The Weighting Room Podcast

Fat Girl Therapy 36: Finding Real World Wins in Virtual Realities

Chris & Lisa

Ever found yourself constructing complex family trees or tackling the Rags to Riches challenge in The Sims? We sure have, and this week's episode is a playful jaunt through our virtual escapades that somehow, quite unexpectedly, lead us to reflect on real-world achievements and self-esteem. Join us as we chat about the joy of in-game victories and how they compare to the milestones we chase outside of our screens. We even wrestle with the idea of ditching the public weigh-ins in favor of a more personal approach to health and wellness, proving that sometimes, the real win is in the journey, not the numbers on a scale.

From the perfect travel buddy to rediscovering social activities in a post-COVID world, we've got stories that'll have you chuckling and nodding along. Our guest Harper drops by, a breath of fresh air who steers clear of digital drama, to sprinkle some daily affirmations into the mix. Harper's positive vibes are an anchor as we navigate the seas of friendship tales, portion control, and the art of dressing to impress. And if you've ever wondered whether it's possible to enjoy a solo adventure, we've got some tales that will inspire you to embrace your own company—laugh-out-loud mishaps included.

Wrapping things up, we don't just share our fitness and nutrition tips—we celebrate them, with everything from gym progress anecdotes to our newfound love for "vegetable confetti." We swap recipes like the must-try 'marry me chicken,' and dare to substitute Greek yogurt for sour cream. And as we bid farewell until next time, remember, we're just like that cheeky post-credits scene you can't help but love—unexpected, a little quirky, and always leaving you eager for more. So, until the next chat, keep laughing, keep cooking, and keep thriving. Bye!

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Disclaimer: We are not Medical professionals and all views and opinions are our own.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're meeting earlier. This is neat, yes.

Speaker 2:

It was funny because I fell asleep and then I woke up and Brandon was like oh, we got to wake up Harper. I'm like if we have to wake up Harper, that means I just napped for two hours. And he was like, yes, you did. And I was just like I wanted to play Sims and he's like played today. And I'm like, no, I can't, I'm recording with Chris tonight. And then I opened up my phone and you were like, if you want to record earlier, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm like I'm going to go record with Chris.

Speaker 1:

That works out. You know, what I was doing right before we hopped on was playing Sims, like I was. When you called, I was like, yeah, I mean, I'm all I'm doing. I was just going to sit here literally three hours just playing Sims until we're going to hop on what?

Speaker 2:

What were you doing? I was just going to be Sunday Costco, then Sims. That's what I wanted. What have you been doing on Sims?

Speaker 1:

I have a big a family tree. It's weird, though, because I was just building them up. I started with Chris and then my mom's made a name. Like, I've always loved that name, so I do the same thing. Yeah, so I made it like a family. She only had one daughter, but then that daughter had four kids and then they all had kids and I loved how, when you leave some of them alone, they just start building their own.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that new like feet or building like, that's gotten so more in depth I found I love it.

Speaker 1:

Except I did go back and it was all like so and so died by fire. I'm like what? I'm like what happened? And then another one was her son died by death by rabbit bite and I'm like, okay, this is getting out of hand. But I went in to do that. Regs to riches one, yes. And then I realized it was actually using that profile. I thought it was going to make its own profile and while she's living her life.

Speaker 1:

All of a sudden someone with the same name comes by and I'm like, wait a minute, you're not supposed to be in this game. So then I'm like, oh wait, he's widowed, go go mess with him. So I've incorporated her in it now and then my God this is big family tree. It's pretty cool. I was just building for a while, because that's really fun too, but what are you doing on it?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing a regs to riches challenge right now. Yeah, I've just started a new profile. The first time I ever did a regs to riches. I named her Noah Holmes, so proud of that, and now I can't remember this chick's name.

Speaker 2:

But I very much like I tried to do like the regs to riches. That's like posted online kind of thing. But then I'm like this is too much to follow, so I'm literally just like starting from the bottom, kind of thing, not using cheats. The only cheats I'm using is like money cheats, where it's like not giving them money, but like at the very beginning where I took all their money away, kind of thing, literally just plopped them down on a piece of land, gave them $0. Right now I have a two story home which is kind of I fucked that up and I'm really upset about it because I was like I'm going to do nectar making and I made a second layer and I should have made a fucking basement because in an age faster in the basement. But anyways, I got enough money now that I've started nectar making. And what bill does that like? What's that from the ranch?

Speaker 1:

one, the one with the horses.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they can let. You can make nectar with it, and if you make nectar and you age it, it's like a hundred and something bucks a bottle or something like that. So, and plus, if you grow your own produce now, you're saving even more money.

Speaker 1:

So it's just, it's great, it's just so funny talking about Sims out loud because it's just like, rather than going out and living my life, I'm going to live this computer. It's just such a funny concept that it's so much fun because, like you know, I'm never going to own my own home, but in the Sims I can.

Speaker 2:

I'm never going to climb a mountain in a day, but in the Sims I can.

Speaker 1:

I'm never going to have kids but I can understand a little bit of the frustration by having kids in Sims and having to keep them alive.

Speaker 2:

I'm never going to get abducted by an alien. I could drown in a pool, though. Yeah there's some things that are, you know, close to home.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, a different note How's how's life, How's things? You're not weighing yourself anymore. You're not doing the scale thing.

Speaker 2:

No, I did step on the scale on Friday but I didn't post about it because I didn't want it to be like oh, you said you weren't doing this, but you are doing this and blah, blah, blah. But it's like it's different, it's different posting. I'm going to turn this down because it feels like I'm in a spot Like it's different when you're doing a weigh in to specifically post it online versus doing a weigh in for yourself. You know what I mean. Like it, just it, just yeah. So what I did was I stepped on the scale at home and it said 325.

Speaker 2:

At the very start of the year I was at 330 and I stopped on the scale. I'm just like this doesn't make any freaking sense. Like dude, I went to Pennington's the other day and I tried on a one X shirt and it fit no problem. My mom bought a one X shirt the other day and dart shirts and I bought the two X and I tried on hers and I'm like I'm actually comfortable in this Like it doesn't make sense to me.

Speaker 2:

I can see I am losing weight. I can like I noticed a huge difference this weekend in my body and I know the fat is coming off, but it's not showing on the scale. So the fact that now I'm just like I'm done with the scale just makes me feel better because, like I'm seeing the changes and I shouldn't have that number justify it. But I stepped on the scale Friday here and it said 325. And then I got to the gym and I walked past the scale at the gym and then I was like I wonder, like I just I'm just a little curious as to what this one says. And this one is like one of the spinning ones, it's not a digital one. I stepped on it and it said 315 and I was like what, what? Like it just baffled me. But at the same time too, it's like my like you don't want to take that because my Starting weigh-in of the year was this scale. So yeah, this could be inaccurate, you know what I mean, but it just in general doesn't make sense, like losing five pounds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it doesn't make any sense. I told you that I Don't understand what's going on with scales like maybe there's a weird gravitational pull.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it, the earth got shifted, nobody told us, and now everybody gained six pounds this year.

Speaker 1:

Because there's been days where I'm walking and I'm like why do I feel so heavy today? I'm like I feel like I'm even closer to the ground, like I don't know. Obviously, I don't think that's what's going on, but it is, I'm running with it.

Speaker 2:

That's exactly what's going on.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, my scale here 330. It just says 330, all the time 330. I go to my work gym and it has one of those old doctor office weight ones. Yeah, and it's under 300. I go on to another scale at my work and it's just a bit over 300. I then I have not weighed myself in two weeks. I was getting frustrated why I said 330 all the time.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, zoom issues 330 and I just hopped on it Yesterday or the day before just to be like what do you say now? Maybe, maybe it's even more 330? I'm like I don't care anymore, I'm not reading you. Oh God, you have the same scale.

Speaker 2:

Right, we both. It's both the rent flow scale. We should just chuck them.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, as we were talking about with Lindsay, I I didn't. I don't want to use the scale. I'm always on the fence and I did throw it away for 2022. I just don't think I Really want to do it anymore, because my vest fits. That didn't fit a few months ago. I'm noticing a difference with, like, my sleep a little bit. I'm noticing a difference with my energy, my capability of walking longer without sweating. So all these Pros, why do I keep looking at a scale when that's not a determination of what I'm trying?

Speaker 2:

to do.

Speaker 1:

Like it's a determination of how much I weigh. That's literally it. That's just like how much my entire body weighs. And it just makes no sense to me that it's like why do I keep letting that thing get me down? I'm not that down, but you know, there's that moment of what the fuck? When it's like all these other such positive things are happening. So what? Why am I not just focusing on that? It's so easy to just let the scale take control. So, yeah, there's no point to it. It's not a determination of how I'm feeling.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I don't need another thing and I don't need another number weighing on me. I already have the number 40 weighing on me. That's happening in four months, like. I don't need extra negative energy. All the people out there. I know it's not negative to turn 40. I know some of you are older. Please don't send me an email. That's all I get when I talk about turning 40. Well, I'm turning 50. It's cool.

Speaker 1:

So while turning a different age. I'm just processing the fact that I can now say I'm middle age. I am going to be checking off a different box now.

Speaker 2:

It's just it drives me crazy that it's like well, I'm turning 50. It's like yeah, but like, that means you've turned 40, which means you know what I'm going through like to be fair though I have, I am a bit hypocritical because I did do it to you, but it's only because I took a joke it 100% was a joke.

Speaker 1:

But I remember how I felt when I was turning 30 and I was a bit like whoa, that's like crazy. But now I'm like that was not crazy, like that was just an extension of my 20s. My 30 was definitely just like 30s or 20s 2.0 with a bit more money.

Speaker 2:

You go from doing like shots in your 20s to classy drinks in your 30s. And then, as Chris found out in your 40s, you're just gonna stop drinking all together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So like it just doesn't get fun at this point, so I feel like it's just downhill. You know, this is the beginning of the end. Like I'm middle.

Speaker 2:

It is you know my only like the only thing that I have on keeping the scale Like this is. The one little thing that still has the hold on me is I don't want to spiral out of control.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I'm so scared that like, because I'm not stepping on that number anymore, there's not that reminder going off in my head of like, hey, you're getting over 400 pounds. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like that I think that you would know, because at this point it's like For you and I because we've discussed it so many times we're this way because of our unhealthy eating habits and our unhealthy relationship with food, mm-hmm, you'll know. You'll know if you're starting to hit up like the, the food that's your triggers, like every day. Again, you know, or you know if you're over consuming. We've obviously like we still need the scale, the food scales and stuff for our portion controls, but you know if you've portioned it out or sat down with the whole bag, you know, yeah, yeah, I think at that point then it's kind of like if you need to like have a reminder, pull it out.

Speaker 1:

But for me, when I was thinking back when I was under 300, and then I made that tick tock where I was like I keep seeing it creep up and creep up and if it goes over 300 I'm gonna lose my shit, and it was almost like that was making me spiral more because I kept paying attention to it creeping up, and then I was just like screw it. Oh, screw it, it's going that way anyway, like who cares? And I'm just ordering McDonald's now and I'm gonna order three burgers, like I just stopped caring and it really, I think, yeah me spiral. So I Don't know. I think that the scale is a bit evil, it's definitely.

Speaker 2:

It is evil.

Speaker 1:

It is a tool that, as long as you can use it responsibly and not let it have an effect on your emotions, yeah, have at her, but yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I also don't know how that's gonna affect them like Me posting on my channel because it's like you know, I do talk about things like that. But I think I just I don't know like I really want to still post about my health, I still want to be accountable, but I think I mostly just want to post about food prep and then like a recap of my fitness for that week and like, yeah, other than that, I just I've been really enjoying doing like the Like my you know, my dad, my little dances and like dressing cute and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Like I've been really enjoying your outfit the other day, the like maroon. Okay, now I might be biased, because a you're one of my besties and, b that maroon color is like my obsession right now. But you showed up on my for you page and I'm like holy fog, she's gone. It's like I was Float away you looked amazing, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, like, honestly, that I wish I had of put them down, but they're long sleeved and they cinch right here shut up. I love those, but I had it pulled up because I was like, just even though it's like see-through, I was so overheated. It was very hot in that apartment. We were like having drinks and getting ready from Madonna and I had like an inch of makeup on my face. Yeah, um, yeah, fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, and I'm trying to pull together an outfit cuz someone said oh my god, it gives like such witchy vibes if you put on a hat. I bought a pair of snag tights that are actually white and black stripes.

Speaker 2:

And I guess I remember those witchy shoes.

Speaker 1:

I just don't know where I put them. But I don't have a hat, so I don't know I was thinking about doing like a little. I don't, it's, it's, I don't know. I'm in my era of like I want to dress up again, I think. I'm really starting to get out of the COVID mentality.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, do it but I liked my outfit more. When I was down in Seattle it was a similar vibe, but I had on the blue tights and then, like a, a shirt that said like Well behaved? Hmm, rarely, yes, so them make history. Yeah, like that was just more of a I'm going.

Speaker 2:

I saw you post that one. That one was also such a vibe, yeah. I just feel like you're like blooming right now, like I think this is a good sign for your 40s. I think this is gonna be your year.

Speaker 1:

I think that's also me realizing that it's like I buy a lot. I I do buy a lot of really cute clothes, but do I wear them that often? No, and it's almost like I don't make an excuse to go out. So now I'm just gonna dress up and I'm like, oh, I'm feeling cute, I must go walk the streets. Yes, see my cuteness.

