coincidence, but there's nothing Did you take it back?

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't know.

Speaker 2:

I honestly, I did get the money back through Instacart for the cheese, but then it was like the next day I noticed the bread and I'm like I'm, they're going to think I'm lying and I was just like I'm just going to take the, the problem whatever, it's not a big deal, Um, but yeah, I'm kind of pissed off, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know Like uh, my meals didn't go really that great this last week because I didn't plan anything out, so it worries me about this week. But if I just get the things I know I need to make what I need, plus like some turkey pepperoni sticks for snacking or whatever I think we'll be okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's what I had to do too. Mom and I made a deal. She buys the vegetables, I make the salads, because I I brought it up to her the other day because I was like making the time to make my salad and her salad, kind of thing, right, and I was I got to the point that I was just like I am paying for these vegetables and I'm making her salad and my salad. She's not making a single salad here. So I said to her I'm like I will make you a deal, you buy the vegetables and I will make the salads. And she's like feel like I didn't even have to negotiate. I was like, oh, okay, cool. And she was just like, yeah, well, I figured I'm either going to buy all the stuff and it's going to go to waste because I'm not going to have the time to make it, or I buy it for the most of us and it all gets eaten.

Speaker 1:

Because, to last, we've been going every other week to buy our groceries. My fridge magic. I don't know why, but the groceries actually last for two weeks, I don't know why. Avocados I have had two avocados in my fridge for three weeks and they're not even mushy yet. Like I can't use them not mushy yet. So I don't know what's going on with my fridge. It's magical, I'm not. It's not a problem. And we'll go to Costco buy all the stuff for our salads and whatnot, and then two weeks later we have to do it again. And the first week we ate everything except for two mushrooms. It was all good. And this past week we ate everything except for one pepper and two itty bitty cucumbers like the small ones. And that's just because there was so much going on this past week with birthdays and everything, but I didn't have the chance to prep food. So nice yeah. But on that note, it is eight o'clock here and I have to get up at three in the morning, so I should probably skedaddle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure. Well, I liked hanging out with you for this little bit. It's the most of me actually. Me too, chris, let's not quit it. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I know it was a little touch ago at the start here, but we'll probably see people were like wait, wait.

Speaker 2:

What are you trying to tell us here?

Speaker 1:

This was a driving into traffic conversation.

Speaker 2:

It's not happening Well especially since, like we honestly really don't talk that much during the week.

Speaker 1:

You're, I don't have the fucking time Like I really don't.

Speaker 2:

It's not fucking time for you, chris, like goddamn.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say that was the vibe that just came out, but literally I'll text like Corey, who I talked about all the time on here. I'll text him and be like hey, how's your week going? And he's like it's Monday and I'm like feels like Wednesday already, or I'll be like, hey, how's it going? And he's like, good, how are you Crickets? He's lucky to get a response three days later, when I remember I had to ask him a question about something else.

Speaker 2:

Like oh yeah, it's not just you.

Speaker 1:

I don't talk to anybody.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm so used to it. Now I don't talk to you, I talk at you. That's true.

Speaker 1:

And then, like, chris goes to sleep, and then I talk at her, and then it just goes in a circle the amount of times that I wake up to a you up a like text that was sent hours before I'm like no. It like, literally, in the moments that we do cross paths that were both awake and not busy, in that moment, we call and talk for literally five minutes and then that's it, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like there's been so many times that I go to like cause I know if I just want to talk to you, like I'll just call you because you normally will answer. But I will look at the time, do the time difference in my head and be like it's Harper's bath time or they're in dinner and I'm like I'm not going to disturb. Oh man.

Speaker 1:

Too funny.

Speaker 2:

All right, well, until next week. Oh, and for the waiting room episodes, we're not doing them yet because we just don't have the time for them. We also, honestly, I'm lacking on ideas other than the ones that we do have. So if anyone out there has a topic that you would like us to discuss, I can find the time to look into those topics and make an episode about it. So please let us know if you do have something that you want to listen, hear about, talk about.

Speaker 1:

Listen to, listen to they, listen to us. We talk. Hey, I don't know if they are mouth works their ears work.

Speaker 2:

I talk back at podcasts when I'm in my car. I'll just be like, oh, you're such an idiot. Like I'm sorry, I'm listening to like am I the asshole episode and stuff, and it's like okay, I'm sure people say that about us yeah. You're such an idiot.

Speaker 1:

Me freaking out about a big toe. You're such an idiot I was, I was like I would have been.

Speaker 2:

Like what in the fucking ring I?

Speaker 1:

was like literally, like I was like what body part is going to snap next?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, oh all of a sudden, just Samara starts coming onto your TV.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no no.

Speaker 2:

So much no sweet dreams.

Speaker 1:

Lisa, I'm so happy to go to bed, all right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:
