The Weighting Room Podcast

Fat Girl Therapy 37: Embracing Life's Beautiful Mess: From Gray Hairs to Self-Care

Chris & Lisa

Have you ever caught a glimpse of your reflection and noticed a silver strand shining amongst the familiar? If so, you're not alone. We're spilling the beans on those sneaky gray hairs and the post-baby body blues, discussing whether to reach for the dye or rock the silver fox look. We also open up about the cravings that hit when you're living with diabetes and how we juggle health implications with those delectable sugary temptations.

Sometimes you just can't dodge the drive-thru, and that's okay! Our latest chat extends an olive branch to anyone who's felt the sting of diet culture, as we reminisce about the days of counting points and why finding a middle ground with food is key to not just a healthy body, but a happy soul. Ever cringed at your own voice during playback? Join us as we laugh off our early podcasting days and celebrate the growth they've sparked, proving that happiness truly lies in embracing our past foibles.

In the pursuit of self-improvement, we're here to say: Beat your own drum and outshine your personal best, rather than competing with the rest. We're tackling everyday hurdles like ADHD, staying hydrated, and not just surviving but thriving amidst the chaos of tech troubles during episode editing. Remember, life often has its own script, and we're here to share how we roll with the punches, always keeping our spontaneity and authenticity at the forefront. So grab your headphones and a comfy spot, and let's navigate this beautiful mess called life together.

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Disclaimer: We are not Medical professionals and all views and opinions are our own.

Speaker 1:

Dude, wait a minute. Your hair what?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, oh my gosh, this was last weekend. I think I love it, but now it's like hold on, I won't be able to hear you. We didn't record last weekend.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was just thinking.

Speaker 2:

But like you could see it right there. And then there's other like in here, so much gray and I'm just like, and I've had it for a long time, but now there's just so much of it that I'm like, and I've already started to color my hair again. I'm like let's just fuck it, do it all.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm really back and forth on it, though, because it took me a long time to grow out all of the color in my hair, but it's like I've already fucked up half of it, so I really like it and like, yeah, great, I've been dealing with that since I was like 20. So yeah, but you have like the blonde in your hair, so it's like you can't really see it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it definitely helps, but it's so when my roots grow in. It's just so obvious.

Speaker 2:

I'm the same, like I've had it for as long as I can remember now, like through high school I had gray and it also does a good color. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it comes through pretty fast. But yeah, I know, I hear you, and especially with dark hair, yeah, you can.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I can't see it because we're on video, but I know, because I've dyed my hair black so many times, I can see it a lot yeah.

Speaker 2:

I just I feel like. Like I feel like it's too soon for me to have this problem. You know what I mean. Like it's like whatever. You heard people complaining about having gray hair. Like I feel like my mom is just starting to complain about gray hair and it's like am I? I feel like I'm not ready for this. But you know what? I thought the same thing while I was pregnant. I never parked in those like pregnant women slash small family parking spots, because I never felt like I was pregnant enough for it. But then I had Harper and I'm like oh, I guess I could have parked in that spot because I was definitely pregnant enough. Yeah, so now I park there all the time because I've paid my dues, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, you know what? Like I said the same thing, like I'm too young to have gray hair or whatever, but really there's no age. Gray attacks even teenagers.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like it's just. I feel that because you associate grayness of getting older or whatnot, but also when you're a mom, you know what Even dads. It takes a different toll on them, but moms like you gave your body away.

Speaker 2:

Like your body's not yours.

Speaker 1:

It's just like it's not that your body's not yours anymore, but it's just like it's not going to be the same and all these things are going to happen. So it's like gray hair, I think, also just comes with it, whether it's stress or whether it's just what your hair wants to do.

Speaker 2:

That was actually a hard truth that I had to have with myself this week, because I can fit in my tops. From when I was 18 right now, oh wow, my pants have barely moved. Like I'm still like a size 24 on pants, but I can fit in a one X top and that's just because my body's losing weight up here and in my legs, but it will not lose around that part. But at the same time, it's like I have excess skin because I reached 400 pounds. My stomach expanded again while I was pregnant, like my stomach now. I looked at side by side from when I started my weight loss journey to now and in here, like right under my boobs is where I'm pointing to I could see that I've lost a lot of weight, but my stomach hangs lower now compared to 2018.

Speaker 1:

But anyways. So um oh, we didn't say hi, we just started talking.

Speaker 2:

Oh, hello, hello. Thank you for listening to us ramble.

Speaker 1:

We just got right into it. Lisa and I haven't. We haven't talked that much, but we still talk a lot. We just aren't talking as about the things normally, and also I have been super MIA. It's any group chat that's going on right now, like not even just ours, it's just I'm not watching, I'm not looking at it, I'm not reading because I'm just I'm so busy, but I'm also I don't feel that I have that much going on. But it's spring, I'm spring cleaning, I'm reorganizing. I'm realizing a lot of the stuff I even have around my house is not my interest anymore. So I'm just kind of revamping everything.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess you a text actually about maybe a week ago or it was last week, and I have not stopped thinking about what I said to you and it's really bothered me and so I have no idea.

Speaker 2:

I know you don't.

Speaker 1:

I know, because it wasn't. It didn't seem like that big of a thing, but to me it was because I was like what did? I just write to you and then I was like it is 100% truthful. I've just never said it out loud, anyway, the message that I said to you. I started talking to my counselor about it today and I told her I'm like, but put a pin in that, like we'll talk about it.

Speaker 2:

I'm like this is such a heavy thing and I'm like trying to think of all the things that we talked about and I'm like well what are you?

Speaker 1:

talking about. So, just for everyone out there, I know I'm still not going to say it yet, but I was telling Lisa about how I can't stop consuming sugar recently, and it's not. I'm not talking about it from the weight aspect However, that is a part of it but I'm talking about it from the diabetic perspective.