Speaker 2:

Yep, that's exactly it. It's like when you come to Ontario, we should go for drinks for sure.

Speaker 1:

Seriously, no, you don't drink.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and I wasn't drinking because I was either pregnant or, like my child, was here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're gonna do that this time. Yeah, it's weird because, like I, having drinks and stuff, was like, oh, this is okay and my hangover wasn't like that bad.

Speaker 2:

But You're a few days later and you feel better. Don't believe that voice. It was that bad.

Speaker 1:

It was a lot of the sugar, though, because I was having a vodka with seven up and I didn't realize my sugar overload until I was in the concert and it got hot and my muscles and my abdomen started cramping hard and I was like, oh my god, so I had to stand outside and.

Speaker 1:

Not enough water could save me. But yeah, like I think I'm a bit more comfortable with being able to just have a couple drinks for that. For those of you out there, I don't talk about it a lot, but there was just a point where it's like I didn't know my limit and Sorry, I think of that game-sense thing when I say that like no, your limit play within it and I feel I'm getting better at it and I noticed it. Actually, a couple New years ago I bought a box of wine I think I had a glass out of it, and then I didn't even drink it. And then on my birthday last year I had two drinks and that was sad.

Speaker 1:

It's like that was enough. Well, the last couple times I was able to just kind of be like I'm good, but mostly the last time at Madonna it was just because I was like $20 on that drink was enough. I'm like I will wait. Like I bought a drink for my cousin and I and it came to 40 bucks and it was not that big and, oh god, I went.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not gonna keep doing that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, anyway, I just I feel like I'm in a better place because I just I just want the drink for the taste, not to Keep the party going. Yeah, problem actually with self-confidence. I drank to get myself out on the dance floor because I had to be Dance in front of people or I had to be drunk to be sociable and talk to people. And Once I took that drink away from me, I realized that hey, maybe I'm not as outgoing as I thought I was and I became a bit more of a hermit. And then COVID didn't help. But I'm starting to go.

Speaker 2:

Covid really hit, yeah, no.

Speaker 1:

I'm starting to get the want to be out there again. It's very hard to make friends in your almost 40s, though, and find people out there, so I guess it's kind of beneficial to be on social media, and I feel like that's putting myself out. They're like be my friend.

Speaker 2:

Oh, speaking of which, real quick, sarah, if you're listening. I texted you the other day and you never replied, so I'm just making sure it got your number right.

Speaker 1:

Sarah, no, I think she went away actually.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, so just get back to me whenever.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, this actually isn't coming out for like another week, so maybe you'll hear back from her by then, and then yeah, and if I have heard from you since, then sorry, disregard what I just said. We did not post for one week, and now in two days it's gonna be Lindsay's episode and then we're gonna come up with this one. So we are recording a bit ahead of time, but we're trying to do it so that we you are the future.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're trying to do it so that we can post each week. But the reason I didn't come up with Lindsay's episode already is she was yeah, I was no, it's. It's like it's so weird to have gone from like a COVID mentality. When I say that obviously COVID still a thing, I still take precautions. I just mean like being in your house all the time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people get it. Yeah, just, it was a whole. It was a whole thing.

Speaker 1:

To now going to Seattle for a weekend and then, like, doing the concert and like I've had such random days off I don't even know what day it is right now. It's just so much fun.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I know you are glowing Like literally. I can tell like you needed all of this, like it was just it's a good vibe.

Speaker 1:

I really did. I. I could feel it once we were, and Rams and I like okay. So I don't always travel well with others. I think it's just I. The people I've traveled with before weren't my vibe and like we wanted to do such drastically different things and we're not able to be apart from each other. And what I mean by that is normally I can be apart from other people and I want to be, and then they don't let me.

Speaker 2:

Oh sorry, geez. Actually that's not true. There are times when Chris comes to Ontario and she's like. I honestly just want to vibe by myself. Like you know, it's just a thing, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I love that. What I'm referring to is like I even posted. Remember, how often do you think about your ex best friend? And I was like man when I think of that bitch.

Speaker 1:

I didn't see that I was like, oh damn, so with that person. I actually traveled somewhere internationally with them and it was the worst time of my life. It was all inclusive and I wanted to go explore and they wanted to stay at the hotel and drink the whole time and I was like we could just do that in Vancouver, like why would we come all the way here just to do that? And they complained the entire time and you have to remember like I was at least double their size and they kept complaining about how hot it was and like with the walk.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm just like bitch what. And then the next day I'm like, okay, I want to walk the opposite way and they made such a big deal about it and I was like why don't you just stay here and drink by the pool and I'll come meet you and I'll go do my thing?

Speaker 1:

And it was such a you're abandoning me and I'm like but we want to do different things Like and that's okay, we don't like as long as we're both safe and we're both okay with it. Like why can't we? I don't want to sit here and drink anyway, and that's the way a lot of those kind of things went. So anyway, with Rams and I we don't travel ever together and we did this and it was just like the best time. Like we, I just felt like we were both different people and just like really, happy to be out there, and it was just so excellent.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, that's a long story to say how great it was.

Speaker 2:

No, it was good I had a friend like that where we went to the bar together and this is like when I was like really like early drinking stages, like I want to say I was in like 19. And which is the legal drinking age in Canada, in case anybody didn't know that Because nobody.

Speaker 1:

it's 18 also.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but I mean it's not. 21 is what I'm getting at here. It is legal for me to consume a beverage at the bar at 19.

Speaker 2:

But anyway so I was over at the bar getting a drink and this guy started to talk to me and him and I were like just chatting back and forth kind of thing, and the I look over to my friend and she's like waving me over and I'm like I got to go over there apparently. So I go over. She's like, what are you doing? I'm like I was getting a drink and she's like, oh well, it took a long time. And I'm like, yeah well, I was just talking to that guy over there and she was like, oh well, it's a girl's night. And I was like, okay, that's fine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so didn't go out for drinks with them again, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But talked to other people.

Speaker 2:

She had self conscious issues though, so like I think it was one of those like oh, they're talking to my fat friend but nobody's talking to me, kind of thing I can.

Speaker 1:

I understand that because I've, yeah, like the person I was telling you about, I went to Mexico with them and it was just they tried to make the people that were dancing with them dance with me and I was like I'm good dancing on my own, like I don't need anyone to dance with, and she kept trying to force it and I was like I don't need your pity. Like if someone wants to dance with me, I'll go dancing with them. But like I'll never understand, like because she was, she has never. She's the type of person that was never comfortable being alone for anything Like can't eat alone at a restaurant and, and I get some with some people, that's a very anxious time. So I won't just say that. But like me, I can go to the movies by myself, I can do anything with myself.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I almost had a great team to take out my nose oh.

Speaker 1:

God, Me myself in hand.

