The Weighting Room Podcast

AITA For not texting Lisa back?

Chris & Lisa

Ever wondered how standing desks measure up to their seated counterparts, or found yourself chuckling over a friend's text that got utterly lost in translation? Well, pull up a chair (or stand, if that's your thing) as we share tales from our personal lives, including wardrobe woes as parents and the curious case of our friend Sarah – who just might be popping in more often. We also take a sip of the Prime drink phenomenon, debating whether they're truly the elixir of the gods for fitness fanatics or just another drop in the energy drink ocean.

Navigating life's awkward moments, from texting faux pas to the generational echo of the word "dude," we're chatting about all the little things that make up our daily dance. Join us for laughter and unexpected wisdom as we recount a park adventure and the importance of pristine communication – a perfect segue into "Am I the Asshole?" sans distractions. Ready your hearts for some candid talks about friendship dilemmas, weight concerns at Disneyland, and the surprising complexities they entail, all shared over a digital campfire of sorts.

Tune in for a heart-to-heart on the delicate balance between being true to ourselves and caring for the feelings of those we live with, particularly when it comes to body image. Plus, we're tying the bow on this conversation with a colorful discussion on hair – whether to dye or not to dye? That is the question. From navigating the trend waves to embracing the silver linings of natural aging, we're here to share it all, reminding you that self-care can be as simple as laughing over a podcast with friends.

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Disclaimer: We are not Medical professionals and all views and opinions are our own.

Speaker 1:

Hello Lisa. Hello Chris, is yours a standing desk? No, you went with the L shaped desk. We've had this conversation.

Speaker 2:

Next year I'm going to have a standing desk, though, because I'm just going to give this one away and get a new desk. Nice, there was something I was going to say, yeah. Oh, I think it's important to know what me or you know, sorry, I was like no, I was staying in my shirt, but I haven't stopped wearing the sweater. It's the comfy sweater I've ever owned in my life.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was me as the problem because, like I'm pretty sure, my child, I am a napkin, a Kleenex, a chew toy, like I'm so many things to my child. So most of my sweaters are dirty and stained because I also don't have time to do laundry ever, which I probably should do a load afterward. But what I was going to say real quick is Sarah still has not texted me Right At this point of time.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you might have her right number. Actually, let me just check because, like she did text me yesterday and now that we're talking, I'm like I should have asked her like did you get Lisa's message?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're going to. We'll keep you guys posted. We're going to find out right now.

Speaker 2:

Okay, do you have your?

Speaker 1:

phone number in front of you. Yeah, I can.

Speaker 2:

Just so that I will cut this out, obviously.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I'm just going to tell her. We'll just tell her. We'll just tell her phone number. Okay, yeah, I'm good. However, I just realized that every week, if I keep this in, we're making Sarah seem like an asshole, which she 100% is.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm kidding, which is a good segue into today.

Speaker 1:

We're playing. Am I the asshole? Now we can decide if Sarah is an asshole? She's not, she's not. We love Sarah, you guys? Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

I really hope she's not like listening to this. Being all mortified, okay, oh man, okay.

Speaker 1:

We'll beep this out, mm. Hmm, yep. And it's an eye message and it says delivered. Maybe it's from in Ontario.

Speaker 2:

When did she didn't think. I said hey, it's Lisa. Smiley face.

Speaker 1:

Just saw your email now, lol. That was on February 20. Oh sorry, oh man.

Speaker 2:

That's hilarious hey.

Speaker 1:

Sarah comma, did you get a text from?

Speaker 2:

Lisa Question mark On February 20.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, we'll see if she responds Before the end of this episode.

Speaker 2:

I I find it will keep you posted. Ever since Sarah was on here, we have talked about her every week. I'm almost feeling like she should maybe be a guest, like more than just like a couple of times, maybe a oh my God, I love her, I love her.

Speaker 1:

It's so great. Also you go because you were really about to get into something I was not. I was really taking a deep breath and just pointing at you. Okay, yeah, jen Ziers are really onto something with these prime drinks. Hey, have you had them? No, they are so good.

Speaker 2:

I've just seen like mega influencers having their like they'll be like oh, I'm just going to go to my fridge to get something and every single item in their fridge is a prime drink and I'm like is this a commercial? Honestly, that was my fridge the other day because I was like I want to try anything that they have to offer.

Speaker 1:

What are they? Sorry, prime drinks, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Are they energy or?

Speaker 1:

protein, not protein energy.

Speaker 2:

They're like energy meets.

Speaker 1:

Gatorade. It's a hydration energy, okay, but I don't get much energy from it, like it's more of a vitamin B energy. It's not a caffeine energy. Actually, I don't know if there's caffeine in it. Let me see. So it's not like a monster red bull, no, it's only 20 calories, zero fat, zero sugar.

Speaker 1:

The fact that it is oh sorry, not zero sugar. This one is six grams of sugar, but the fact that it's six grams of sugar. This literally tastes like I'm drinking like a very sugary fruit punch, like from a juice box. The flavor is fruit punch. So that is accurate, just to clarify. But what's the point in them then for hydrate?