Speaker 1:

So when I became a diabetic in 2019, I was so afraid of dying that I was like what do I have to do to make this not to not be diabetic anymore? And he was like, well, you're always going to be diabetic. He's like, but you can put it into remission. I'm like, great, what's the recipe? And he's like diet and exercise. And I'm like, fuck you.

Speaker 1:

But it was true. It was like, and it wasn't like go on an extreme diet. It was watch your sugar intake, Like watch the calories that you're consuming and, instead of just sitting on the couch all day, go for a 20 minute walk. So it was just these small things. It wasn't like go to the gym two hours a day, five days a week, Anyway. So I did and I put it into remission. And then, when I put it into remission, it's almost like my brain went remission means you're not a diabetic anymore, so go get some ice cream. And I can't change my brain Like it's just, it's really hard right now. And I was told hey, you have this. And in my head I went that makes me closer to death. I got scared, but now I'm not, and I think and anyway.

Speaker 1:

So what I said to Lisa was I explained all this diabetic stuff and how I was like I just need someone to tell me I'm dying, for me I apparently to change. And then I said sometimes I think maybe I just don't have an appreciation, an appreciation for life that I once had. That sounds really heavy and scary, but I think that that's the way I feel. And I don't mean you actually didn't even talk about it, Like I just said it to you and then, like we started talking about other things and a little bit of that, and I really don't think I have an appreciation for life that I once had. And I don't mean that I want to die, I just mean that I'm coasting through life on autopilot and I don't appreciate any of the small things anymore.

Speaker 1:

I don't appreciate the people around me. I don't appreciate the effort people and put in for me. I don't appreciate anything right now and I need to find that again and I think it's because I'm surrounding myself with things and distractions and I'm not actually Doing the things that I want right and love. So I Need to figure that shit out. I need to find my appreciation for life again. I need to find what my interests are and I think that this is the experience that maybe a lot of people need a slap in the face About to realize that post COVID because a lot of our stuff got put on pause and we became these different people and we don't know what we like anymore.

Speaker 1:

Right, I think there's a lot of people like that. Just yeah, really freaking, stuck For sure, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I think something that people really forget during COVID is that we grew. During COVID you know what I mean. A lot of people expected things to just go back the way they were, and I think people are still stuck in the Well, I'll just wait until things are back to where they were, but things aren't ever gonna go back to how it was. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And that's hard for years to accept. Covid started four years imagine, imagine life actually without COVID.

Speaker 2:

I knew that because in my book, in my Facebook memories today, it was all the animal crossing memes and stuff that I was sharing, so like because it comes out where it came out on March 20th of 2020, yeah, so that's my memories right now. It was a whole bunch of animal crossing stuff and a whole bunch of memes of, like, everybody's freaking about COVID, but everybody feels animal crossing is totally fine. I was so excited for that video game to come out. I booked the day off so that I could play it. When it came out at midnight the night before, like I was so excited for the new animal crossing game, so I may actually made a Facebook status today saying that life has started to suck again, or no? I said life is starting to get too hard again. Must be time for a new animal crossing.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, so yeah, like, if you think about life without COVID, in four years, you've definitely changed. Even if your mom let's say you became a mom in 2020, your kid would be four right now, and that's a totally different life that you're living than with a newborn baby. You know, and Same my interests changed daily, normally. So the fact that I'm thinking that my life would be the same pre COVID is ridiculous. So all the things that I have in my life even I know it's it's weird for me to say, because I've also had these things since I was a child but I'm contemplating even like donating or getting rid of my hemp, like I just don't think I have a passion for bracelet making anymore. However, that passion does come back. Uh, my hobbies do recycle every few years, um, and I'm afraid to like give it away and then I have that problem to get them back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I have that exact problem if I'm in a house, maybe I'd have like a garage where I could put all this stuff.

Speaker 2:

I know, like my looming kits and my cross stitching, it's like I still have all of it. When's the last time I did it? Yeah, I like I don't know, but I love doing it. I just I'm not in that mode right now.

Speaker 1:

Because there's other parts. And then you have to think that maybe something like I'm not saying with that, but like for me, like with with having the hemp around, I'm out doing all these other things and I feel Misery, not miserable, but like bad, that I'm not doing that thing that I also love, but I'm not paying attention, that yeah, but you're out doing another thing that you love, and so that's okay.

Speaker 1:

And then also, maybe you just want to do that thing that you love now permanently and not do the hemp like and that's okay. You know, it's just. Oh, I feel so confused and I need to find out what. What sparks life Into my life? What sparks happiness into my life? I don't know. I need some spark. I like it. Do you have any updates or anything? I got a new car. I know that's exciting.

Speaker 2:

I'm waiting for you to say oh, yes, oh, I got a new car.

Speaker 1:

That's so exciting.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I was like, actually, you know what I'm really happy about the car. Oh, that's what's happening. I'm really happy about the car thing not just because it's a new car, but because, like I lived with my parents and then I moved in with Brandon like I've never had, like any form of like independence for myself um, it's always been me and somebody. So, uh and it's uh, my brain went blank and when it came to this car like it's in my name, it's on my credit, like it's what I achieved, like I could do it. So just having that little bit of a I did this is is awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's super awesome. I'm really proud of you. It's really, thank you.

Speaker 2:

That's, that's the most exciting thing about the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

I mean, the car itself is awesome, but um yeah with with honestly, like let's just throw it out there, with our journeys and stuff, we're still on the road to, uh, happiness, success, I don't know how to put it. Uh, we're doing great, but we're still Human, so we're not gonna bother talking about the stuff that's happened in the last couple weeks, because it's been like stressful, I mean oh, my god the gym. I'm sure lisa has. Well, I mean you.

Speaker 2:

Well, I was at the gym, but yeah, you are the.