Speaker 2:

Chris, my dad listens to this, I know.

Speaker 1:

No, actually what I just thought of. Oh man, this might not see the podcast.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, okay, I'm just going to go rewind, to not even rewind, I'm just going to, like, direct us to a whole new thing, but it looks like you were going to say something first.

Speaker 1:

So if you want to say that, I was just going to say I was redirecting as well, but speaking of coming and seeing you and having drinks, it's like so sad.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I went right back to the coming. This is a horrible redirection.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I lost, but I'm sad that I don't get to do it this year, because I, Rams and I decided, yeah, he's going to Ontario tomorrow and I'm staying here and then I'm doing a cruise with my mom in May. And after that I was like I just need to put my head down and save, Like I'm going to start picking shifts up and it's just important because, like our car is ready to kick the bucket and oh my God, like when I think about oh, like I feel so broke. Like you have to understand, this cruise is paid for by visa and I've been doing a lot of needless spending recently and it's just it's got out of control. And, Rams, I even said I'm like you need to monitor my Amazon purchases. Like no more of that. I'm putting some of these credit cards into storage, like trying to be very tight with money right now. So it's just sad to think that I might have to wait until next year to come see you.

Speaker 2:

I know it's funny that you were like I'm not going to be able to go and by the end of it you're like I might have to, so I want to redirect. Oh, your face is like holy shit. So you go redirect at some point, I won't forget.

Speaker 1:

It's no, I want to redirect too. So you go ahead and say what you were going to read, are you?

Speaker 2:

going to forget yours, though, because I knew I wanted to talk about mine today on the podcast, so I'm not going to forget. I have been focusing on the gym and my workouts, like that's been like my main focus, kind of thing. My goal has been going to the gym three to four times a week and if I don't make it in for the fourth day, I do at home workouts and with this goal, my rings I don't know if you have the ability to look at my rings or not on my watch, because, like you, can see them every day, but can you see them through the month?

Speaker 1:

Like do you see them every day? But I don't think I can go back to your like I can't click on them. Actually, let me just go in.

Speaker 2:

Right. Okay, so I'm just going to show you, like, since going to the gym I don't know if it'll focus Right, but like there is so much, oh, there we go. Shit, I lost it. There is so much green on here. It's insane. I'm so proud of how much green is on here and I think so part of you were talking about. I don't know what my channel wants to be. I'm blah, blah, blah, but part of my channel I want to. I understand Wow.

Speaker 1:

On my mind there's like spots, but the days you are wearing your watch you're closing everything. Yeah, like those are on work days, Normally on my weekends. It's not that great, but like you can tell when I have oh sorry, you can tell when I wasn't wearing a watch ever. Yeah, yeah. That was back in before I hurt myself, but right, ever since, like honestly, ever since you with the competitions, it's really been helping the competitions helps so much and you and Skye, but like putting up a comparison, like I want my calendar to look like yours.

Speaker 1:

I'm not showing it Every day.

Speaker 2:

Look at that I know.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna show you my watch. Like you can tell.

Speaker 2:

I don't wear them on Saturdays.

Speaker 1:

I wear it every day.

Speaker 2:

And I know when I haven't worn my watch, but I I see yours and Skye's numbers Hi, skye, and it's like because Skye sells cars he's selling RVs now but he, like he's always out and about and walking and then you're always out and about when walking and I'm like I feel I have to keep up to that. You know what I mean. So, like my 4am gym sessions, it's like I'm going, like I'm getting there. Yeah, I know I'm getting there. I need to get this workout in, but I have been working on building muscle. That has been my biggest goal right now. I've been using this app called FitBod to build my workouts for me and my favorite part of it is they give you this like there's like this guy and he lights up red whenever, like you've done a big workout on something. I haven't done a big workout over the past few days. So like he's really not that red I've. Last week he was like red Wednesday, but we had a dart tournament yesterday that we were playing in, so I didn't want to and it was my first time playing in like seven years, so I didn't want to push myself too much at the gym the few days before. So, yeah, I'm really excited to go back to the gym tomorrow morning, like my 4am gym session has just been.

Speaker 2:

I so last week I went to the gym twice, in the evening and the once in the morning. And when I go at four in the morning it's like I want to say there's like 15 people max at the gym, including myself and mom and the people who are there. It's like you can tell they're there, they're just there to get their shit done and then they go home. You know what I mean. Like it's like I have my goals, I'm reaching my goals, that's why I'm here. And then I went in the evenings for a few times over the last week because my mom has been sick so I've been going on my own. And then the mornings I don't feel like it. But then in the evening I'm kind of kicking myself in the butt like you should have gone, kind of thing. So, and just to no, I'm not even going to clarify it, I don't have to justify shit. I, I, I kick myself in the butt and I want to go. So I asked Brandon if he'll stay with Harper after she's in bed, because he's gonna play video games, anyways, and then I'm just gonna go to the gym instead of playing Sims or watching TV or whatever right. So I go and the vibe in the evenings is Completely different than my vibes in the morning. As I said, in the morning people's people are really nice. If you accidentally run into somebody it's like, oh sorry, like you smile, you like you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

And this one it's Jam-packed. The big mirror where all the weightlifting is packed like sardines, like there's no space to go. And I finally did find this very itty bitty little piece of space and it's like way, way, way, way way back and I'm having like this little bit of near, not an exaggeration. But where I need to stand is close to another machine and I'm still getting set up. I'm just standing there, I'm drinking my water and this guy from like ten feet away Whips his water bottle at the machine. I'm beside because he thought I was going over to do that machine, but he was doing supersets between that machine and the weight that he was lifting. So he whipped his water bottle over there so that I wouldn't take his machine and I'm like I didn't even want this machine. You know what I mean. There's a guy that does supersets at 3 am. He leaves his keys on the one machine and he puts his water bottle on the other machine and he goes back and forth to them. So like I'm used to supersets and like I know, I know what they are, I know what it's for, I know what people are doing, that's fine, and I don't care that you're using two machines at once. But like the fact that you couldn't communicate with me or Put your thing down and go put your water bottle down over there or whatever, you had to whip your water bottle 10 feet away and Just so that I didn't take that machine and I wasn't even going to use that machine.

Speaker 2:

So then I'm in my little area, I go over, I get the weights that I needed to do and I get back and it's him and these two other guys and they're like Early 20s, late teens kind of thing, yeah, and they kept going right in front of the little piece of mirror that I found and just started like they were over here. But then, as soon as I started working out, they started going here and I'm just like what the fuck is wrong with you? And I know that it's not just like a plus-size girly thing that you get this vibe from. Because when I went into the like the room where all the classes take place, like the big gym area, at all women, all women in there, so you can tell they're like they're just there to get their workout in and not be bothered by People like that, I like, it's just, it's ridiculous. I was like this is a completely different vibe.