Speaker 2:

It's a. It's a, it's a like Gatorade, like well.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I'm just, I'm just developed, I. I yeah, I'm just going to read this little blurb that just happened to be a like. Well, chris, as I was reading the bottle, prime was developed to fill the void where great taste meets function, with bold, thirst question flavors to help you, to help you refresh, where you're confident you'll love it as much as we do. Humbly, the prime team. Hmm, filtered water, coconut water from concentrate. Okay, that's that actually answered.

Speaker 2:

Answered my question when you said coconut water Cause I wanted to know if it's going to do well with the taste. I wanted to know if it's going to do what like Gatorade zero does for me, which is like the electrolytes, Like I have to have at least one Gatorade zero week and it's because of how much walking I'm doing at work that midweek my muscles start seeing right when I try and go to bed and I really.

Speaker 2:

I'm not having enough potassium or something, but coconut water, like when you're on a juice cleanse or something like you know. I know it's not really a cleanse. Don't write me an email Um, you drink coconut water during it so that your muscles don't seize caffeine and free found it.

Speaker 1:

It is caffeine free. Sorry, I was listening. I just wanted to confirm if it was caffeine free. It does say not intended for children, for adults only, and do not exceed one serving per day. One serving is one bottle. So I have been having a bottle a day, mostly to try the flavors and honestly they're really good. And this does sound like an advertisement. It's not. This whole thing has sounded like a really well scripted advertisement. First of all, we're not that great. We would be stuttering if it was an advertisement. It would be kind of like how I went cheesy. Well, chris, here it is.

Speaker 2:

Hold on one second.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Sarah, message back. Ok, a lot of messages oh.

Speaker 1:

Is she one of those textures where it's like it's not just one reply, it's like here's a sentence, here's a sentence, no, no no, no, she doesn't do that, but I actually have started doing that and I'm like, is that old age?

Speaker 2:

My brother does that to me all the time.

Speaker 1:

No, you know why.

Speaker 2:

I don't do that. I will send paragraphs and I've actually. I do it to you sometimes. When I'm really excited about something, I'm like dude, and that means its own message.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You have to prepare for it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, I took that just reminded me. So, like this relates to absolutely nothing, but we took Harper to the park today.

Speaker 1:

We're going on a lot of branches we are we took Harper to the park today for like the first time since like we've moved here, and there was a little boy there and he was like encouraging her from like walking up the stairs kind of thing, and he was just like come on, dude, you got this. Dude Like kept calling her dude and it was like you know what I'm saying. He was probably like five or six. It was super funny. Anyway, the story.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, my old boss, like from 10 years ago, though, would have hated that, because I had an issue calling everyone dude or just being like oh, dude, you know, or whatever, and he hated that word and he was only like a year or two older than me, so it wasn't like a me to a boomer Right. And then because he said that I was on hyper drive of don't say it, don't say it, don't say it, so I'd be like dude, dude, what's happening? And he just look at me, I'm like I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm trying, but at least I'm not calling the customers dudes.

Speaker 1:

We're coming off like very like generationally judgy today. We're like Gen Zers are really onto this and, like boomers, really hate the word dude. Anyways, what did Sarah say?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, oh, but I was saying like my brother, he sends messages that were like how are you today? I'm like. And then another message, like he could probably even put every word into a message. It's so annoying. I try not to do that, but I'm noticing I'm doing it more as I get older. Sorry, she replied to something else, for oh, she's still replying.

Speaker 1:

OK, we can come back to her.

Speaker 2:

Hold on, wait one second. She said I didn't. I think I emailed my number to the waiting room pod and you obviously have it, or to me I obviously have it. Feel free to give me and give her my number if she wants. And then she's like oh wait, does she have a blah, blah, blah number?

Speaker 1:

She just replied.

Speaker 2:

If so, then yes, I did. I thought it was a message from my former co-worker, who's also named the lease, and then she said she just texted you apologizing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the message I got was hi, Lisa, so sorry for the super delayed response. Chris just asked me if I got a text from you and I was like no, but then I remember this text. I totally thought you were a text from my former co-worker named Lisa, because I had sent her an Instagram DM and an email to her and blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

So we now have it. Yay, Sarah.

Speaker 1:

You have been dubbed, not the asshole.

Speaker 2:

I just said we're recording right now and this is going into the episode.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, too funny All right, I'll pause texting, sarah, let's get into. Am I the assholes? What have we got for us, chris? Chris is going to be reading the am I the assholes today because I'm just getting over having a cold, so my throat is still not 100%, so I'm just going to be Judgie Judgerson and she's going to be reader readers For sure.

Speaker 2:

There is only one so far that I've really read. Ok, the other one I've slightly skimmed and I don't know if I'm going to enjoy it. But we're going to see. But just give me one second. Yep, some of these I wanted to make sure that we haven't done before. So I'll read the one that I actually read after. I'll read the one I didn't first.