Speaker 1:

You see, it's opposite. You were at the gym, but you had some takeout me. I was being mindful of the food I was eating. Did I miss the gym?

Speaker 2:

So yeah, like I literally had fast food every day for dinner last week and it wasn't even like it wasn't, like I don't feel like cooking, let's just have takeout, like I feel. Looking back on it, my brain goes you could have had food at home, but at the same time it's like if I would have done that, I wouldn't have been eating until nine o'clock at night. Like you know what I mean. Like I just need to tell my brain that like something had to give here and in this week it was just it had to be the food. Yeah, so because, like the one night it was mcdonald's, because we were at the car dealership until like 8 30 and then the next night Brandon got pizza while I got. What did I get? Oh, I got dary queen. And I had dary queen Because we had to go get the tires changed on the car, because we were trading in our old car but we wanted to keep our winter tires.

Speaker 2:

And then the next night we were actually picking up the car. So, again, we weren't leaving until like 8 30 and then the night after that I was meeting with my personal trainer for the first time and then, finally, after that it was Friday and we actually did eat at home, so it was just like a constant. Like I was so busy and like when you log off work, first of all half the time I had to commute home, uh, from work, so I'm not even home until like six o'clock. Then you got to do all this running around and bullshit. Like by the time we were settling and actually ready to eat, something was 8 30, and if we would have cooked something at home, we're not eating until almost 9, 30, 10 o'clock at that point, depending on what you're cooking.

Speaker 2:

So it's like I don't know. I shouldn't have to justify it and I'm not trying to justify it to everybody, but it's more so in my head that it's like you could have just had something at home and you would have been fine, but it's like no, I did not have the time to do that. Like. So, anyways, uh, I said this week would be better and today was okay. I think I didn't track my dinner and whatnot, but, um, really just focusing on that protein intake scenario.

Speaker 1:

Focusing on protein is like the one thing I really want to do right now, because that one day I messaged Lisa. During the week, I had a really weird day where I even took an avocado with me to work and I had celery with hummus or whatever. Protein intake was almost not existent, non-existent, and I was starving that day and I had still hit 2000 calories with all this other stuff, but it's just, I was so hungry, anyway. The whole point, though, is that, yeah, okay, we didn't do like Our personal best this, this last, this last week, but that doesn't mean that we're stopping. That doesn't mean anything. Everything's gone out the window. We're just we had a week. We're going back to it.

Speaker 2:

I just want to say real quick that I've been listening to our old episodes from the beginning. First of all, don't do it. Uh, it literally feels like, you know, when you have like facebook memories and it's like from high school you and it's just like the Cringiest status. That's basically what it is. And I was listening to the weight watchers episode and it was us complaining about how many points avocados are. And now you're you were just talking about how like I had an avocado and I'm like, oh yes.

Speaker 1:

We're happy about avocados now. Um, sometimes I just want to delete that first season of the podcast.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, I know, I know I feel the same way, but it's like it's part of our growth that we were literally just talking about. But, like every time, uh, I had a friend that was like, hey, I'm starting your podcast. I'm like, okay, first of all, don't start in season one, start in like 2023 on.

Speaker 1:

I would say it was good when ken was here too. I mean, it's just, we had a lot of good stuff happen that year.

Speaker 2:

I think it's just uh, man, I mean every, there's just growth and goodness and all of them. It just we didn't.

Speaker 1:

At least we didn't go from like toxic mentality though you know I'm like I don't view any of our stuff as toxic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah weight watchers, yeah, but like I know a lot of people that are on weight watchers and like it still helps them, you know I I'm not gonna sit here and go. Like weight watchers didn't help me, like it got over my fear of bananas, but like I don't believe in it anymore, I don't think it's wrong for your own personal journey and you know what, when I listened to our WW episode, it doesn't feel like we're talking about toxic diet culture.

Speaker 2:

It literally felt like we were talking about a support and a new system that just worked for us, kind of thing. There was no, I don't know. I think the biggest thing with diet culture personally is like there's just different I don't know levels. I guess you could say I don't know, because there's people who are just like I'm trying to lose weight. That's what it is. At the end of the day, you're just in a calorie deficit. I think it has such a bad like the word diet has such a bad rep because there's so many diets out there that are like let's just cut out the carbs or you need to have a calorie deficit so that you're only eating like a thousand calories. Like that's not healthy. You know what I mean. If you're going from one health extreme to another health extreme like that's when diet culture becomes the toxicness that it is.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. Oh God, you know what my brain like. I had it there and then my brain said bye.

Speaker 2:

Delete. Oh no, I needed to save that. Anyway. Yes, I agree. Yes, anyways, let's read the article, because we said we didn't have a lot to talk about today, so we pulled up this article, and yet we haven't stopped talking for like 20 minutes though.

Speaker 1:

So, talking about wanting to bring more happiness into my life, I found an article and it was just something that someone decided to put up. It's, I think it's like a Reddit post, so I don't know where it originally came from or if this person made it up. It seems like they made it up, but it's what are the simplest things one can do to make oneself happier.

Speaker 2:

So Okay, is it like a list, like you know, when, like, oh, I hate this. Oh, okay, so this is fine.

Speaker 1:

but I hate when, like you, look up a recipe online and it's like, oh my God, it's how they got the story about how my oh my God, I don't care Like just how much nutmeg do I need to add to my dick Every? Time I pull up one of those things, I just immediately start scrolling because I'm like I don't care about your life story. Oh, I know me too. Like whatever.

Speaker 2:

Oh I know. Oh my God, it drives me crazy. I woke up one day after having a dream about bitches. Okay, stop.

Speaker 1:

On that note. If you're someone that does that, stop it. So Post on TikTok like everybody else. Oh, but even though with people like I'll post on TikTok and not tell you what went into that, okay, to be fair, sometimes I don't either, but I show the actual size and, like you know, I just don't want to talk, but it'll be like click on the link in my bio or click on my Instagram Sometimes, cause you don't you don't have the Instagram icon on TikTok anymore.

