The Weighting Room Podcast

Fat Girl Theory 38: Rediscovering Joy and Resilience in Everyday Struggles

Chris & Lisa

Ever find yourself laughing at the sheer chaos of parenting, like being a living napkin for your cookie-covered offspring? Or grappling with the jealousy monster in our social media-fueled world? We get into the thick of these relatable struggles, discussing how personal triumphs aren't about beating others, but outdoing our past selves. Expect a healthy dose of reality as we recount tales of rediscovering joy in the mundane and the muscle we build from life's curveballs, all while reminding each other that the true measure of success is finding strength with each new dawn.

Who knew stepping back from your job could be the ultimate stress buster and provide such eye-opening clarity? That's exactly what we chat about this week, along with the theory that making memories can literally slow down time. We'll tackle the beast that is perfectionism, cheer on the bravery it takes to pursue the extraordinary, and encourage owning up to our life's narrative. By impacting just one person's world, we find the profound fulfillment we often overlook in our quest to please the masses.

As we wrap up, let's talk about why the 'grass is always greener' vibe on social media can skew our sense of self-worth. We'll share stories that underscore the value of context in our online exchanges and explore how real-life interactions often reveal a different truth behind those picture-perfect posts. Plus, we'll send you off with a blooming message of perseverance, because just like flowers pushing through the dirt, we too can flourish amidst life's challenges. Join us for these candid conversations, where we laugh, reflect, and maybe—just maybe—find that dose of inspiration we've been searching for.

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Speaker 1:

I have to find that article again. What were we talking about last week?

Speaker 2:

um, before we get into that, I'm going to talk about how I literally have oreo cream all over me. Um, because my child was like mom, you're a napkin now. I just had to accept it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, poor you. Yeah, you always have something on your shirt, I know.

Speaker 2:

This time it wasn't bodily fluids, though, so I don't even like see it anymore.

Speaker 1:

It's just part of your shirt, it's just a way of life. It is a bright, sunny day today and my curtains are of life. It is a bright, sunny day today and my curtains are closed.

Speaker 2:

We have a nice sunny day today too.

Speaker 1:

I'm just really sad because I do want to go out into it. I had plans I actually had plans for yesterday and for today and it's just when I plan too much, my body just kind of rejects it all Like it's just like no wait, we don't want to do any of that, so we're just going to lie here and pretend like we don't exist. Yeah yeah, that sounds about right. That's me All right. Should we just hop right on into it and get those other 15 of them out of the way? Let's do it, let's do it. So I think that we ended on number 15, which was stop trying to compete against everyone else.

Speaker 1:

I feel like it is, but you know what? We'll just say that one again, just in case. So stop trying to compete against everyone else. Don't worry about what others are doing. Better than you, Concentrate on beating your own records every day. Success is a battle between you and yourself only every day. Success is a battle between you and yourself only, which is, in a day of social media, a really good thing to consider. Because, yeah, I think I even did it yesterday someone that rams and I knew. Uh, when we were living in bam, rams and I met in bam and she's pregnant with her second child, and they met just after us and they're married, have two kids, and I'm like, oh my God. And then I snap back to it and I'm like, is that even the life you want? Yeah, because I think the problem is that I've always been on the fence. I've wanted to either travel and then settle down, or I wanted to have a big family.

Speaker 2:

And I went the traveling, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I think sometimes my brain just goes that's what you're missing, like. But I don't think, uh, that that would make me any happier. I think, in fact, it would make me miserable. I'd be like Christina Yang. You know, I don't know, you take care of the kid because you have it, but it's like you'd actively be working against it the whole time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I like other people's kids, you know like that's the greatest I get to have the part of being part of their lives and give them back.

Speaker 2:

I think the other thing too is like we don't always see the full picture of everybody, right, so we're just like, oh, I want what that person has but it's like you don't know what they've been through to get to where they are now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, kind of thing yeah, I I sometimes tell rams, like when he's like annoyed, because, like when, like we both get annoyed, sorry, the cats are meowing. I'm like now imagine if that was a baby and it's three in the morning. Every time, every time the cats annoy us yeah, yeah. All right, stop being jealous of others Ties into it. Jealousy is the art of counting someone else's blessings instead of your own. Ask yourself this what's something that I have that everyone wants yourself this what's something that I have that everyone?