Speaker 2:

Wait, I have to turn off a bunch of stuff because I forgot that I have alarm clock set and they go off every day and I'm like, oh, turn that off. And then the next day I'm like, oh yeah, turn that off. And I never do, I never do. Oh my god, Now they're off and now I'm going to sleep in one day and be like why, didn't my alarm clock not go off All right, so the first one I have here is set.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, yeah, am I the asshole for embarrassing a plus size passenger on a flight? I feel like a lot of times these stories really have to do around planes and it's such a massive fear of so many of us.

Speaker 1:

It's like a Grey's Anatomy episode up in here Like the amount of times there's been issues on planes, like just take the car Did.

Speaker 2:

I tell you that I'm getting Rams to watch Grey's Anatomy. Oh my God, we're on season, maybe two or three. We haven't. Like you, we're binging it on the weekends because we're so opposite in the weekday, we don't see each other and he hasn't been here last weekend or this weekend and I'm like I just want to watch Grey's right now. We are at the part where cover your ears for two seconds if you haven't watched the beginning of Grey's Anatomy, but where Denny dies you haven't watched.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Anatomy, right, so you don't really even know, oh yeah, oh, you have okay. We're at where Denny dies and Rams' reactions, because at first I was like I was seeing people's reactions on TikTok of them recording their husbands doing it. I'm like, oh my God, this would be so funny. But Rams doesn't have many reactions, he keeps it super inside. So I'm like this is going to be absolutely pointless.

Speaker 2:

But the reactions that I've gotten is like don't tell anyone that I'm watching this. I'm like, who am I going to tell? And then we're down in Seattle.

Speaker 1:

Literally everybody, as we're talking about right now. Oh for sure everyone's going to know. I don't really want to tell our entire podcast.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God you won't know until someone says something to him. Don't say anything to him. When we were down in Seattle. He's like let's watch Grey's Anatomy. I'm like, did you just suggest to put that on? He's like went in Seattle and then, when we were sure, it adds up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then when we were shirt shopping I found a pair of Grey's Anatomy sweatpants. I'm like, do you want a Grey's Anatomy top? And he was super on the fence Like. He was like, yeah, maybe. And I'm like and I think I messed it up because I was like, yeah, everyone will know you're a fan. And then he was just kind of like, no, he didn't say it. I'm like I really messed that up.

Speaker 1:

He's like I need to stay on the closet.

Speaker 2:

None anymore.

Speaker 1:

I have seen up to man so many spoilers. It's like I don't want to like. How far have you seen up to? Have you seen at all?

Speaker 2:

Up to season, like right at COVID, right when COVID hit.

Speaker 1:

OK, I haven't seen the COVID season I watched. It was either one or two seasons before that, where I'm just going to say what's his face and what's her face. We're getting married. And then he listened to a voicemail where what's her face was sleeping with.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

That was, oh my god, that's the last thing I've seen.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that was yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, my jaw hit the floor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but honestly, I was also like I like I don't want to say their names now, but you know what I don't care. I know I like Owen, but I also don't like Owen.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. I know Such a love-hate relationship with him.

Speaker 2:

I'm kind of like you deserve that. You know what I mean. You slept with Christina, you cheated on Christina, and then it was like let's just get over it kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, the whole thing is yeah. Anyways, everybody ask for an airplane, I'm doing.

Speaker 2:

Grey's Anatomy. Oh, my god, because you said airplane and then you said there's a lot of airplane.

Speaker 1:

And I said, oh, it's like episode's Grey's Anatomy. And now here we are.

Speaker 2:

But you know what is one of his best reactions?

Speaker 1:

is I'm like you're going to.

Speaker 2:

I'm like right, when he said this, I'm like you're in for such a roller coaster. He was like they do such a good job of making you love these patients and then they just kill them, and I'm like mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm like Ram, denny died.

Speaker 2:

And you were like oh no, like seriously, strap in. Like when I see strap in, I mean strap in, it's going to get bad and it's going to get bad soon too, so soon, oh man OK. Am I the asshole? Yeah, we could talk about this for forever. We should just agree.

Speaker 1:

So I feel like that's a whole new episode.

Speaker 2:

We should have a Grey's episode where we talk about some of the people that have come in, like that one where Alex was really nice to the lady that died of the tumor and then behind her back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that would be a good one.

Speaker 2:

There have been plenty.

Speaker 1:

There's definitely been.

Speaker 2:

That guy, that was.

Speaker 1:

The more recent with the plastic surgeon guy.

Speaker 2:

Which one I was thinking about, the guy that the fireman had to help him in, and then he tried to walk through.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I forgot about that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like I totally forgot about. And then there are insensitive questions about, like, how did she even get pregnant? Like, yeah, anyway, yeah, maybe do Grey's OK. So am I the asshole for embarrassing a plus size passenger on a flight?

