The Weighting Room Podcast

Fat Girl Therapy 44: Recipes and Real Life Reflections

Chris & Lisa

Have you ever found yourself craving that notorious maple bacon donut only to regret it later? In this episode, we kick things off with a light-hearted yet honest discussion about our daily battles with food cravings and meal planning. We share our mixed feelings about cherry-flavored yogurt, the comforting simplicity of Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries, and our go-to meal kits from Costco and Trader Joe's that save us on those rushed evenings. We'll also touch on the often-overlooked challenge of feeding our pets and navigating their dietary quirks.

Moving into the deeper emotional terrain, we address the mental and emotional turmoil food cravings can cause—especially when it comes to pizza and maple bacon donuts that have been hard to resist. Discover our creative solutions, like turning to Taco Bell for a less triggering fast food fix and experimenting with unique recipes like a chicken crust Big Mac pizza that hits the spot. This chapter serves as a guide for anyone wrestling with finding balance in their diet while still enjoying life's indulgences.

Lastly, we'll take you through a journey of personal growth, touching on childhood memories, family dynamics, and the often complicated relationship with body image. We talk about the pressures plus-size actors face in Hollywood, share our own gym mishaps, and discuss dealing with healthcare professionals when it comes to weight management. This episode is a blend of reflective moments, humorous anecdotes, and practical advice, all leading up to some exciting updates and a heads-up about a potential short hiatus. Join us for this candid, heartfelt conversation that promises to be both relatable and inspiring.

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Disclaimer: We are not Medical professionals and all views and opinions are our own.

Speaker 1:

hi chris, hello lisa. I just finished eating yogurt cherry flavored. It wasn't that bad, but seriously, I'm like I have to eat it and I was like you don't have to eat it. I'm like I can't waste food, so it's just like I have to force myself and I did and I did, but is it like a four pack no, no, it's oh okay, yeah, um, I didn't eat the whole thing in one.

Speaker 1:

It's like one of the big 500 mil tubs. I mean I could I've done it. It's actually one of my favorite desserts to have is Greek yogurt, flavored Greek yogurt, so there's sugar in it with frozen blueberries. I don't even care what flavor the yogurt is, just add the frozen blueberries Cause. Then it's like the coolness and then like I let it melt on my tongue so it's causing me to eat slower, like there's just a lot of benefits to that meal, I find there is uh for dinner tonight.

Speaker 2:

We just got this thing from Costco. It was a beef stir fry kit. Um, that's like over by the produce section, slash bakery section, like that little spot there, um, and you literally just throw it all into your frying pan and that's it and it was so good. Like usually, those kinds of meals are like really hit or miss yeah but it was really good.

Speaker 1:

I like those meals I highly recommend there's like a kimchi fried rice, one out of Trader Joe's, and when I go down there I get that, that and the bulgogi one. Oh my god, so good. I really want that right now. I've been needing to go grocery shopping for a few days now and I keep delaying it because technically we still have groceries and I'm just trying to get to the end really like I just as long as I can.

Speaker 1:

But today, and like the cats ran out of food and I still had a can of like fancy feasts and stuff from before, so I was like, okay, like I'll give it to them, it's still fine. And I go to the shower, come out two massive piles of puke and I'm like, oh awesome, so I. So I just I ordered through Uber right now, cause they have like um 40% off pet supplies, and I was like, well, I'll just save money getting it delivered, like that never happened. So I'm ordering them food now. I don't know if I'll, I don't know if I should feed them again, cause I'm like it was a lot, of a lot of puke.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, I was told whenever our dog was sick to always have food and water available, because a lot of the time people think don't give them food and water because then they're just going to keep being sick.

Speaker 1:

but like that's how it helps get through their system is for them to have more food and water and I did just clean out her fountain and because I did a whole clean and they do have dry food to graze on all day, so there's still that if they do want to. I'm just too nervous to give them wet food again.

Speaker 1:

Fair enough that's fair I don't know what we're doing for dinner tonight. Rams and I have been on a takeout kick and I can't get out of it. Like even rams yesterday I was like, looking at him and like it's just like I'm scared that I'm dragging him down the hole with me, but like we feed off of each other.