Speaker 2:

wants. We're both looking around our place right now. I don't know, honestly, um, like I mean, there's my car but my. My first thought instantly was my new crock pot, because I'm making dinner and I freaking love my crock pot and everybody should have this kind of crock pot.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's not like even material things. Like you know, I have someone in my life that loves me and there's a lot of people that don't. You know.

Speaker 2:

I have a roof over my head there's a lot of people that don't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, I have a roof over my head.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of people that don't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, and that's interesting. That's something to think about. All right, number 17,. Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. Life's curveballs are thrown for a reason to shift your path in a direction that is meant for you. You may not see or understand everything the moment it happens and it may be tough, but reflect back on those negative curveballs thrown at you in the past. You'll often see that eventually they lead to a better place, person, state of mind or situation.

Speaker 1:

So smile, pin that, let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday and you will be Pinning that'm pinning that. The other day at work I was walking through the yard and there is a supervisor that's going to wear their vehicle, but they're not my direct supervisor, but they are a supervisor that, like anyone that wears a supervisor badge, like you, just don't talk back to them. I don't know how to really word that without saying what I do out loud. Anyway, so I'm on the phone talking to a coworker about a union issue and I'm determined, like I just came from doing a job, I'm going to go do another different job. I'm focused. I also, just to say it, I do not have a customer facing job. This supervisor I don't. I didn't hear the whole sentence, but it was pretty much telling me to smile. Um, because you, not he didn't say you'd look better if you smiled, but it was like, in a way, like you wouldn't look as miserable or something.

Speaker 2:

I just don't know the way that he phrased it and I went what?

Speaker 1:

And he said oh, you just, you're not smiling. And I went for anyone that can't see, I did a sarcastic smile and then he's like oh, there you go, see, I made you smile and the whole way. After he was behind me I said it loud enough on my phone that I'm like someone just told me to smile and I'm like and I'm pissed right now. I was just like I wanted to make sure he could hear me and I have passed by him again and he hasn't said anything to me and I make sure I'm not smiling. But it made me so irritated.

Speaker 1:

And then I went and told a couple of my guy co-workers that I get along with and they just were like, so not phased by it, and I'm like, yeah, because you're not like they would, he would not have said that to you and it's just it really. They just didn't get it and I'm like it bothers me. This isn't McDonald's, smiles aren't free, and I worked at McDonald's when that was on the menu and I still didn't oblige anyway, it just really don't tell other people to smile, especially if it's not part of their job.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I have um, a lot of people don't know it, especially when it comes, like to the internet side of me, because, like, I'm usually happy, smiling, talking about stuff, right, or if I'm upset, you know I'm upset, but I actually have really bad resting bitch face, and I didn't know it because my friends usually see me smiling and happy and yada, yada, yada, and then I'll be at work, focused, like hardcore resting bitch face, just work, work, work, work, work, work, work. To the point that people think I'm intimidating, like people don't want to come up and talk to me, and then afterwards they'll come say something to me and it's like my face just snaps right back, happy, good mood, like that kind of face. But there are people who actually have to say around me like, oh yeah, no, you're fine, just talk to her, like that's just how she looks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I get that too, that's for sure. Yeah, no, I get that too, that's for sure. Okay, number 19,. Stop letting others bring you down to their level. Use to lower your standards to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs. I like the way that that's written. Okay, stop wasting time explaining yourself to others. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it anyway. Just do what you know in your heart is right. That again goes with social media Like don't respond to the hate comments, because they don't care anyway.

Speaker 2:

They don't. You're just giving them the attention that they're trying to get.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, stop doing, and I'm a full man. I'm living in people's comment sections these days and I like I need to stop, but I can't. It's a disease. Um, stop doing the same thing over and over without taking a break. The time to take a deep breath is when you don't have time for it. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting. Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly.

Speaker 2:

That's true, right? So I, before I returned, or when I returned back to work, I was moving into a new position. I was working there in that position for about two months at this point and I was feeling really overwhelmed and panicking and not crying regularly, but I did cry. And in my old position it was like I just got to the point that it's like I knew it. You know what I mean. I was comfortable. I was at that point in time, I was the best at it on the team, like it just was. It was the comfort zone, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

So there was some stuff going on, um, for the end of the year and they asked if I could go back to that old position to help with some stuff and I was like, yep, sure, I can do that.