Speaker 2:

I, 19 female, just got off a flight from Las Vegas to New York. My assigned seat was a middle seat and both people next to me were plus size. I wouldn't have any problem with this in any other situation, but plane seats are terribly small and neither of my neighbors were able to fit comfortably into their seats. On either side of me, my seat neighbors' shoulders were on top of mine and their thigh was on top of mine as well. It was a pretty long flight and I was kind of uncomfortable. So about an hour and a half through, I walked up to the flight attendant and explained the situation as privately and gently as I could and asked if there was any other seats available. She managed to find a seat a few rows behind me that I could sit in. Getting my bag from under the seat in front of me and moving was pretty awkward, but the rest of the flight went fine.

Speaker 2:

After I got off, though, the woman I was previously sitting next to was waiting for me. She essentially told me that I had embarrassed her and the other man and that traveling well plus size is hard enough without people treating fatness like a contagious disease. She also said that I made it a public demonstration to everyone that plus size passengers are an inconvenience and open the door to fat phobia on flights. I really didn't mean for it to come across that way, but I can understand how it did, and everyone on the flight saw me move, so now I'm wondering whether I should have stuck it out. It wasn't like I was being suffocated or anything. Am I the asshole? Also, there are two edits. Do you want to hear the edits before you say it or not?

Speaker 1:

Mm, I haven't read them. Ok, so before we read the edits, I'm going to say not the asshole.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna say not the asshole. Yeah, okay, yeah, me too. Okay, the edits I don't think the edits might go with the story, but the first edit is like please stop being mean to all plus-sized people in the comment section. Generalization isn't nice. Peace and love. Edit two I know hardly anyone that was going to comment something rude is really going to listen to me. But forever. But for whatever it's worth. A blatant fat phobia in the comments isn't helping anything, or anyone. Cut it out. I posted this to get some insight on if and how I maybe could have handled the situation better, not to give an example of how all larger people are XYZ and that you don't literally know every single larger person that has ever lived. You have no business commenting anything like that in the first place. I definitely think they're not the asshole, however Agreed. I think that if you knew you were going to be uncomfortable right from the beginning, you should have just done it before anything. You know what I mean. While everyone is still organizing their seats and then just been like.

Speaker 2:

Come back and been like, oh my God, I actually was sitting in the wrong seat.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. Yeah, but I don't think they knew that they were going to be uncomfortable. You know what I mean. I think they were like I'm going to sit, I'm going to see how it goes. I don't want to embarrass anybody, I don't want to make anybody feel uncomfortable, so I'm going to see how it goes. And then, after it's been that long and it's like okay, I can't. It's not like they stood up and yelled like oh, I'm so uncomfortable because of you guys. You know what I mean. I think they handled it to the best of the ability.

Speaker 2:

That Like I really I don't think there's anything wrong with what they did. It's just like the after perspective of like okay, like maybe you could have just like done it right from the beginning, or whatever. But I don't think they like they weren't, like, oh my God, I hate sitting next to fat people Like.

Speaker 1:

We've seen that before, We've heard stories about that before and yeah their edits also show that they're not an asshole Like they honestly were, and but honestly I do think the girl that waited to say something is a bit of an asshole, Like the fact that you're. They didn't make a big scene about it.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean you made it a big scene.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, you saw it as a big scene and now you're making a scene. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

But I think that also has to go with them, like maybe the fat phobia that's still within you, you know, because, like yeah automatically went. They're leaving because I'm fat and like, even though they got up and didn't say anything and were polite in their head, it was, everyone was watching them and wondering why they're moving, you know, and it's.

Speaker 1:

And she said it was a matter of she. She's implying that the poster was leaving because fat is being contagious, Like she made it seem like that, when really it's just. She was just uncomfortable, Like you're just yeah, no, it's.

Speaker 2:

That person definitely went overboard. I can understand it, though I and I've been there, and I just think that, like you know, it's, it's a very complicated issue, but I think jumping down someone's throat when they didn't say anything, or like even make a noise, you know, like like a disgusted noise or anything.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean Like but again, we're outsiders, we weren't in the situation and I still think that the original person's feelings are valid, but they're your feelings and you shouldn't put that on someone else that didn't know. You shouldn't put that on someone else that didn't say something to you. Yeah, anyway, I agree. Yeah, the one that I did read. Okay, so this one, like I have so so many opinions about it, Okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, am I the asshole for not wanting to go to Disneyland with my obese friend? The title is way worse than it. I don't even know actually, because it's pretty bad, but I understand it. But okay, listen have you been to Disneyland or Disney World.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I, 37 male, have a platonic friend, 38 female, who asked me to go to Disneyland with her.

Speaker 1:

Pause. Why do we have to emphasize the fact that they're a platonic friend, Like we couldn't just say a friend?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think it's because, like like some people, automatically when it's like a girl guy relationship, they think that like someone wants the other person, or like you know what I mean. Like a lot of people like it's Reddit and like there's a lot of people out there that just don't understand that you can have friends of different genders and it doesn't have to be sexual.