Speaker 2:

And it's like.

Speaker 1:

The recipe is posted on my Instagram.

Speaker 2:

You literally have to go hunting for these people and I'm like I just want to know what powder that was that you used, like come on or like, when they do, actually put it in the caption, so that you always have people in the comments where, like you, couldn't tell us the recipe. Bitch just opened the caption the recipe is right there.

Speaker 1:

I think you stopped writing captions. Sometimes and I'm like you all don't even read them anyway, I don't put the effort in.

Speaker 2:

And then I can people start commenting stuff about my caption. I'm like okay, y'all are the real ones.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I put a question in my captions just to see who it is. And then I can see like the OGs are. Yeah, thank you. Thanks for reading.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, let's get into this article. What makes this guy happy?

Speaker 1:

They all start. Like every number it starts with stop, Stop doing this.

Speaker 2:

It sounds like it, but it's not okay.

Speaker 1:

Stop spending time with the wrong people.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's a good one.

Speaker 1:

Right. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in their life, they'll make room for you. You shouldn't have to fight for a spot. Never, ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your worth. And remember, it's not the people that stand by your side when you're at your best, but the ones who stand beside you when you're at your worst that are your true friends. So true, get first. Stop running from problems. It's the next approved. Yes, sorry, I'm going right in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I need to, you know. Give them the approval of the weighting.

Speaker 1:

Okay, look at that Judgment. Yes, Okay, stop running from your problems. Face them head on. No, it won't be easy. There is no person in the world capable of flawlessly handing out every punch thrown at them. We aren't supposed to be able to hand. That's not what it says. We aren't supposed to be able to instantly solve problems. That's not how we're made. In fact, we're made to get upset, sad, hurt, stumble and fall, because that's the whole purpose of living to face problems, learn, adapt and solve them over the course of time. This is what ultimately molds us into the person we become.

Speaker 2:

Deep down. I approve. The surface is like oh man.

Speaker 1:

I am a runner Like I never thought of myself as a runner. When people are like, why do you move so much? I'm like I just like fresh starts. It's like that's because I don't want to deal with that. I don't want to deal with that.

Speaker 2:

You know what? I'm actually pretty good at dealing with stuff. I like to think because, like, like, if Brandon and I get an argument, I'm like no, I'm dealing with this shit right now, I'm not pushing it to later, like just hash it out, and you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But then there's other things where it's like oh, I don't want to deal with this, I'm just gonna I am someone that likes to deal with stuff immediately, however, and, like counselor, is trying to teach me and stuff, but I'm trying to give me life lessons that I'm paying for. She agrees with me, though, in the way of like the last three times that my mom and I personally have almost gotten arguments to deal with them a bit in cars.

Speaker 1:

I have exited the car and I've just walked home because and she doesn't like that she thinks I'm being a baby, but to me I'm like no, hold on, not the counselor, your mom, my mom, okay, the counselor is trying to talk me through this stuff, but she agrees with the fact that it's right that I'm walking away.

Speaker 2:

I'm just confirming. Your counselor isn't like your baby. Oh no, my mom calls me a baby for walking away, because she's like we should just be able to deal with it.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, but in that moment I can't. I need to breathe and I can't breathe around you, so I just I have to walk away. And there's a lot of people that really hate that. I would hate it if someone walked away from me when I want to deal with something, right then. But I don't get angry at those people anymore, or not angry, like I would never actually get angry at them, just internally.

Speaker 1:

but it's like you have to. You have to take a minute to breathe so that you can approach it with a calm mind.

Speaker 2:

Like when.

Speaker 1:

I'm at 100, there's no talking about it, even if in the middle of the argument I realize I'm wrong. Nope, not gonna tell ya.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I'm doing that. If I do lose my shit, I usually apologize later. I apologize for losing my shit, not for you pissing me off. Yeah, that's the difference. You know what I mean. Like I did not handle my emotions well there and I am sorry for how I reacted to it, but at the end of the day, you still pissed me off, you still hurt me in some way and I am not apologizing for feeling that way. I'm just apologizing for how I reacted to how I was feeling.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but the important part, though, is also to recognize how you reacted and not let it happen again, because even though those people might have driven you to that point of anger. The only person that can control your emotions is you, and it's not fair to react that way, especially to the same person, and then just apologize for it. Just be like, well, I can react this way because I can apologize, because eventually that person is not gonna wanna fucking hear it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, and luckily, most of the time this happens it's the people usually realize I'm PMSing as well.

Speaker 1:

It's true, by the way, side note. But no, I'm keeping this in the podcast because everyone knows. I told my counselor today how I hate talking about that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And she called you a baby.

Speaker 1:

No, no. I was like I feel that this is such a ridiculous thing to not be able to talk about that time of the month, but I wanna learn how to get over it. So then I was like I kept referring it to as feminine hygiene and she's like so is that the least the word that makes you react the least?

Speaker 1:

And I'm like yeah, and she's like okay, so we started doing these breathing exercises. She's right away. She's like okay, so we're gonna start talking about it. So, immediately when she did that, like my leg starts going and I'm like like soothing myself.

Speaker 1:

And then, like I was like rubbing my hands and she's like, okay, so I'm gonna say it. And then she's like and then, and I'm just sitting here and like, just fucking say it. Like, just say it so we can get on with the exercise. And she didn't. And then afterwards she was like all right.