Speaker 2:

So I left where I was currently, went back to the old position and then when I went back to the new position after helping on that side, uh, when I went back to the old position and then when I went back to the new position after helping on that side, when I went back to the new position, it was like, instantly my brain was like what were you so stressed out for, like I really needed to take that step back, because I think my brain was in the mode of this is too hard, you're freaking out, you can't do this. This is too hard, You're freaking out, you can't do this. And because I never stepped away from it, it was constantly telling me this is too hard, this is too hard, this is too hard. Um, but after I stepped away and then came back and it was like a reset button and it just made it so much easier yeah so I totally agree with that?

Speaker 1:

yeah for sure. Uh, stop overlooking the beauty of small moments. Enjoy the little things, because one day you may look back and discover they were big things. The best portion of your life will be small, nameless moment. Small nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you. My god, I said that's so weird. I I have said often that I do need to slow down and and look around a little bit more because time is passing by so fast. But I think I know I'm not stopping to smell the flowers anymore.

Speaker 2:

You know, like that saying have I told you that theory about why time moves faster as you get older? No, okay, you talk about smelling the flowers, and then I'll talk about that after no that's pretty much all I said.

Speaker 1:

Just smell the flowers okay.

Speaker 2:

So when you were born, one day was 100 of your life, so that felt like such a long time for one day because it was that's all you knew was 100 of this time. So as so as you got when you were a kid. Again five years later, like it's just this has been 100% of your life and it is just the short amount of time in perspective of now. I've been alive for 30 years, so five years to me is just a portion of my life, not my entire life. So because, as you get older, time technically is getting smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller. Like you're used to a day now, because when you were younger, a day felt like such a long time, but now it's just a little portion of your life compared to how much time you've been alive for. So the older you get, the faster time goes, because you're now used to this little bit of time and this little bit of time is becoming such a smaller percentage of your life that you've been around for.

Speaker 1:

That's cool. Yeah, I was thinking of it more like you're on autopilot, so you're not recognized, like there's nothing to um, what's the word I'm looking for? There's nothing to. There's nothing memorable about this day than there was about the day before. You know, like there's no significance to this day. So it's like making, finding memories. Finding memories, like finding something to make into memories and stuff I feel like will make those days more important.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know I'm picking up what you're laying down.

Speaker 2:

Time, it goes too fast, yeah long story, short shorts are stories all right, uh, stop trying to make things perfect.

Speaker 1:

The real world doesn't reward perfectionists. It rewards people who get things done. Read getting things done that's a good point.

Speaker 2:

He does that. The amount of times it's like this needs to be perfect yeah but why yeah, yeah, I struggle with that.

Speaker 1:

stop following the path of least resistance. Life is not easy, especially when you plan on achieving something worthwhile. Don't take the easy way out. Do something extraordinary, and anytime I hear the word extraordinary, I can't. I know I'm. I talk about Grey's Anatomy a lot, but I think of Ellis Grey. You're supposed to be extraordinary every time, cause I just don't ever use that word. Anyway, stop acting like everything is fine if it isn't, oh my God, like the. How are you doing? Fine?

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, that's what that makes me think of.

Speaker 1:

It's okay to fall apart for a little while. You don't always have to pretend to be strong, and there is no need to constantly prove that everything is going well. You shouldn't be concerned with what other people are thinking either. Cry if you need to. It's healthy to shed your tears.

Speaker 2:

The sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to smile again stop blaming others for your troubles.

Speaker 1:

The extent to which you can achieve your dreams depends on the extent to which you take responsibility for your life. When you blame others for what is go, for what you're going through, you deny responsibilities. You give others power over over that part of your life. That's super true. Uh, stop trying to be everything to everyone. Doing so is impossible and trying will only burn you out. But making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. So narrow your focus.

Speaker 1:

I think of that all the time. So like I think of that, like taking on everything is definitely my cousin shannon, because she has burned herself out by being everything and every, everyone to everyone. Sorry, we know what I'm trying to say everything to everyone. Thank you. Yeah, I am so tired, I'm sure you can hear it in my voice, but, um, it's been a, it's been a weekend so far. Uh, sorry, my brain stopped. Everything to everyone.

Speaker 1:

But then I think about those times where you know someone's walking towards you and they look miserable. It's almost in the way of like that oh, smile, without saying it, just smiling at them and watching their face light up. It's like that one smile could have changed that person's day, you know, and it's like it's not going to change the world, but you might've just redirected that path, the path of that person, totally. Anyway, uh, stop worrying so much, okay, uh, uh, worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens. It will strip today of its joy. One way to check if something is worth mulling over is to ask yourself this question will this matter in one year's time, three years, five years?