Speaker 1:

I just thinking of how this story is going, how they say they don't want to go there, obese friend, and how you just said my friends invited me. I'm sitting here like you felt like you need to emphasize that it was a platonic friendship, so nobody thought you had a thing for a fat person.

Speaker 2:

I understand that, I understand that perspective, but I understand, after reading and listening to so many of these, that anyone that also posts to Reddit has read their own stories Like, and they know just be specific, like just get it out there, you know, rather than having to do it.

Speaker 1:

I'm prejudging, let's see, let's see how the way that this person does right.

Speaker 2:

I don't feel like I'm coming from a place as well that I read the story already. Yeah, true.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's, let's go yeah let's go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 37 male. That's my rewind time, I know I forget. I 37 male have a platonic friend, 38 female, who asked me to go to Disneyland with her, but I politely declined. I let her know that if I'm going to drive four hours round trip to an amusement park, spending $150 plus dollars, I'd want to stay for more than a few hours and enjoy myself. Sorry, just because this next sentence, you're going to be like oh, they're in it. Backstory she is obese.

Speaker 1:

That's not a backstory, that's just a fact.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

I didn't want to get healthy or lose weight, which is her choice, and I respect her regardless. But every time we do an outdoor activity like the zoo, seaworld or Disney, she needs to sit down every five minutes, wants to get a giant meal after 30 minutes into our time there and then two hours later needs to leave as she's been on her feet too long. It's funny because now, after listening to you bring up the platonic friend, I'm reading this story differently now, sorry, I 100% am. Because it's like why do you have to say a giant meal? Because, honestly, every meal in fricking Disney is giant anyway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's America when Brandon and I go down to the States to visit his family. I got a breakfast sandwich down there and it's literally the size of my entire hand, versus the breakfast sandwiches here are maybe the size of our palm. Everything is so much bigger there.

Speaker 2:

It's just funny because I get that all these things have to do with the fact that needs to sit down every five minutes. That is a part of this story, but then the microaggressions of putting giant meal in there. It's rather than saying wants to eat a meal 30 minutes into our time there. It is those little things that now I'm picking up on, Anyway on to the rest of the story.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So basically you didn't I interrupted us.

Speaker 2:

So oh yeah, I interrupted myself, so basically I get about an hour's worth of fun. It's a total waste of money and time, as she is incredibly sedentary in her lifestyle and gets winded on short walks, even though she by no means is the largest person I know. Oh God, I really am reading this so different. She just is extremely lazy and makes a million excuses about why she can't even do a simple 30-minute walk around her condo complex. When I was reading this I did get the judginess, but also it's like I understand him trying to give lots of context and I really was reading this as a. He's her like bestie, right, oh my God.

Speaker 2:

But now I'm reading it in totally no way, she joined a gym and three days later stopped going because it's a waste and she could do the same at home and have better results. Again, I support her regardless, as I don't give a fuck if someone is 125 pounds or 300 pounds, who cares? Well, today she got offended when I suggested we do something that involves sitting versus walking, like going to the beach, the movies, out for food. She kept pushing me on why I was saying that when I was on a sunset hike myself last night.

Speaker 2:

The difference is I walk daily, watch what I eat, go to the gym and, while I'm nowhere near as fit as I could be, I'm able to be on my feet at Disney for five to six hours, as most people who go there are, even the overweight ones. At this point I'm limiting the types of activities I do with her, especially if they cost money and take a lot of time to get to. She said I was being cold and not sympathetic enough of her needs. I'm simply saying until you can walk for more than five minutes at a time, let's do a more realistic activity that we can both still enjoy. As if I'm dropping coin on Disney, I don't want to be forced to either have to leave in two hours or be alone for several hours more. No fun.

Speaker 1:

That's it. That's the whole show.

Speaker 2:

That's the whole show.

Speaker 1:

You look pissed. I'm pondering, I'm going to say in the situation you're not the asshole, but you are an asshole person, the way that they're writing it.

Speaker 2:

You can judge them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're saying that you're not a judgy friend and I don't care what this person is, and blah, blah, blah. But my friend is fat and lazy and all she wants to do is eat giant meals and she won't walk. You know what I mean. You are judging your friend, whether you're doing it intentionally or not, but you are very negative towards how your friend is. To my point at the beginning, how he had to say it's a platonic friendship, you could have just said we're friends, but the way that you describe your friendship with this person, the way you actually think about this person, implies that you don't have feelings for this person at all. There was no need for a platonic and I think that was there to prove to everybody else that you don't have feelings for a fat person.