Speaker 1:

So how did you feel? When I said the word, I'm like, before you said the word, I was freaking out because you said you were gonna do it. And then I was like get to the point, and she was laughing because I'm like I couldn't wait for you to say it. And then, once you said it, she's like feminine hygiene. And then I was like and then I started doing it, and then I started doing the breathing exercise and she's like all right. So how did you feel? And I was like, honestly, you saying it made me realize how ridiculous this is, that I can't handle it. But I'm like I think I can handle that word, cause I'm like I, just I. It was more funny than disgusting. So but my whole pointer is like I'm like I wanna get over this, because if I'm around friends that have kids, like I don't wanna have that reaction. I think people should be open to talking about this. It should be normal.

Speaker 1:

Now she's just gonna drop saying it every once in a while, you guys you guys.

Speaker 2:

You guys, let me talk about something completely different. She'll be like so how was lunch with your mother last weekend? Feminine hygiene.

Speaker 1:

I told her. I'm like, even when a commercial comes on, I'm like, no, I'm like it either has to get muted or the channel has to get changed, even if it's the blue stuff. Yeah, no, I'm like cause I'm no and I've got your reaction to the blue stuff.

Speaker 2:

I thought having that reaction.

Speaker 1:

So I told her as well that I'm like, I'm such a visual person that I think that that's what my problem is, because when someone is talking about it, I'm immediately thinking about it. Or then, if they're talking about their personal experience, I'm picturing them dealing with it and I'm like and I don't like that. Like I know I don't wanna picture people like that, but I can't help the way my brain goes, it just immediately starts making a commercial.

Speaker 2:

I can tell your anxiety is spiking about it because you have just twisted that cord right now I am.

Speaker 1:

I'm rocking myself, dude, I'm like watching you.

Speaker 2:

I'm like you cannot sit still. It's like, literally, your cord is like all the way up your neck. I'm like she needs a change of subject of me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's get back to the article. Okay, All right, ig, I think this is gonna be a clip.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, okay, number three.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this is a good one. Stop lying to yourself.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that is a good one.

Speaker 1:

You can lie to anyone else in the world, but you can't lie to yourself. Our lives improve only when we take chances, and the first and most difficult chance we can take is to be honest with ourselves. And then it says to read the road less traveled. Yeah, I used to say that all the time. But like, you can get online and like, lie about, like your eating habits or whatever, like when we were first starting that out. But it's like why, cause you're just lying to yourself. Mm-hmm, just makes no sense. Stop putting your own needs on the back burner. The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much and forgetting that you are special too. Yes, help others, but help yourself too. If there was ever a moment to follow your passion and do something that matters to you, that moment is now.

Speaker 2:

I think that's so hard for people to adjust to do because it comes off as selfish and it's not. You know what I mean. It's like me, for example, when I say I go to the gym in the morning because I need something for my body, like for me, people find it selfish because I'm a mom and I should be there for my kid whenever they need me and it's like okay. But at the same time I'm getting up at three in the morning so I'm taking away from my video games, I'm waking up early, I'm going to bed early like all, while she's asleep. I'm doing all of this so that I can still be there with her. But in other people's eyes, because I post about me going to the gym and how I eat and blah, blah, blah, I come off as selfish because I focus on me, even though I have a daughter. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

People called you that oh yeah, yeah, but it's just one of those things I know. But it's just one of those things where it's like I know I'm not, but because other people call you that those people could not put themselves first in situations.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know what though, Like we also have to just remember, like and this is coming from someone that reacts to hate comments horribly we have to remember that they're only seeing a two minute video into our lives.

Speaker 1:

And if you want to call me selfish. You don't know me. And like we just have to realize that that opinion doesn't matter at all because we know what's really happening. And like I really have to learn that too, because it's like I have to remember this is the only thing this person is seeing of me. If they want to say that that's your opinion and I'm just not gonna bother by it anymore.

Speaker 2:

It's very much on like the mom side of TikTok, where it's like the stereotypical, like crunchy and quotations mom, where it's like they're the stay at home mom and it's just the beige toys. And don't get me wrong, like I do have friends who are moms, who are like that but they're not judgy, like that, you know what I mean. Like they're like I'm being a mom the way I know that's best for me and me and my kid. You're being a mom that's best for you and your kid and we accept the fact that they use wooden blocks and I use Fisher Price. You know what I mean. Like we know they're different parenting styles and it just is what it is. But it's the cliche side of those moms who they think that they are the best mom in the world and if you're doing something different from them you're a bad mom and it just like. It just is what it is. Those people, is-.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how you do it, cause if I was a mom I would not join any mom groups, like I don't know, my friends that are moms Like I'm sorry, I don't wanna know what toys you want. I don't wanna know, and all about the newest, greatest thing I'm gonna-.

Speaker 2:

No, I had some friends who were like here, let me show you this Facebook mom group and I'm like no, thank you, Like I did not join any mom groups, it's just judgment and like-. It is.

Speaker 1:

Oh, because I've done this. Oh, you need help and I you know what People that are just helping moms where they are, where they need to be, without putting their opinion of how they raise their kids. Love you. You're great, but there's social media is already toxic and then you add in that layer of bringing up a child Everyone raises their child differently and like you guys. No one should be comparing. Just tell people about toys and why you like them. Tell people about new things Like an app that might help you. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's no.

Speaker 1:

I hate it Honestly.

Speaker 2:

I have huge, huge, huge props to like crunchy mom like that genre I don't know, but like what's Stara typically shown as a crunchy mom. Like man, the effort that goes into, like making the fresh food and making your own baby food and all of this from scratch, and like this toy and doing this activity and blah, blah, blah. Like huge props to those moms, Huge, huge, huge props. Like I can't do that. You know what we had for dinner tonight Crap dinner with ketchup.

Speaker 1:

You also don't know what's happening on the back. Is that a stay at home mom? Do they have childcare? Do they? You know what Like? Do they have money?