Speaker 2:

if not, then it's not worth worrying about yeah, that's a that's a good point, but I feel like most of the things that I worry about are big worries. Like I'm thinking about it, I'm like, yeah, that could affect things in a year like can I pay my mortgage?

Speaker 1:

yeah, okay, stop focusing on what you don't want to happen. Focus on what you do want to happen. Positive thinking is at the forefront of every great success story. If you awake every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen in your life today and you pay close attention, you'll often find that you are right.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about that one. Okay, this is the last one.

Speaker 2:

Okay, this one's the life changing one.

Speaker 1:

Stop being ungrateful, no matter how good or bad you have it. Wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else, someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs. Instead of thinking about what you're missing, try thinking about what you have, that everyone else is missing. That's very true for today, like I mean, if you really think about it, there's a lot of crazy crap that's going on in the world, so it's good to be thankful for what we have and grateful yeah, I think a lot of these, I feel like, are repetitive and kind of just intertwine with each other, I think.

Speaker 2:

Um, to sum it up, don't compare yourself to others. Focus on your own achievements, be proud of how far you've come. Don't forget about how far you've come, and yeah, have at her.

Speaker 1:

Do you think sometimes we need to slap in the face to remember that because of social media? Oh yeah, it's just. It's a constant comparison. You don't even think you're doing it, but then you're thinking later on like oh well, why can't I cook a meal like I'm so burnt out, but why can't I cook a meal like Lisa, does you know? And it's just like why am I comparing myself to you? Totally?

Speaker 2:

totally 100. The world has just made it so that, like, you know what everybody's doing, but you have no idea who everybody is yeah, but you don't know what's going on in the background yeah, totally you don't like, which is what I try and tell people all the time, like when they're like wow, I just don't know how you meal prep.

Speaker 1:

I'm like you just saw like two hours of meal prep put in a two minute video, like, yeah, it definitely looks a lot easier, like we all just have to take a step back and go. What is this person doing, like, what is their life about, you know? And then some videos like honestly for me, I and it is a judgment when I see people with really nice kitchens, I go they have help. Immediately. I'm just like you know, I don't, I don't trust this person. When I see for someone in a kitchen that looks like mine, I'm like, all right, we can talk.

Speaker 2:

I can see what you're cooking and it's very like because those people are on TikTok.

Speaker 1:

I mean, they're everywhere, people can have nice things. That's not what I'm saying, but it's just. It feels like the difference between I'm on TikTok because I feel like it's more real and it's a look into people's lives that are like me, but sometimes when I see those really nice kitchens and stuff, I'm like, oh, it's an Instagram crossover, because I always think of Instagram as this curated, beautiful, only put your nice things forward, type of place, um, whereas TikTok's way more real to me and then Facebook's just a dumpster fire.

Speaker 2:

but oh my god, I can't.

Speaker 1:

I can't be on, I cannot be on Facebook for longer than five minutes. Um, speaking of which uh Ram's like, because he has, like this girl best friend, uh, over in Ontario and I I'm not threatened at all. So when he said he was going to hang out with her, I'm like cool bro, like go have a great time, um, and I guess, oh. So she had tagged me in a photo of both of them and I remember looking at him going, oh my god, that's so sweet. And then I didn't like it or anything, because I'm also not used to Facebook or Facebook etiquette anymore. I was like, oh, that's so nice. And then I guess I had viewed her stories, because with me and Facebook, what?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, I can see where this is going so I'll launch things and then like, if something is up in the top, normally it's Lisa or her husband or her dad that are the first post and I'll like, just immediately like it. You know, um, and that's just one post per day or whatever that I'll like, and anyway, so someone's stories will be up there. I'm like, oh, what's that going on? And I'm just clicking through really fast so I don't even know who the next person is. I don't know whose person the stuff's that I'm reading I think it's just articles and so she, she messaged us and she's like, is she offended that? Like I posted that picture of the two of us because, like, she's seen my stories and like, um, she normally doesn't look at stories on facebook, and I was like oh my god, I can't believe.

Speaker 2:

So now it makes it seems like you went down a deep dive. You're like this pitch, posting pictures with mavitt and I'm just gonna stalk the shit out of her.