Speaker 2:

There was this other guy another day that like was constantly again same age.

Speaker 2:

He was just constantly staring at me and like he kept pointing his phone at me and I didn't know if he was taking selfies or if he was taking pictures of me.

Speaker 2:

But the whole thing was the fact that he just kept looking at me the whole time and pointing his phone up made me go like Mmm, and it just it sucks that. It makes you feel that way because, like I don't know if I showed you the recent before and after Pick that I put side by side, but it's like I see I've made that much progress, I've gone from a 5x to a 1x and People still see that you're fat. Yeah, so like all that progress you've made and all that change you've made doesn't matter, because you're still fat and it's just, it sucks. And even when I'm like if I reach the way that I want to be, I'm always going to have a shit ton of loose skin. My stomach is always gonna have this like pouch among it because All that loose skin is gonna be there. So it's like I'm never gonna have that body that's acceptable, that people are gonna like. So it's just like fuck off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I, I'm so glad like listening to you talk about it. I'm so glad that there's a gym at my work and that I've gotten rid of.

Speaker 1:

Like the gyms Open public, because the people that end up being in the gym with me are people that work in my department and they're so supportive and like I have I've had, I have had a couple side glances that I don't know how to interpret though, because they're not like Obvious, that was judgmental, but it like they made me a bit on, a bit uncomfortable, but like I think that that honestly, I'm putting that on myself because it's like I don't really know what they're thinking, but I'm making it something that in my head right you know anyway.

Speaker 1:

So I'm really happy that we have that. I did not go all week, though, because I have just been kind of hurting, like it's just been a very long week. I feel like I can feel the pain in each one of my organs From having some drinks. So, yeah, sorry, I did remember that I wanted to talk to you about something. Oh yeah, the thing that I was gonna talk about I'm vegetable confetti. I bought some veggies today that I'm gonna I'm gonna, literally I'm gonna try and do that, but I'm not gonna do it in the way of like cooking vegetables. So anyone out there, there's someone, there's someone that made a tick tock that makes vegetable confetti.

Speaker 1:

So they've cut up and chopped into like diced oh my god, they have diced a bunch of vegetables so like anybody dice yeah, peppers, zucchini, I think there was mushrooms and onions in it, and then that confetti they will use in salads or in stir fries or whatever they want to do, and it's just an easy way to Get some more vegetables in.

Speaker 2:

I never thought of it like cooking it. I've only seen it as the salad. So that's a great idea.

Speaker 1:

It's so good cuz, like you know you're gonna, you just want like a Side of veggies with your chicken and your rice or whatever. Just throw that in there and mix it in with the rice too, mm-hmm. So yeah, anyway, they had no zucchinis at Costco today. I was so disappointed because now I can't make my smoothies either. I have two left, I think, for this week, so I'm gonna do peppers, cucumber. I might do mushrooms.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure I really like where my mushrooms are right now, like they're at that stage where it's like questionable and maybe some onions and then having that just diced up and then adding a little bit of hummus or I have like a Garlic olive oil type thing, might be really nice. But I'm just trying to find ways to add vegetables because I went insane with my Food plan this week. There was no plan, it was every day because you know, we also were in Seattle and then I didn't have time to grocery shop before coming back right into work and then I was off for two days. So I have groceries now and I overbought because I forgot that Rams is leaving tomorrow. Oh, I have lots of vegetables right now, but anyway, that's my plan is trying to just do a lot more meat and veg this week and then I might make a couple cottage cheese recipes for like my lunch or whatnot.

Speaker 2:

I bought four things a cottage cheese this today because I was very optimistic on my cottage cheese intake. But because so many times wait, did you get it at Costco? Yeah, but I bought two, twos.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, could you still get the 500 one right? They, they only have that for a limited time. I guess we were out or we got our original ones back. Love it. Yeah, I hated whatever they replaced them with. They look Not good I.

Speaker 2:

Was. So, yeah, I got four Tubbs of cottage cheese because, as I said, I'm very optimistic, because I would buy them and I'd be like I want to do this and I want to do this. Oh, but if I do this then I can't do this, but I want to do this. So I'm like, okay, I'm just gonna buy four that I have enough for everything. And I already used one tub today to make a dip for a lunch with Brandon's parents.

Speaker 1:

Nice. Yeah it was good. It's, I'm excited to keep eating it. I got some stuff to make veggie pizza, cottage cheese, things like I got the artichoke hearts and whatnot. So I have plans. I just have to really stick to it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you've noticed, but Sarah, like cut that cake. She has been making so many cottage cheese recipes lately and one she made was like a dessert cottage cheese recipe and I've wanted to try it. So bad it's like almost like a chocolate mousse kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll have to send it to you. I just saw her last video where she got.

Speaker 2:

My god, I gotta go look at that. That's so stinking cute her babies. For those of you that don't have Sarah was on here our first year.

Speaker 1:

Hers is at cut cake. We talked about a lot of stuff.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm. Yeah, different Sarah than who we were talking to at the beginning, yeah, who hopefully has texted me now. So, going back to the thing that I was talking about before, so, because I was talking about the gym vibes, and I've been doing Good, I've been doing an at-home workout on the days that I don't go to the gym and I just want to get that ring closed, and I've been doing M M something. I'd have to look it back up and get back to you guys. But it's her name's Emily and she does hit workouts on YouTube and she she picks like a theme for the music.

Speaker 2:

So, like I've done a mama Mia one. I've done a. What was the other? I did the Barbie movie one.

Speaker 2:

Those are the only two that I've done of hers, and the only reason I've only done two it's because, like, when I go to the gym, I get a 40 minute workout in, right, like 40 minutes to an hour every single time, unless I start doing super sets, but that's a different thing. But these workouts are only 20 minutes and I still feel like I am sweating after because a it's cardio, it's hit workouts, so and it's body weight workouts, and she also does like, if you can't go down all the way like the alternative Things. So like if it's too much for you, you can do this instead, kind of thing. Yeah, so I could do some of the stuff that she's doing. I could keep up with it if Harper Didn't. If I turn on the TV, she sees this girl come on the TV. She's like mum, mum Every time. And now I have to hold this 25 pound toddler. I'm doing a hit workout. Do you know how fucking hard that is?

Speaker 1:

I can't imagine.

Speaker 2:

Any idea how hard it is it's. I hate cardio, isn't it? Oh my god. It's so much fun, though, because Harper like dances and like is clapping, and super cute, so cute the one day you had to like put your legs together and step out. And put your legs together and step out, and she was holding my hands and she's just like stomping her feet. Oh, so cute and I love it because, like I, want to encourage yeah exactly.