Speaker 2:

Stereotypically they usually are a stay at home mom, but that's like still stay at home mom, 100%, a job 100%. Oh, I'm not saying that. I'm not saying it's just that you might have more time because you're at home in your kitchen that you could pop something in the oven.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully you have a timer and don't burn the house down because you're probably gonna get distracted with something else. But it's not like being at work and then trying to be like plan your dinner, like you're at home 100%. I think that a stay at home parent has the hardest job. Like it's no, it never ends it never. Ends it never ends, even after they're 18, it never ends.

Speaker 2:

Ask my mom, yeah, ask my mom, Okay, let's go on. Okay, all moms are great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, unless you're Jacqueline Unless you're, unless you're a judgy judgerson. Okay, stop trying to be someone you're not. Kind of ties in with this. One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that's trying to make you be like everyone else.

Speaker 2:

Someone will always be prettier.

Speaker 1:

Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger, but they will never be you. Don't change so. People will like you, Be yourself to the right people and they will love the real you. Facts yes, Approved. Stop trying to hold onto the past. This is something that I was talking about recently too. Remember like I gotta let go of the past and old friends. You can't start the next.

Speaker 2:

You're not holding onto that still at all.

Speaker 1:

Not at all. You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading your last one.

Speaker 2:

And that God you know what?

Speaker 1:

I am actually gonna get that tattooed on me? Yeah, because I'm not gonna get that tattooed, because it kind of goes with my no regrets thing, but it's definitely like I have to remember that Sleep I think of all the great memories. I'm the memory keeper of all my friends. I've told you this I'm not gonna go over it again. And I have to stop thinking about the good old days or whatever. I really don't talk about them that much, but I think about them often. And yet I'm sitting in here on a nice sunny day and not enjoying the great day and going for a walk or doing a new experience I've never done going and taking that pottery class I haven't done yet.

Speaker 1:

Or that lamp making. That sounds really weird but it's a really cool lamp making.

Speaker 2:

The glass ones.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, I've wanted to do that, and there's a class actually in New West, I think, or Granville Island, I can't remember which one, but anyway like yeah, so I have to stop doing that and I just have to start living in the moment, because there's a lot of life to live.

Speaker 2:

What number are?

Speaker 1:

we on Seven. Let's try and go through them. Okay, Maybe some I might skip. They sound stupid.

Speaker 2:

Those ones are pretty disapprove.

Speaker 1:

Stop being scared to make a mistake. Doing something and getting it wrong is at least 10 times more productive than doing nothing. Every success has a trail of failures behind it, and every failure is leading towards success. You end up regretting the things you did not do far more than the things that you did.

Speaker 2:

That is true. That reminds me of a quote that I used to like live by and high school, and that was the answer is always no if you don't ask.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true. Sorry, I was just thinking about a bunch of scenarios. That that's so true. Where did I end? Oh, seven, stop berating yourself for old mistakes. We may love the wrong person and cry about the wrong things, but no matter how things go wrong, one thing is for sure Mistakes help us find the person and the things that are right for us. We all make mistakes, have struggles and even regret things in our past, but you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here now with the power to share your day and your future. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come. It's so true to think about that because if you did other things, you wouldn't be here now to what's gonna happen next. You'd be somewhere else, to something else that's gonna happen next.

Speaker 2:

I used to think of Butterfly effect.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, I got the no regrets tattooed on my arm because I would think about things and be like, oh, I shouldn't have done that. But then it's like if I hadn't have done that one thing, maybe I wouldn't be here right now, maybe I'd be over there and my life would be harder. My life could be better over there, but I don't know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Stop thinking about it and be happy where you are. Yeah, stop trying to buy happiness. That was a problem for me for a while. Listen, I like my Sims packs okay, seriously, I can't wait until Boxing Day.

Speaker 2:

They're on sale right now. What, the spring sale? Like a whole bunch, or like more than 50% off. You can get a whole bunch in bundles. Okay, I gotta go.

Speaker 1:

Well, chris just left, so today's episode will be half of this article. It actually will be only half of this article because it is going too long just to let everyone know Our plan was literally like let's just hop on and do a quick episode for 20 minutes.

Speaker 2:

And literally in my head I was like this is great, because I am working on something on Sims. And so I was like yeah, that's fine, we can do a quick episode. And then we started talking about stuff, even though we said we weren't going to talk about stuff. And then we started reading this article and now this article is good article, but long articles.

Speaker 1:

It never goes the way that we think it's going to go when we go to record.

Speaker 2:

Ever, ever, because we're always like we'll be quick. No, never.

Speaker 1:

Never. I think our longest one was like four hours. How long was the OZMPIC one that we were recording?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah we recorded for like four hours. Yeah, that was nuts. Anyway, sorry, I need to think of something that I was going to say that probably was not important. Yes, we are going to like pick up. I'm going to read a few more and we are going to pick this up for next week, incorporated as well with how we're doing this week. But I think talking about happiness and stuff is something we should talk about more than once. So let's continue. Stop trying to buy happiness. I think is what I said.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because then I said how there's the spring sale right now.

Speaker 1:

Many of the things we desire are expensive, but the truth is, the things that really satisfy us are totally free Love, laughter and working on our passions. So true, but you know what your passions probably cost money. Stop exclusively looking for others. Nope, stop exclusively looking to others for happiness. If you're not happy with who you are on the inside, you won't be happy in a long-term relationship with anyone else either. You have to create stability in your own life first, before you can share it with someone else.

Speaker 2:

Read stumbling on happiness this person read a lot of self-help books, it seems like Probably.

Speaker 1:

I think it's super true.

Speaker 2:

Did you ever read any of those chicken soup for the souls?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They're like OK, I haven't read them since I was a teenager, but they were like religious, weren't they?

Speaker 2:

I think so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I think that they were really popular for me and all my friends because we went to like we were in Catholic school and stuff they felt like they were. They had to do with religion, with Sorry, that's OK.