Speaker 1:

Meanwhile you're just like I totally didn't click, like on right when rams is telling me that I'm on my phone and I went to it and I liked it. So I was like rams, give me your phone. And so it was through facebook messenger and I did a voice note and I was like listen, I am so sorry, but I have no facebook etiquette.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I don't like facebook and it's just a very weird coincidence. I'm like, if you'll see, I never normally look at your stories because I look at no one's. I'm sorry, I'm a bad Facebooker. Anyway, that was just super funny and another perfect example of how, like, you can't really trust things online. Like, I see that people have looked at my stories and I'm like, but like, did they look at it or was it a fast scroll? You know? Yeah, yeah also, I tend to not care about who's looked at stuff. It's the same thing as when I was a server.

Speaker 1:

you don't look at the receipt as it's printing, you just stuff that into your pocket so that whatever they tipped you does not change your emotions for the next table right that used to affect me so much, like someone on a 50 bill will give me like a quarter, and it really does happen, and then I'd be so irritated and I try not to let it bother me, but it definitely comes off to the next table. So, yeah, I never looked at them until the end of the day, because why I'm not? Am I gonna go up to them and be like, why didn't you tip me? No, so, yeah, what's the point of getting mad about it? Yeah, yeah. However, in america I'm speaking as a canadian, where we actually get minimum wage as well, so I understand american servers for being pissed off yeah, don't.

Speaker 2:

We have the server minimum wage though we use.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't know about bc, but in alberta they used to, and then they changed it to being, I think, just oh, no, no wait, they just upped the server's wages, I remember yeah, I think we still have server minimums yeah, but it's really not like a drastic difference.

Speaker 1:

No, it's a difference. Yeah, um, anyway, I I don't know if, like those things hit anyone it definitely gives me something to think about. Remembering also posting in social media not let that affect me, I re. I realize sometimes my emotions are all over the place and I think that social media definitely has something to do with it, because I do compare and, honestly, I have been.

Speaker 1:

I haven't seen a lot of my mutuals online in a while and I've been starting to see a lot of the people that have had bariatric surgery, like even just a year ago, and oh my god, for just to get before I talk about my feelings, you guys are killing it if you're listening to this and holy crap, um, but wow, sometimes it really hits me where I'm just like you could have been on that path, but it sucks to do that, because I know why I'm not doing it. I have my reasons and they're my reasons and I've made that choice and I'm happy with that choice and it's just. But seeing people's progress and how fast it was. There's the other thing of comparing online. I don't know what they've been through to get to that point and I know, I know it was tough. It's not not the easy way, but to see how much they progress in such a short amount of time is what irritates me sometimes yeah yeah, I totally agree

Speaker 2:

yeah, anyway, uh, lisa told me about Prime last week and I'm it's in my cart, I'm about to get some yeah, our Costco was sold out of the bottles of prime so I had to get like the powder stick things that you just add to water.

Speaker 1:

Still delicious, still love them and so there's no sugar in them, right?

Speaker 2:

no, they're not like. No, they're not like gatorade okay but they're better than g2, like they taste better than g2. Nice, because yeah, um, g2 is just watered down gatorade, like that's all it is. Like I I don't under, I know I was gonna get some.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's just also put this have you heard about all these things about april 8th? You gotta stock up on water and stuff because of the solar eclipse. Have you been seeing this?

Speaker 2:

what? No, okay, I know there's a solar eclipse, but what the hell does the water have to do with it?

Speaker 1:

apparently because, like then, there's also people talking about solar flares and stuff that are going to happen and it could knock out the internet. Anyway, people are saying that with this eclipse it might knock out the internet or cell phone reception. I should be stocking up on water, gas and food and all I keep thinking is one why? Because no one has really explained it to me. And two, is this why 2k again? Oh wait, there's a third point.

Speaker 2:

Someone else also said wow, these disasters always seem to happen right before elections okay, um, we just had a solar eclipse, like I want to say like seven years ago or something like that, and nothing fucking happened, yeah but I'm I'm wondering if it's due to the fact that the scientists are thinking because they were supposed to happen in, I think, 2026, but now they said that the order 2025.

Speaker 1:

But they're saying the solar flares and stuff are going to happen now, which is like a solar storm type thing and I guess it can take out satellites and whatnot I don't know, man it just feels very y2k to me?

Speaker 2:

yeah, honestly, if that happens, whatever, I survived the rogers outage of 2022, so it'll be fine oh man, whenever I survived.