Speaker 2:

I understand that and I guess it's that I wasn't looking at it from the fat perspective, because if I was to write a friend right now about my old roommate John, I would say John, my platonic friend, because I'm also in a relationship and I want it to be made sure that under no circumstances can you read this, whatever.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying Well, you say that, but you actually posted a video. We could take this part out. John is the same person that you're talking about. That you posted a video about the other day, about financially, but I did say, I did just say my friend.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, but so when you're not thinking about it, talk knows, like the people that I care that comment are. They know him with Rams and they've known about John before. Like I posted about John, you know what I mean, like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

But that's what I mean. You don't have to specify it whether you're with somebody or not, and nobody knows anything about this guy. We don't know if he's single, we don't know if he's in a relationship. The amount of times people have said my friend and I, or me in this, who was my friend or my ex best friend like I think they intentionally put that there to say I don't have feelings for this person because of that Well, not necessarily because they're fat, but they're just specifying that they do not have feelings, like it felt very protective of it. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I think the situation I can see both sides.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I can. The situation doesn't make you an asshole. The fact you don't want to go to Disneyland with a plus size person because it's not worth the money. If it's just the two of you, I understand that. I get that. You know what I mean. If somebody had a conversation with me about that, that would suck. That would motivate me to go to the gym. I'm not going to lie. It would suck to hear. But that doesn't make my friend an asshole for telling me something like that. The way he describes his friend and treats his friend behind her back, that's what makes him an asshole.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want to know how good of friends they are, because if you're actually good enough friends like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't ask Because we never heard her reaction. Did we, Was she upset?

Speaker 2:

Was she okay? Was she, she said? She said I'm being cold and not sympathetic enough of her needs.

Speaker 1:

Oh, right, yes, Okay.

Speaker 2:

The thing is, is what was I saying? Sorry, I forgot what I was saying.

Speaker 1:

You didn't know how close they were.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I want to know how close they are because like, for example, I wouldn't bring just, I wouldn't ask just an acquaintance to come with me to Disney and drop like close to 200 bucks. You know, like I'd ask for my besties to come with me.

Speaker 2:

Here we go. Thank you, my哦. And okay, so, like, let's just say it was me and you and like this story, okay, I'm the guy I feel like I would sit down and say to you like, hey, I've been to Disney before and you have to, like you're walking around a lot and it is super tiring. I would just say to them, like there's mobility scooters and I know that like that can be really intimidating, but I think that like people need to realize that in Disney, it's not just people that are disabled or people that are elderly, it is people that have trouble like walking around this massive, massive amusement park. I don't know, it's just I think that if you're good enough friends, you should be able to have open conversations about it.

Speaker 2:

My brother and I, for example, have had conversations. When I wanted to go on a walk with him and, because of my injuries, he was like this is the way that this walk is? Are you sure that you are okay doing it? And I didn't take offense to it because I was like I get it, but I was a little bit offended.

Speaker 1:

I have the complete opposite situation with Corey. We've talked about him a hundred times on here. He goes for walks and he just goes, like he go, go, go, go, go, goes, right. And I've tried to keep up with him and he's like we're like trying to shoot the shit as we're walking and I'm like, bro, if we continue this conversation I'm gonna die. I need to focus on breathing right now.

Speaker 1:

So, like I have flat out said, I can't go for walks with him because he has never said to me like oh no, you can't join me. Or oh no, like I really want to power walk. Like you know what I mean. Like it's like I know, I know my limits, kind of thing. Like I know if mom wants to go for a power walk, I'm not going for that walk. I know if Corey is going out for a walk, I'm not going for that walk. But if it's like a leisure walk and I'm like, hey, you guys want to go for a walk, they're gonna keep up with my pace, you know what I mean. So I know my boundary limit thing. You know what I mean. I don't know what word I'm trying to find there. Limit, I guess, is the right word. But so I have the opposite scenario, but it just sounds like. I mean, when there's that much money involved, he just doesn't want to keep up with her pace, and I understand that. That's a lot of money.

Speaker 2:

So someone did make a comment down below and I have like an example of it in my own head where, like it just made sense. So this person said not the asshole. This is no different than not wanting to go to a vacation with someone who spends half their day sleeping in at the hotel. It's just not compatible.

Speaker 2:

I also live about 3.5 hours away from Disney World and there are plenty of very plus-sized people there, me included, that are able to keep up with the crowds and be on their feet for the six plus hours. I would not want to spend all that money driving there, tickets et cetera, just to go on maybe one or two rides before heading home. That's a big waste in my opinion and honestly, it is like there's so much to see in Disney that it's just like I was on a freshly torn ACL. Trust me, like getting a mobility scooter would have been the smartest thing for me to have done, but I couldn't get over the fat stigma and the judgments that I was like. I don't want to feel that I just want to-.

Speaker 1:

I felt that at Costco after surgery I needed to get groceries but I got the cart and I got judged 100%.

Speaker 2:

I just wish that people weren't everyone wasn't just such assholes, because it's like I really needed that and I decided to just like care what other people think. Rather than my injury and my wellbeing, I cared more about what strangers I'm never gonna see again. Thought of me like what a ridiculous concept. And just to put it out there if I ever go through that again, I will 100% be getting the mobility scooter, and it's like I don't give a crap what anyone thinks of me like eat me.