Speaker 2:

I want to encourage the healthy lifestyle with her right? So it's like I'm not obviously counting her calories or bullshit like that, but like it's we're including vegetables with all of her meals and if she eats it, great, and if she doesn't, well, she had ketchup and it's tomatoes, so it's. You know what I mean. So it's like I'm not being negative about the foods that she's eating, but by me doing a at-home workout, it allows her to see, um, like physical activity and this extra Mile you have to go for physical activity. Like, yes, you went to the grocery store today, but walking around the grocery store doesn't necessarily count as your workout. You know what I mean. Like it's that extra little bit that you have to go. So, um, I like being that role model for her and the fact that she's enjoying it makes me happy because it's not a chore for her, it's just something that she enjoys doing with me.

Speaker 2:

That being said, I I can't post my gym workouts because I mean I can post some like here and there, but I can't post a full routine because Mom's overdoing cardio and then I'm by myself doing weight stuff and I just want to make sure I'm not getting other people at the gym In my videos. I just really want to respect that space for people. Um so, but when I'm in the spot where I do my warm-ups I'm usually by myself, so I can do that. So like that's not a big deal. But I'm thinking about doing like a toddler workout Video thing where I still don't want to put Harper on there. But I want to build workouts for plus-sized people that they can do with their babies. Yeah, it's a very niche.

Speaker 1:

You can also do like you can blur out her face and everything or get the back of her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's a thing too, but I think I'm just going to use like one of her teddy bears or a doll or something like that to like yeah, build it right and then have her for some and then yeah that kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I think that's kind of what I want to Try and do as part of my content, but I'm not 100% sure how to go about that yet. Nice, you want to hear something totally cliche and so fucking stupid? Yes, always. I spent 175 dollars at Walmart today for groceries. I spent 350 dollars today for groceries at.

Speaker 1:

Costco order.

Speaker 2:

We are getting McDonald's for dinner tonight. You know what, though? I'm sitting here, what happens with us too. I'm sitting here and I'm like I really don't want to get McDonald's. Like, as I said, I just got all of this stuff, like I just should suck it up and make food. Oh, speaking of which, I bought the stuff to make. Have you seen that viral like marry me chicken? It was really big last year. It sounds familiar, but oh, I think you would, because I get like sun dried tomatoes and spinach vibes from you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah okay, yeah, so. I'm gonna munch on popcorn this whole time Hopefully it's not crunching. I've been choosing popcorn as my snack while we're recording because it's not as crunchy as like chips or celery or stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that reminds me, don't hear each other.

Speaker 2:

I have so much to say. When you were talking about the because I don't want to interrupt you, so I'm like I'll talk about it later. I'll talk about it later, I'll talk about it later. I've really been trying to work on that. But back to when you were talking about the confetti. You can buy what's called spaghetti mix. It's selection brand, so you can get it from Sobi's or Metro or Food Basics, like that kind of stuff. And it is spaghetti mix which is celery, carrots, onion and peppers all diced up super small for you to put in spaghetti sauce to have like with spaghetti and whatnot. They also have a wok mix, but I don't think that one's all diced up, it's just like. But like, whatever dinner you're having that night, they have a vegetable pairing for that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

I really recommend people to go get a vegetable chopper.

Speaker 2:

It was the greatest investment I've ever had in my life, totally agree, Like even if it broke now.

Speaker 1:

I would be like I would buy another one, cause it at least lasted me Like the payoff's been great. Yeah, it's great.

Speaker 2:

What was I talking about? Before that, though, ordering McDonald's, went to Costco, bought a shit ton of stuff oh, marry me chicken. So it's like sun dried tomatoes and spinach and chicken stock and all of it. I'll have to send you the recipe for it. But I got all this stuff to make it because I have leftover heavy cream from when I made tomato soup last weekend and I was like I need to use up the heavy cream. And then that came across my video or came across my feed, and I was like, oh yeah, I did want to try this. So I'm going to try that in my new crock pot next week, maybe tomorrow, actually. Thanks, yeah, I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to make one of those, the slow cooker remember, with the chicken and the tater tots and the pierogi thing. That I made that one time and, like last night, I had pierogies. But then last night, all of a sudden, I was like Rams, we should eat some pierogies, and then I ran out of sour cream, so then I used I've gone on the Greek yogurt train.

Speaker 1:

I realized that all those times in TikToks and people like use Greek yogurt and I'm like I don't eat Greek yogurt, I don't like Greek yogurt, Like I just kept saying that. But as an adult I actually have not tried Greek yogurt plain, because I hated it as a kid.

Speaker 1:

Which is the same reason why it took me so long to try avocados again, because I hated them as a kid. And then I was like, why am I trusting my kid taste buds? So I do not like Greek yogurt by itself, but I understand why people make the comparison between it and sour cream now. So I added some Trader Joe's Ranch seasoning to the Greek yogurt that we had that with the pierogi, so it was different but it was okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but yeah, I get it now. Some things you still need the sour cream for you really do.

Speaker 1:

Like when people even try to suggest something, like when people even did make the suggestion of Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, I was just like there is nothing Like if it's not sour cream, I don't want it. Like I didn't want sour cream for this recipe.

Speaker 2:

If it's like if I'm adding seasonings to it, like if I'm making a dip, or if I'm having it on a taco or something like that, I'm fine with the Greek yogurt or the blended cottage cheese or whatever.

Speaker 2:

But if I'm having something to have plain sour cream with, like the pierogies, or if I'm having chips, and just plain sour cream or I need, but he doesn't okay, because it's like it's got all the other mixings with the other stuff. So you don't really taste the difference, but I do If you want just plain sour cream. Nothing compares to sour cream. It's kind of like when everybody like first started ricing cauliflower and people are like, oh yeah, it tastes just like potatoes. That's the biggest bullshit on the fucking planet. It tastes like fucking cauliflower. Don't tell me, oh yeah, it's a great substitute for rice. It doesn't change the flavor of buck off, it tastes like cauliflower, Okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm a little touched. Don't try and trick people that like food.

Speaker 2:

Literally. If you're somebody who's had rice once in your life, you'd probably like it and not notice a difference. But as somebody who enjoys these carb foods, it's fucking cauliflower and it tastes like cauliflower. Yeah, cauliflower crushed pizza from restaurants is okay.

Speaker 1:

Do you know I was thinking about the other day because when we were talking to Lindsay, I said how it was nice when we all went out to eat and it was just, we all enjoyed food and it was just nice to know that there would have been no judgment. The other day I said something out loud Okay, there was a tech talk recently that it was like what is the one phrase that you hate? And I realized that my phrase that I love to say but I hate to say it is like I love food. Because when I say that out loud, like, yeah, like I love talking about food, I love describing food, I love eating the food, I love smelling the food, I love watching people make food, everything about food, cause it's just so creative and you can do so much with it and it tastes fucking delicious.