Speaker 2:

I only read one, I think, and it was more on the religious side, I found, but it was kind of just like your life for dummies you know what I mean Because there was just like so many different ones, and it was like here's this heartfelt story to make you feel good about your life, even though it's not your life.

Speaker 1:

But maybe it could be your life. I remember reading some like crazy ones of people in accidents and stuff and I was like what is this?

Speaker 2:

Read it before it was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I actually think I even wrote into that book to talk about something.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no way, Maybe they published it and you had no idea.

Speaker 1:

I probably didn't. I think you'd get notified.

Speaker 2:

You would think, but Right.

Speaker 1:

Stop being idle, don't think too much or you'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place. So me Evaluate situations and take decisive action. You cannot change what you refuse to confront. Making progress involves risk. Period Wait Making risk involves making progress involves risk period.

Speaker 2:

I would add on to that by saying trust your gut as well, like usually, if you're like, I don't think this person's a good person, oh, sorry.

Speaker 1:

You can't make it to second base with your foot on first. That was it.

Speaker 2:

If you see somebody and or like you're getting to know someone and you're like this is this is a bad person, and it's like your gut feeling is like this is a bad person. And now you're stuck in this idle because like, well, maybe they're not a bad person, like, maybe I'll just stick it out. No, trust your gut If you don't like it. If you don't trust it, get out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no for sure, I agree. Stop thinking you're not ready. Nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises, because most great opportunities in life force us to grow beyond our comfort zones, which means we won't feel totally comfortable at first. True, yeah, stop getting involved in relationships for the wrong reasons. Relationships must be chosen wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company. There's no need to rush.

Speaker 1:

If something is meant to be, it'll happen. Oh sorry, if something is meant to be, it will happen in the right time, with the right person and for the best reason. Fall in love when you're ready, not when you're lonely. Oof, oof. Stop rejecting new relationships just because old ones didn't work. In life, you'll realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you and some will teach you, but, most importantly, some will bring out the best in you. You know what? I actually almost rejected Ram's and I getting together because of my past relationship, because my relationship was still living in town and it was an abusive one, unfortunately, and we were even having to go to court because of what?

Speaker 2:

he has done.

Speaker 1:

And Ram's and I were together and it came up within the first two months and I said listen, I have to go to court and it's in the other town, but I'm going to bring one of my guy roommates with me, because I don't think that this is the way we should start out our relationship. I actually got the first court. My mom took a bus all the way from Vancouver up to Alberta to come home.

Speaker 1:

And the fucker didn't even show up for court, and then the next time he didn't show up for court again, when my roommate came with me. I was so mad, and then they put out a Canada-wide warrant for him. It has been eight years, though, and I don't think they. I've never got any updates about it, so I don't think anything happened and at this point I don't think that warrant. So it still exists. Jesus, I think he actually lives in Vancouver or Vancouver Island, damn Well, I mean, it's the best place to be, to be homeless, because it's warmer than the rest of Canada. It's not really the best place to be. It's never a best time to be homeless. Weather-wise, it is better than the rest of Canada. I said that so backwards, like you dug yourself out, I really, but I tried digging myself back out, climbing out. I wouldn't dig in to get out. Ok, let's continue.

Speaker 2:

Number nine. Is it nine, no 14.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, stop. Stop rejecting. No wait, that's. I just did that. We're on 15. Stop trying to compete against everyone else. Don't worry about what others are doing. Better than you, concentrate on be. I thought you said concentrate on beating yourself up. I'm sorry, concentrate on beating your own records every day. Success is a battle between you and yourself. Only, I think we should stop halfway. You know what I mean. This is a good size episode and I think we should soak these 15 things up, think about them and then come back to the last 15 next time. Ok, yeah, did you like that? Do you think? I think that gave me some things to think about? Like, definitely stop putting my needs on the back burner. It's huge for me and stop lying to yourself. But also, yeah, go ahead. No, I just I feel like I tell myself things sometimes and I make excuses and then I'm just like you're just lying to yourself.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Really hard to recognize that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, it was really not important. I was just going to say I also made a little frog out of my gum wrapper.

Speaker 1:

We just have to be fidgeting, don't we? I've been doing this the whole time I've been into a circle. My string. I'm diagnosed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We should actually be having someone come on here to talk to you.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were going to say we should really get tested.

Speaker 1:

Well, actually, no, I do. I really should get tested. I've been wanting to get tested since I was a teenager and I just keep not doing it, so yeah, put it on the back burner.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, hopefully we'll have a guest coming up soon. I have reached out to them. They are interested and it would be talking about ADHD in women, so that is something I will look forward to. Yes, and getting tested yeah, yeah, so yeah, I think we should be able to talk about ADHD goals or things that you want to accomplish. This week.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, honestly, I have a lot of shit going on at work, so my mental capacity is going to that. You know, I'm kind of just I'm going to the gym and eat my food as best as I can and just focus on everything that I have going on at work right now. How's your water been Okay? I'm going to start with these, these primes.

Speaker 1:

Are pretty good. What about just?

Speaker 2:

regular water. I haven't had any regular water today. I did only have one prime. I have, or these have just been sitting here All these bottles. I only have one a day, but Lately I've been having a prime and two protein shakes and just forgetting about water when I'm in the office. I'm not drinking water because I have my two big or my a big two liter there. But Do you want to make it?

Speaker 1:

to each other to drink at least one liter of water per day until next Sunday, when we record.

Speaker 2:

I'll easily do that. Anyways, I drink the leader at the gym but just regular water, not the primes. I know.

Speaker 1:

I drink the leader of water. Fine Then with water, if you're getting a liter in you're good, yeah, I'm not going to stop lying to yourself.

Speaker 2:

Did we do this for happiness or things that we could just call each other out on? Who's happiness are we fighting for? Exactly mine. What about you Is?

Speaker 1:

that your goal water. I would like to focus.