Speaker 1:

That one I survived ken's video where he was like I'm sorry, I accidentally cut the wire and it was like internet to Canada, yeah like, honestly, we've been through that end of the world, we've been through COVID.

Speaker 2:

Like we've been through, remember, when 2012, everything was supposed to end, then, like you had the Y2K. Like, honestly, if it happens, it happens like what? Like what I can't stop it, you know what I mean. Like that's my thing. Like you can say like, oh, my god, it's coming. Like what do you feel about it?

Speaker 1:

we've been through so much. Like nothing really phases me anymore. I'm I told rams, I'm like should we stock up on water, do you care?

Speaker 2:

like yeah just don't at this point I know, I know, yeah, I mean I guess I'll just have the prime as pixie sticks if we run out of water.

Speaker 1:

I stocked up on apple juice for harper, so I just I feel like there's not a reason to panic yeah, uh, on note, I would love to include in this I don't know if you saw it, but I made a video the other day where I stitched the Korean mama. Did you see it when I was talking about the fat experience?

Speaker 2:

I yes.

Speaker 1:

I did yes. Did you see the original video?

Speaker 2:

I went back and watched them first before watching yours.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so for anyone out there, I'm going to link the video in the description of this episode so you can watch it before we start talking right now. What did you think about the video from the Korean mama from their perspective? Like, when you watched it, what did you, how did you make you feel?

Speaker 2:

Honestly it was so there was a couple of mixed things going on here, because I understand her perspective, but then I would also understand if the guy was offended too.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

But at the same time, we have no idea what the other guy looked like or anything. And it's a friend of a friend of a friend, you know what I mean. Like it's the cashier that's saying he looked taken back. You know what I mean, but really the guy didn't say anything. You know what I mean, but really the guy didn't say anything. You know what I mean. We don't, you don't know what his facial expressions actually were. We never saw him. We don't know any of that. Um, I think I don't know. I, I it's a. It's a hard one to say. To be honest, as I was watching it, I'm like I definitely understand all perspectives in this, but at the same time, it's like I think it's just one of those things where it's kind of just an english barrier. You know what I mean. Like, I don't think she was asking it to be rude you know what I mean for sure.

Speaker 1:

Do you think that the cashier should have put herself into the situation?

Speaker 2:

no, I think if it had blown up into a conversation, like if the guy was like what the hell do you mean? Is it just for me? Like if he would have been offended or something like that, and she needs to step in and be like guys, like just be on your way, then that's one thing, but like for you to assume what the scenario is like, that's almost like a um. It's almost like, let's say, the guy was plus size. You know what I mean. Like this is, this is the vibe I'm kind of getting. Let's say the guy was plus size. You know what I mean. Like this is, this is the vibe I'm kind of getting. Let's say the guy was plus size and she says to him like, oh, is that cake just for you or is it for your family? And he's like, oh, no, it's for the family, right?

Speaker 2:

Like the cashier thinking he was offended by her asking something. That's her internalized fat phobia. Know what I mean? Yeah, like that's her saying, like, oh, if somebody asked me that I would be offended, that's not and that's the vibe I'm getting. You weren't a part of that conversation, so you don't know how he was feeling or what the vibe was, and because there's that language barrier. It's like, even if the cake was just for him, maybe he's eating it a piece at a time. Maybe it's his birthday. Maybe, like you know what I mean, like you don't was just for him. Maybe he's eating it a piece at a time. Maybe it's his birthday. Maybe it like you know what I mean, like you don't I took it as she didn't know how to ask the questions correctly. Grammatically. That's the way I took it, and the cashier just blew it out of proportion.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is really interesting For me. Yeah, I've already said it in the video, but we're talking about it as I would have totally been mortified if someone was to ask me that question. But now I feel like my perception is going to be different going forward from seeing this video. So I think that it was like quite an educational video for someone like me. That would get my back up, because hearing the way that it's worded no matter if there's no ill intent behind it it would hurt me Because I've been asked that question with ill intent in the past.