Speaker 1:

My mouth is drooling and I'm not even thinking about a specific food, just the word food. I love you. But when you say that out loud, the first thing that goes in my head is someone's thinking yeah, you do Immediately. That's what I think Like, and it's just, it's so heartbreaking to say that out loud and no one even says anything, but to know someone probably is thinking that yeah.

Speaker 1:

It is Like, how many times has it been said to me, like said in person, said online, and it's just so sad, and but you know what? What I try and think of to cheer me up is the one time that I was asking Rams I think I've told this maybe one time before is Rams is not? Rams is not a foodie, okay, he'll just eat if he has to eat. And he does like like. He was like oh yeah, it tastes good. I mean, he knows what tastes good and what doesn't. But I asked Rams, did you like that? Yeah, what'd you think about it? It was good. And I'm like, ah, like, come on, man. And so now what I have to ask him is would you eat that again? And when he, if he pauses for too long, I know he won't.

Speaker 1:

And one time we were sitting around with my roommate and I was like, oh, like the taste of this and it just, and I was describing all these things and they were both looking at me. And then he looked at Rams and he's like that's what she wants, that's how she wants things described. And I was like I went too deep, didn't I? And he's just like no, no, I get it. And then, ever since then, rams will try. He's like hmm, there's like this subtle.

Speaker 2:

I mean you can't stop trying, baby, you can just tell him he's like hmm, the tenuous of the Parmesan cheese and you're like eating tacos For anybody who doesn't vibe like us. You don't put Parmesan cheese on chocolate.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, that's funny.

Speaker 2:

We're remi. Yeah yeah, we're matatouille.

Speaker 1:

Do you know how much I love that movie?

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, we are remi.

Speaker 1:

Of course we love that movie.

Speaker 2:

It's such a good movie oh man, okay, that was real life, it is for us. Have you ever made ratatouille? It's literally all vegetables.

Speaker 1:

No, but I wanted to. When I pick up things like tomatoes or zucchini and stuff, I think of, man, you should make that one day, and then I go eh, I think I. It's one of those things that I would like to try it first so that I know what it's supposed to taste like Like how I was making takboki and then I didn't. I've never tried it in a restaurant before and then I went and tried it in a restaurant and I realized I was not making it Like. It was not spicy at all. It's way more fishy like in person. And yeah, no, so I, yeah, I would like to try it first. Right, right, before we wrap up, do you have any like goals that you have for this week?

Speaker 2:

I had. So I have a quick story I want to tell and then, don't forget, I also have this to add At the end now and oh, also, we didn't say yay last week, which made me really sad, so we will sit. Yeah, you sound real heartbroken about this, chris. No, I was, but I was trying to think of what last week was while I was saying it, and then I'm like oh yeah, cause Lindsay left and then I went yay, and then we stopped recording at that point and I was like oh so.

Speaker 2:

I just told her to take one from another episode, which I doubt she did, which is fine. I've been doing daily affirmations with Harper I don't know if I've told everybody here this or not, but and the daily affirmations like we go in, we wash up after dinner, we brush our teeth, we get ready for bed and then we stand in front of the mirror and then I go, I am smart. And then she says it in her. Actually I should see if she'll do it on here, because that would be really fricking cute as our affirmation instead of this.

Speaker 2:

So we do these affirmations every day and the other morning we're like getting her ready for daycare and whatnot, and I'm put her in her high chair and she's eating her food and I'm having a conversation with Brandon and I'm just standing beside her and she just grabs my hand and I look down and I'm like what's up, baby? And she goes I am smart. The way that she says I am smart. And I'm like aw, and I'm like I am smart, and she goes I am strong. And she did them all to me and I was like and I'm like almost about to cry because I'm like I needed that today.

Speaker 2:

It's just one of those days and I was just like oh my God. Oh my gosh, she's so freaking cute I know I'm gonna go get her to see if she'll do the affirmations. Hold on Also, her Cairo little girl who looks us surrounded by these more dangerous girls we're getting all of them hurt.

Speaker 1:

Hi, hi, I'm Chris. Hi, harper.

Speaker 2:

Say hi, you're so cute. Do you have anything you would like to say? Are you so cute here? Can you tell Aunt Chris I am smart, hello, hello, I'll wear these, I'll put them right here, I'll put them on the top so we can still hear and Chris Say I am smart and then say I am strong. You say it, I will do it again and I am pretty Pretty.

Speaker 1:

Pretty, isn't that fun.

Speaker 2:

Do you just say your affirmations for everybody, please? Now we'll go back up to Dad. Can you give everybody a yay, yay, yay, now say bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye. All right, what are your goals for this week?

Speaker 1:

I would like to consume water every day, not a certain amount, just consume some.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, fair, my goals this week. I am off Monday, tuesday, wednesday this week because Harper's Day Care is closed, so I will be with her this week. So my goal is for in those three days, to go for a walk every day with Harper, and on the days we can't go for a walk we will do a home workout thing. But we're supposed to have really good weather this week, like on Tuesday. I'm just double checking it as I'm saying it here, but on Tuesday it's supposed to get up to like 15 degrees or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Like it's supposed to be gorgeous. That's awesome. We're Canadian. We calculate different.

Speaker 2:

It's cloud. We calculate like everybody else in the world.

Speaker 1:

You're the weird ones. It's super cloudy here, so I think it's going to just be raining probably all week. But it's Vancouver, so you kind of just you're more surprised when it's sunny and snowing or anything else other than raining. Fair enough, yeah, I love it. That was so awesome. Our guest today was Harper. She has no ads. You cannot follow her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you could dive the web as much as you want, but you will not be able to find an account for her. She's fresh meat out here.

Speaker 1:

Did you want to do another affirmation, or was Harper our affirmation?

Speaker 2:

It's up to you. Do you want Harper to be our affirmation or do we want let's we have Harper, who's our cute, and hype yourself up? Literally, I tell Harper these, like we do those affirmations every single day. Like I feel like growing up I was surrounded by people telling me negative things, not surrounded by like I'm not talking family and whatnot, but like I was put down for my body a lot. And when you're put down for your body a lot, you get in your head for it and you just, yeah. So I just want to make sure that every day, harper has those. This is who you actually are. Don't listen to the other ones. So those are your everyday, listen to them things. This is your aggressive, get shit done. Bitch affirmation oh shit, the other thing.

Speaker 2:

So here's the thing with affirmations. I think people think that when you hear an affirmation or you say an affirmation, as long as you say it, things are going to change, like as if these are like some magic, like I don't know, like they're predicting your future or something like that. That's not how affirmations work. So, affirmations, you have to say it, you actually have to absorb what you're saying and you have to listen to what you're saying and actually do what it's saying. If you're just reading it and you think your world is going to change probably not. That's not. They're not magic words, they're not a spell.