Speaker 2:

I'm in a comfortable seat and you're not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So yeah, I'm gonna round it up to be. You weren't an asshole, but in general you are an asshole, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I have one more. I have not read this. Hopefully it's not shit Time. Check I got 15 minutes. Am I the asshole for calling myself fat in front of my bigger roommate?

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, this could go a few ways. Yeah, this, this could go a few ways.

Speaker 2:

Hello, 27 female Got into a fight.

Speaker 1:

27 female here, nice to meet you Sorry.

Speaker 2:

Got into a fight with my roommate, 24 female, and I'm not sure if I'm in the wrong here. Okay, Two weeks ago I decided to cut back on junk food, slash fast food and to start losing weight. And that and that is the recipe. You've cracked the code. It became a habit of ours for her to invite friends over on Saturdays and order pizza For the second week in a row.

Speaker 2:

I said no. When she asked why I kept things to myself for the most part, so she wasn't aware of it. So I told her that I was trying to lose weight and get healthy. That's not really keeping it to yourself if you just told her what you're doing it for. She said I was skinny and didn't need to lose weight. I said I was fat and owning up to that. Then she got mad, looked like she was about to cry and asked what am I? Then I just told her that her body is her prerogative and not mine to comment on and that if she was happy with herself, that's all that mattered. Genetic response Genetic oh my God, that is not genetic.

Speaker 2:

Genetic response really, but I don't know what to say. I didn't mean to offend anyone or attack her size. I don't care what other people do with their bodies or judge anyone on their size. I'd understand her annoyance and offense to what I said if I were actually skinny and calling myself fat in front of her, but I'm not. Part of losing weight to me is owning up to size and not sugarcoating it with words like chubby or plus size. I weigh 152 at 5'3. For reference, Okay.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to say not the asshole. I understand the friend's perspective because there's times where the people in my life who are smaller than me and they're trying to lose weight, and sometimes in my head I go okay, so if you're trying to lose weight, then what do you think about me and my body? You know what I mean, but that's me internalizing stuff that has nothing to do. They probably aren't even thinking about me and my body. But I'm going to say not the asshole, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just somebody who has their own bodily problems, mental health stuff that they have to deal with. That's their own demons that they're letting out on you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've said it myself before. Someone said like they're fat in my head. I'm like no, they're non. I'm like what do they think of me? Literally, I think that's the first thing I think of. Who gives a fuck what they think of you? Because they're just worried about themselves. And like, if you're looking at someone being like they're skinny and they're calling themselves fat, like that person has a lot of issues going on right now and maybe you should have a little bit more sympathy because it's like that's their issue. They're not thinking about you, especially if someone's like that. If someone is like in a more average body and you're like, wow, they're not fat at all. Why are they talking about this? They have some serious demons. Like give them sympathy.

Speaker 2:

Like be sympathetic. I mean, you know yeah yeah, yeah, I guess it's the same thing. It just sounded weird Like oh, I'm sorry for you. Like I'm just not where I'm trying to go.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I didn't know you came down with the fat.

Speaker 2:

It's really a double-edged sword for the person that's writing this, though, because had they had not said it to that person, then it would have been them not saying it to them because they're fat which then is like it's exact same as when someone in the room is like, oh my God, that person is so fat, it's so gross. And then they look at you and go sorry. It's like why are you apologizing to me? I'm the fat person in the room.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you're right Totally. And the other thing too is like if they're your roommate, you're going to have to tell them eventually because, like, they're going to see the change in like your habits, your food, your it depends how close, but it sounds like on Fridays. If you're Saturdays, if you have mutual friends coming over and you're doing like this, it sounds like you're pretty close in general as roommates. So I would say, yeah, you would have to tell them eventually, and that's not on you, that's on them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, yeah, yeah, that's it. That's all what All three of them these were great stories, these ones were good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they did not go the way I thought they were.

Speaker 2:

I should just look at titles more like ah, who cares about reading them?

Speaker 1:

Sometimes they just like you're, like they are going to be the asshole, and then sometimes they are totally the asshole.

Speaker 2:

I've read some, though, that I'm super into, and then I realized that I'm like this is so not real and this is just someone making up a story of fat people, and it gets me really angry because I'm just like, because I'm just doing it as a yeah a funny thing. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know what I'm going to have tonight. What An oatmeal cookie. Oh is the protein one.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm addicted to them, so good. I'm going to have to add a little bit of protein powder just so that I can try the actual oatmeal raisin cookie the way it's supposed to be, because I only had chocolate peanut butter and the first night I had it it was so good, and then the second night I had it, I over baked it, so it was really dry, um, but yeah, and now I'm trying to decide if I want to do carrot cake. Um, baked oats for the morning, for breakfast.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, did you send me that or did I accidentally come across that? Did you come across the baked? Oh, woman taking it out. The carrot cake one, yeah, oh my God, I saw that today and I was like I need this, I saw it yesterday.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she makes a lot of great stuff with baked oats. I'm going to make banana bread. I bought some of the ingredients last night because I bought too many bananas. I don't really eat bananas. I have them in my smoothies, and I did not smoothie this week and Rams wasn't home to eat them all, so I'm like I got to make banana bread, I guess.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I have stuff to make banana protein banana muffins as well.