Speaker 1:

But seeing and knowing who the Korean mama is, I was like wow, that did not come from a bad place and I feel like if I'm ever asked that question in the future, I need to take a step back and maybe ask a clarifying question like to that, instead of just immediately getting offended.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, cashier, batshit, crazy, should never have inserted herself unless the. The conversation looked escalated and I feel like when she even said oh, the customer looked taken aback. Honestly, that could have definitely just been also the language barrier of him, maybe not understanding either like what she was saying or like, um, maybe they didn't speak good english, like the person that that that she was talking to, like who knows, and like maybe they could have had a look like trying to understand, like where, like you know what I mean, like that could, like you know, putting your head to the side, that could look like, uh, what did you say to me? But it's not so, unless you're part of that conversation, you should definitely not insert yourself. But I I feel like the the question could have been worded as like um, how how much of that do you think is like good for one person or something you know what I mean? Like because she's never, been there before.

Speaker 1:

It was just so obvious she had not been there before and she was just so excited and it just that even broke my heart more knowing, knowing her and just also putting myself in that situation, being so excited to try a new place, and then all of a sudden, like this is happening and it wasn't intended, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I just felt really bad for her, but it's a definitely for anyone that's going to watch it. You can have a different opinion than us, of course, but I think it's definitely a good thinking video of what would I do if I was in this situation and how could I change my reaction or like adjust my reaction to when people aren't like yeah, I see what you got there, lisa.

Speaker 2:

I was just pulling it out, so that it was. It was ready to go, so I wasn't. Yeah, no, I should definitely.

Speaker 1:

But, um, I don't know how your last week has been, but I wish I will ask you. My last week was okay with food? Definitely I. I was tracking every, almost every day, actually I'd say pretty much every day, until uh, yesterday. Yesterday, uh, rams and I ordered mcdonald's and then he went out and got us some of our own individual baked lasagna. Oh, you don't like saying baked, I just like saying lasagna, it's all baked lasagna.

Speaker 2:

It's all fucking baked Like Jesus Christ. Maybe it was air fried, Maybe. Maybe it was, I don't know, but then I feel like it would be air fried lasagna because it isn't baked. But we can't go down this rabbit hole again, you know what it's?

Speaker 1:

because Rams even has it from Costco, because he can microwave his lasagna, so he'd have microwave lasagna.

Speaker 2:

That's, that's accurate, but baked lasagna is how? Anyways, we can't go down this rabbit hole.

Speaker 1:

I love it so much. So, yeah, next week. I've already been making my plans. I'm getting those salmon lox from Costco, I'm going to make some jar salads again, so I'm very excited for this upcoming week. I my goal is to be better with my water on the weekends, which is going to be hard to update on here. I think I'm going to have to update that every like few weeks or something to see how it went. But I want to do more of my focus on weekend habits Right, yeah, yeah, this weekend's already over, so I definitely did not start it this weekend, but next weekend my hopes are high. Yeah, um, on man, I haven't really been tracking food.

Speaker 2:

To be completely honest, man, I haven't really been tracking food, to be completely honest, not because I've gone down the spiraling rabbit hole, but because it's been pretty structured, like I'm aiming for protein. Everything that has been in has been I'm getting protein in some way, I'm going to the gym, I'm moving more, I'm standing while I'm working. It's been a pretty good week. I would like to still be tracking but, honestly, my biggest goal for this, actually after we talk off aside from eating dinner, is I want to build my workouts and have a workout routine, because right now, like for the past like three months, I've just been like willy nilly, pulling stuff up kind of thing, and that's the workout that I'm doing, um.

Speaker 2:

But I want to set a goal for, like, getting higher volume, um, and I can't really do that because, like last week, on whatever day it was, I did 20,000 pounds of lifting with my legs in one workout session, um, and then for my arms the next day it was 5,000 pounds. So if I had a whole day or a whole month, let's say that I was only doing leg stuff, and then the next month I decide to do a bunch of arm stuff, my weight volume is going to drop drastically because there's like a 500 or 400% difference between them. But yeah, so I just need to make a routine workout of. This is this week, or like every day. These are the workouts. That way, at the end of the month, I have an actual number that I can be working off of. So that's kind of just what I'm working on right now. Um, I also want to work on a video of recapping the last freaking three months, because we're a quarter of the way through 2024 yeah which is ridiculous that it is.

Speaker 2:

It's freaking nuts yeah, so I'm making that next weekend will you stop messing around?

Speaker 1:

she said no, she wants the plant. So bad lily, that's not even the one that was there earlier. They just keep trying to like be like we're not doing it go back and forth you can't see us. We're behind you, uh guess what?

Speaker 2:

there's a camera little kitty.