Speaker 2:

You know this thing also said for us not to compete, and the first thing that you did was we asked us to stay on track with each other, Not compete Wait sorry, before we talk about your goal, we were talking about staying on track. I have joined this app. It was actually Heather off of tick tock, who you'll see here in my comments. All the time. We should have Heather on here.

Speaker 2:

We should have Heather on here. Have you seen her body transformation? Yeah, her muscles, oh my God, amazing, so great. So her and I are following each other on this app called heavy. It's free and it's basically it's basically Facebook or Instagram specifically for lifting weights oh, wow. And it like you can track your workouts on there and track your progress and your measurements, and yet, yet, yet. A very similar to the app that I was using before only literally costs way less. Yeah, this one is free for one and then to get the pro stuff. My other one was $100 a year, this one's $100 for life, or $30 for the year, I think it was.

Speaker 2:

Hold on I might be giving false information. Let me click it and confirm that real quick. Yeah, 399 per month, 3199 for the year, or $104 one time, versus the app that I was using previously was $100 for the year, or $16 monthly. Okay, so it's way cheaper, but it's literally doing the same stuff. I don't know if it builds workouts or not, but I can see other people's workouts.

Speaker 2:

So, like here's here's Heather's information. This is the workout that she just did most recently. Okay, so she did. Sorry, heather, I'm calling you out now, but yesterday she did the seated cable row and the lat pull downs and four other exercises and if you click on the workout that she did, you can see what waits. You can also see that she hit a new personal best on a bunch of them. You can see the volume of her workout. So it's like, even though you don't want to compete against other people, but it's like, well, if they're doing that, I could do that Like. You know what I mean. Like so, yeah, I'm on that. It's on heavy. It's still fat and fit light or fat and fit mom. Just like on Instagram and TikTok, if anybody wants to follow me on there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was still going to do the workout thing for you, but I had other stuff happening. So yeah, anyways, we were talking about your water goal and then I interrupted you.

Speaker 1:

I just want to work on water, like on my weekends. I'm good with it while I'm at work, right. But I think last time you reported I said I wanted to really work on tracking and I was doing a really good job. But again, when weekends hit, I just I don't know. I just weekend mode is totally different, I know.

Speaker 2:

So most of my focus.

Speaker 1:

I just want to get into a routine on weekends. There has to be some sort of routine like whether it's what time I wake up, which, again, it's hard because I'm a great person trying to be a day person on my weekends.

Speaker 2:

You know what my personal trainer just said about routines Don't have the mindset of trying to get a routine. Have the mindset of fixing your current routine.

Speaker 2:

Okay, because even if your routine was like like, let's say, I would cliche say but that's what I was going to say, like if my routine, like after I'm done work, let's say I'm like I'm tired, I'm just I'm going to go to the couch, I'm going to relax, I'm going to order, take out, I'm going to go to bed, like that was my routine like way back when nobody would mean. But you don't see it as a routine because it doesn't benefit you and your body and your mind and yet again, you see it as a negative thing that you're doing. So you don't see it as a routine, you just see it as a bad habit. But at the end of the day, it is a routine. It's just what your body, over and over and over again, like repeat, repeat, repeat. It is a routine. It's just not a healthy habit routine.

Speaker 2:

So, instead of making it, I need to build a routine, because now you feel like you have to do this big task. Yeah, now it's. I need to alter my current routine. And now you're just fixing a couple of things here and there.

Speaker 1:

Boom, that's really good. Do you know what I want my goal to be, though? Like with saying that then, when I get up on my weekends, instead of getting up and going to the couch, I just want to get up and put my shoes on and go for a walk.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to go to a place.

Speaker 1:

I just want to walk around my, my, my, my area, just do it.

Speaker 1:

As long as I can get up and do that, then it's not about feeling guilty. Then, when I sit on the couch, I'm not thinking of, oh so this is what you're accomplishing today. Then, yeah, did accomplish something already. And then also it's not about, um, so, adding to my routine or whatever changing things in my current routine, like you were saying. Just, I'll do that for a couple of weeks, and then it's like all right, then what else can I add to this? Yeah, like, instead of having the coffee with the sugar in it, we'll go for the protein coffee, you know?

Speaker 1:

like yeah just different things. Yeah, I like that. That was a good. I like that, thank you. Look at that, we're accomplishing things. We're talking about shit and we're talking about other shit and yeah, this has been a shitty episode. That's not what I was trying to say. That's what I said.

Speaker 2:

You still have so much light there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's daytime.

Speaker 2:

No time.

Speaker 1:

It starts getting dark. About what time do I start work? It starts getting dark around seven, I think, right now.

Speaker 2:

That's so great.

Speaker 1:

Love it. Yeah, it is Like the freaking sun is fully still low, Like it's not setting yet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's fantastic. It's dark here, yeah hopefully Okay.

Speaker 1:

so just to let everyone know, I almost forgot to say this.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully this episode is coming out tomorrow, but honestly, I might not even have time to edit it until tomorrow. Yeah, I'm going to edit it before work. Oh crap, I might not be able to. Oh my God. Okay, so the whole point was is that my computer is going in for repair tomorrow, and so we might I might not have it back to be able to record next weekend? So if there's no episode next week, it's because my computer failed. But other than that, that's all I had to say.

Speaker 2:

So just at this point there might not be an episode. At this point, nobody knows when this episode is going to be posted. So, yeah, really I will. We'll talk to you when we talk to you. Yeah, and you'll listen when we talk.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm definitely going to do my best to edit it tonight, now that I just realized I made an appointment to put my computer in for repair tomorrow. All right, okay, bye, guys, yay.

Speaker 2:

Bye. Oh shit, we didn't do our affirmation. Well fuck, this whole episode was an affirmation.

Speaker 1:

This whole episode was just kind of all over the place.

Speaker 2:

Bye, that came off aggressive. I'm sorry, yeah, yay.