Speaker 2:

Um that I haven't protein banana muffins.

Speaker 1:

I use flourish pancake mix, Um and that's what I used before to make like my mug muffins and whatnot. So I got some of that to add with my bananas and all that stuff. So awesome.

Speaker 2:

Well, well, this was a good MID asshole. We haven't done one of these in so long.

Speaker 1:

So long, like got months. I mean, I know there was like two months there where we didn't record, but it was like months and months.

Speaker 2:

Um, and just to let you all know, we're trying to commit to at least just one episode a week this year. Uh, we really wanted to have like the Fat Girl Therapy and the waiting room, like we did last year, but, as you could tell, there's a lot of times that there was no episodes at all. So at least we can stick to one episode a week. We're in, we're ahead of ourselves right now, so hopefully we can keep this momentum going. But you know things will come up, they just will. That's life, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So life is chaotic.

Speaker 2:

Also with the Fat Girl Therapy. It's we don't have episode, like we don't have things to really talk about every single week. So maybe spreading those out within like every two weeks is a bit better is that you're not hearing the same repeats Like my story is about my ex-toxic, toxic best friend. You know that I just talk about constantly right now and I have no idea what's going on.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I was just going to say Harper has started singing many songs, but it doesn't matter, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, I haven't edited last week's episode yet. I'm doing it today and I can't wait to hear the ending.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Make sure you send me the snippet of that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, let's do that real quick, we've got. We've got five minutes. Let me just, oh my gosh, all right, here we go with our listen bitch y'all, y'all is what I just added in. I think I just accidentally shuffled in the. Um, nope, I didn't. We're good. All right, chris, tell me when to stop, okay.

Speaker 2:

I was going to see how long you do it, until you're like oh, I would just keep going.

Speaker 1:

Um, oh, I have read this one before. This one is actually read on my tech talk at one point, but it's a great one. It's a good one. Say it in the mirror, say it mean it, believe it. Listen, bitch, don't take anyone's shit. You are to be respected Always. Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, yup, that's a good one, I'm not taking anyone's shit. These are so good. I love these cards.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of such not taking people's shit. I have lunch with my mom tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

We'll have fun with that. I have to work tomorrow. Could you imagine if she texted you one day and you're like? She's like, chris. I've decided that I want to support you more and I'm going to start listening to your podcast.

Speaker 2:

I would listen to every single episode from the beginning and delete the ones that Emma mentioned her. Oh man, I don't think I was that bad. You know a lot of stuff, but I don't know that stuff out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't think there's anything that bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, mothers and daughters, you know, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

I have a very different relationship with my mother than you do with your mother. Okay, yeah, I know, yeah, and my relationship with my mother is not a normal relationship to be fair.

Speaker 2:

You guys are like awesome and I see when I see you guys interact like all of you, like your dad, your mom I just stand there as an almost 40 year old and go can I be adopted? Like I just love it. It's warm. When I go into your house, I feel warm, aw. Also, none of my friends ever growing up parents liked me, so there's a part of me that goes oh no, my parents love you.

Speaker 2:

But I actually don't feel that way, you know, like I'm still not a yeah, no, I just no my parents love you.

Speaker 1:

My dad comes home from work and he'll be like Chris was live today. I was in Chris's life today, like they love you.

Speaker 2:

I love them. You know what, though it's? It's because, as a kid, I was the loud, crazy kid, you know. You couldn't calm me down, and so parents were just like I've had enough Take this kid away. That's fair, and even when I was a teenager. But you know, that's another story for another day.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to color my hair.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to say that real quick. Oh, what Pink and purple, what yeah.

Speaker 2:

You remember?

Speaker 1:

like forever ago actually I don't know if I was here or not when I did that, but no, just the underneath is going to be black and purple, or?

Speaker 2:

pink and purple. Yeah, nice, I am still planning on going like fire truck, red hair fire truck, nice.

Speaker 1:

I did that cost so much. I loved. I loved having red hair. I would go back to it if I had the patience for the maintenance of it.

Speaker 2:

I just have to be ready to be done with the blonde, because she said it would be so hard to go back.

Speaker 1:

Huge change.

Speaker 2:

And my hair is already pretty damaged. So, yeah, yeah, I think it's going to just kind of be the cycle. I'm going to go to red, maybe do some more funky colors and then just either shave it all off or go back to dark brown, or accept the white, you know, yeah, yeah, that's a big thing right now. Yeah, anyway, anyways, I don't know what I was going to say Go bathe your daughter. She's going to say daughter Butter.

Speaker 1:

But he found some better.

Speaker 2:

I need to go have a nap. Bye, bye Yay.

Speaker 1:

Bye, bye.