Speaker 1:

Uh, that, um, I love that heavy app that you're using, because I've seen your oh my, oh, my God, I love it so much. So I haven't actually used the app yet, but I keep seeing your updates on Instagram and it looks really great.

Speaker 2:

I had been using Fitbod and you know how much I loved Fitbod. Like I was at the point in February where I was like I feel like I can't, I don't know how to build my workout, so this is just doing it for me. I don't know what I should be doing. It was like a personal trainer in my pocket and I used that for the little while and it was really helpful. But then Heather actually was like I'm not using that, I'm using this. Or she posted a video and I'm like what are you using? She says I'm using this one and I went on to it and it's basically like a little mini Instagram for just workouts.

Speaker 2:

And like you can post your workouts, you can see what other people are doing in their workouts. Like I can go onto Heather's page and I can see what she did for her last workout, like which one. Like right down to her failed sets, her drop sets, like everything, and I love that so, so much. And like, instantly, you kind of part of you was like, oh, I could lift that, like you could start comparing what you could do versus what they can do. You is like, oh, I could lift that, like you could start comparing what you could do versus what they can do.

Speaker 2:

But I wasn't in that mind space anymore. I was just like I like seeing what they're doing, I like seeing their progress, I like cheering for them in the background. You know what I mean. It's just yeah, so I'm. I love the app a lot. It's free, like it's completely free, and if you do want to upgrade to the pro stuff it's literally like a quarter of the price, as what FitBod was. So I highly recommend it. It's called heavy, it's H, e, v, y and you can add friends. I have the same username as my Tik TOK, the fat and fit mom bunch of underscores, and you can add me on there if you're interested in that.

Speaker 2:

I also like that you can just add your own workouts or not workouts exercises. So, like FitBob, there's a machine at my gym that isn't on here that I enjoyed using and I could not for the life of me find that machine on FitBob. And when I reached out to them, like how would I track this? And like is there a way to add it? And they're like no, you can't add your own machines because we want everything to be in unison and blah, blah, blah. But on this one you can add machines and if you say like you're doing yoga, for example, you can just put yoga Like it's, it's great.

Speaker 1:

You've been killing it at the gym. I get updates from about Lisa at like two o'clock in the morning when I'm winding down at work and I said, just finished a workout and I'm like that is time difference.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're saying two o'clock in the morning and I'm like Jesus, I'm definitely not there at two in the morning, but I'm there at four in the morning, so I'll be done at five typically. Yeah, which is your two.

Speaker 1:

It's just funny. I'm always like, always like, wow, you're doing so great, as I'm probably you know what I was gonna put myself down I'm doing great our one friend reached out to me too.

Speaker 2:

He was like I literally just woke up and you have closed all of your rings but the standing ring, and I'm like, well, yeah, but that's because we're only five hours in the day, and he's like shut up on it.

Speaker 1:

I've been noticing that it's like two hours into my shift I'm closing my rings and I'm just like, oh my god, like I can just go, go, go in the beginning, and then I start slowing down, but my steps are only like about half maybe a little bit more than half of like what they used to be like around 25,000 steps at work, and now they're around like 13 to 15,000. And I don't know, I thought I'd be like doing more, but I don't know, maybe I just have to like step it up.

Speaker 2:

I was like we're talking about it so I'm like I need to go check. I am beating our one friend. I am beating no, I'm not beating my other friend. So if I go to the gym I would no, I'm not getting into that mindset. And then sarah, I am seven. No, I'm 70 points above her. Oh wow, I'm winning right now.

Speaker 1:

Her and I have two days left to look at that competition.

Speaker 2:

I'm not paying attention I'm 800 points above you so, but there's three days left yeah, you've got zero today, slacker I probably won't slack a lacking. Anyways, I should probably go oh, I need to do this, um, and then yeah. So here is our affirmation, even though this episode and last episode have basically been affirmations. But this is the vibe. All right, here we go, this is the one you ready. Listen, bitch, even flowers go through dirt and shit.

Speaker 1:

Keep blooming, baby I like that's awesome, that's a good one, all right, so, uh, yeah, this was. This was just like exactly what we said. It was going to be a wrap up of the rest of that article from the week before. Uh, hopefully we will have one for the next week. My computer didn't go in this weekend. It's going in next weekend now. Uh, so, but we should still have an episode coming out, if we get to recording it tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

Yay, all right. Oh, that's the yay, okay, oh, bye, bye.