Speaker 2:

But if you actually say them and listen to what you're saying and absorb what you're saying, you're going to feel better and it's going to be something to strive towards. You know what I mean. I just think you know what I mean. I think that's the essence. Yeah, all right, here we go, chris, tell me when to stop and whatever's on top. That's what we're going to read. Stop. Listen, bitch. That's how it starts. It actually says that Give yourself the same love you pour out into the world. This one has a nipple on it.

Speaker 1:

But that's funny.

Speaker 2:

This affirmation is funny, or the nipple.

Speaker 1:

No the affirmation. That's definitely something that applies to me, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And that's funny. I was literally just talking about Harper and how there's so much negative and he yeah, ok, maybe the cards are a little magic, but the point is you have to listen to it, absorb it. Say it in front of the mirror, give yourself the love. No, give yourself the same love you pour out into the world. If you're a Karen and you pour a lot of negative out into the world, maybe this affirmation isn't for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just to just decide. No, yeah, yeah, boo, karen, except if just your name is Karen.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, Then obviously it's not that.

Speaker 1:

Then we're not talking about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, karen the adjective, not Karen the noun.

Speaker 1:

I am so sorry that your name is being used that way. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Me too.

Speaker 1:

There was this one day. A Karen woke up and realized that her name was never going to be looked at the same ever again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm so sorry, I want to know what when that happened.

Speaker 1:

When did Karen just become a thing I want to pinpoint?

Speaker 2:

that. Why was it Karen? Because there were like other people out there who were like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for me. I knew that there was, I used to say Becky, and then there ended up being like Becky, what was it? Barbecue Becky. You ever barbecue Becky?

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, you can't barbecue here.

Speaker 1:

I'm calling the cops and that's how that went.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god.

Speaker 1:

You have not watched the Risa Tisa. Who the fuck have I married yet have?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, I haven't For anyone out there that's watched that along with me. It's February 25th right now and I am only on part 20. But my god, yeah, I watched the.

Speaker 2:

Hello, she's reaching her fingers under the door saying hello, sorry, you were saying you're a person.

Speaker 1:

I watched a recap stuff so I know the roller coaster I'm in for, but that is just crazy. But to be able to spend 500 minutes watching this entire thing like that's kind of crazy.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I'll listen to it in the background while I'm playing Sims later.

Speaker 1:

She actually even made a PSA saying that's how she intended this to be done, like an audiobook. She said I put everything in the playlist in order so that it will just automatically go to the next one. And that's how I've been dealing with it. But then I always feel bad, so I would scroll back and press the like.

Speaker 1:

But you can probably go back and do that, anyway. Anyway, it's set in her playlist like an audiobook. Some have been removed for community violation, I guess, so then she's re-uploaded it and still put it in order. Wow, which is awesome.

Speaker 2:

The dedication.

Speaker 1:

But she probably as long as she's part of it. I hope she's part of that creator fund Because those videos millions of views. She jumped from 100,000 people to 3 million followers in days.

Speaker 2:

I haven't been listening to this one, but I have been watching the Nursery Nurse. I don't know if you know her, charlotte.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, how does she have so much?

Speaker 2:

chemistry with herself, right? The recent Marjorie story have you been watching that one? Yes, I'm obsessed. Ok, I haven't watched it in like two or three days. I've been watching her for years now, but so I haven't Because I've been watching her when Marjorie was the bad guy. How have you?

Speaker 1:

I never talked about this, she was one of the original people I followed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I love the Nursery. Nurse Me too, me too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and she's, like this whole recent Marjorie thing right now Like, oh my god, the last thing I saw was when his ex-girlfriend just showed up and slammed into her car. That's the last thing I've seen.

Speaker 1:

There's two episodes after that read Yesterday and yesterday she's only been uploading her regular stories and people are in the comments going Marjorie and Rhys and people are like calm down, like she's been making this stuff forever.

Speaker 2:

No, the skits were there first, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And she has become like her level of production.

Speaker 2:

It's still just like the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's so good it's so good and so thought out and like this whole.

Speaker 2:

Marjorie and Rhys thing, like how little picture that says Marjorie and Rhys forever.

Speaker 1:

Like and only people that know what's up will talk to me.

Speaker 2:

There was a video that I saw and this is how I knew how big it got, because I saw another video of somebody else where, after they didn't end up together and it was like somebody running in slow motion, and it was like every other day, and I'm like, oh my God, I felt the same.

Speaker 1:

And it had so many likes that you just know.

Speaker 2:

People are sitting there waiting for updates Like how did you have?

Speaker 1:

this much chemistry with herself.

Speaker 2:

The little bits on your note of the production kind of thing. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but when she plays Marjorie she looks up a little bit and when she plays Rhys she looks down a little bit to give them a height difference. She is incredible. Wow, I never noticed that so yeah, for anyone out there, You'll see it now.

Speaker 1:

You're not on TikTok. Get TikTok and watch the nursery nurse. I wonder if she's posting on Instagram.

Speaker 2:

Let me check. But yeah, the nursery nurse, the series that she had a little mini series too when, like, winter and Autumn were first getting together, and the one with the fire. But this series, I'm so invested, who would?

Speaker 1:

have thought, though, that I would have started liking Autumn who would have thought that. And I love how Autumn's, with Winter, like this whole thing, like these people don't even exist and I'm obsessed.

Speaker 2:

They are on Instagram the nursery nurses. On Instagram, it's the same the underscore nursery nurse and she's got the reels posted as well. I know.

Speaker 1:

I also watched Taylor Soros Rex. She's the one that posts about. She has all these different characters and she works in like a super store or something and she's like established this whole like the regional managers and the managers and like they were doing a strike and like it's this crazy roller coaster, and she's even incorporated some of her characters and she does like TikTok shop paid advertisements.

Speaker 2:

Oh, same as the nursery nurse.

Speaker 1:

But it's just these people like how creative can you get? There's also that one girl. She doesn't even have that many followers and she posts about shit people says to her while she's working as a barista in a coffee shop and I can't get enough.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I love the people. It's the same vibes as like.

Speaker 2:

Teresa and Siri with the hair dresser stuff. It's the same vibes, yeah. It's so funny because Charlotte like it started as Charlotte like just talking about her experiences as working in a nursery or working in a daycare nursery kind of thing, and now it's just advanced to all this and it's just yeah, it's so good. Anyways, we need to close up because I told Brandon like 15 minutes ago that we were finishing, but then we started talking about all this.

Speaker 2:

So, we had the heart breath formation, we had the listen bitch. After Mation I said yeah, harper said yeah, I think y'all are good. Yeah, you don't need any more, anything more from us. Don't be greedy. You can turn us off now. I can leave now. We'll talk to you next week. Bye, bye. We should. We should insert that thing like that's like, why are you still here, like cliche 90s advertisements. Ok, bye, yeah, yeah. Mr.