Speaker 1:

But I was staring at him while he was eating and he was fully oh my god, I'm almost gonna start crying. But like it was last night and like he was fully, he's fully enjoying it and he was zoned into the tv and all I kept thinking was this is what they taught me in the food addiction course not zone in while you're eating and like the amount of food that we both equally consume. And it's not me coming down on rounds, I'm just. You know, he's an adult, he can make his decisions, but I'm just noticing. Whatever I do, he does right, and I don't know how to get out of it, because when I try and get out of it and I'm just right away going into like, just like like a little bit of like just dumping.

Speaker 2:

It's just hard, because when I do try and change my habits.

Speaker 1:

And then I go I really want a chicken burger tonight, like, and that's fine, it's just the problem is that chicken burger means a McChicken, which means adding a Big Mac and all that, and you know how the story goes. And then he's down for it as well, and so he doesn't go. Oh, do you think we should? Which I've asked him to do, specifically asked him to use wording I know won't piss me off um, and he doesn't, because he wants to do it too, you know. So it's just really hard right now. And I'm gonna. I told him I've reorganized the fridge so all the condiments are in the veggie drawer and I'm putting all the veggies in the door so they're more in my face. Um, it hasn't worked yet, but they're not veggies that I want in my door, and there's not many of them, it's just tomatoes and lettuce right now there's nothing there like.

Speaker 2:

I loved that. When I saw that you did that where it's like you put it on the door instead, I'm like, oh, that's such a great idea someone did message me saying like oh, put your.

Speaker 1:

Like, the lettuce was just put there, but it's because Ram's brought it home from work and I don't know if I'm gonna get a chance to use it. But she's like oh, put it in a container with some paper towel, because being in the drawer I guess the condensation will get to it quicker. Right, but I saw a lot of viral videos that were putting I wouldn't put jars and stuff from the dollar store because I'm gonna put a little bit of water in them and then put the celery sticks in them and then put the carrot sticks in them.

Speaker 2:

Uh, the big seven, your big cottage cheese tubs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, those, yeah, that's what my friend uses, is those types of things and I did hear that if you put berries into mason jars with the lid on that they will last longer.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I didn't know that, so I'm gonna do a little bit more research just to make sure someone just didn't post something and it's not real, like they're not really following through with it, not our internet ai isn't real uh, so I'm hopeful for the veggie thing, um, but yeah, I just feel like I'm eating like crap because, even though we're low on the on the food which was my goal so that I will go grocery shopping we've been using being low on food as an excuse to order and we're dropping about 60 each day on on that takeout. Right, it's just, it's just getting out of control and I keep going. I'm just being really toxic right now and I don't know how to.

Speaker 2:

I just don't know how to snap out of it, if you didn't say anything, though, like do you think rams would say something? Like, do you think like, if you didn't say hey, you want to get a big mac like, do you think he would say it?

Speaker 1:

no see, that's the thing is, if I just go I'm making pasta for dinner and be like cool, I'm saying if like, but I'm, I have to be the one to cook, so then that's where it comes into.

Speaker 1:

Like I don't want to and I know he won't, and if I don't want to, and like we don't get takeout, like he'll make mac and cheese, right, you know, because he does that. But like I don't fault him for not knowing how to cook, I don't want him to know how to cook. Well, I mean, I mean it would be, I mean he can know whatever he wants, but like I'm not trying to like make him learn how to cook because I don't care. Also, I hate doing dishes and he'll do the dishes if I could. So I just have to learn. He has suggestions like, oh, what should we do for dinner? Like if he asks that it's my trigger that we should order Right, and if I don't give him the chance to ask, you know, I don't even know, because everything's so up in the air right now.

Speaker 1:

You know I don't even know because everything's so up in the air right now, but everything's up in the air with like, like when am I going back to work? And I feel like once I have a routine, food goes a bit easier for me when I have routine and I think that's the story for most people. So, right now, still being off work, I don't. But I, the more I'm just talking out loud, I'm really realizing I just have to develop my own routine on my days right now and until I'm back at work, which which is before the end of August, it there is an estimated date, so yay, but I don't know. I just, I'm in limbo right now and I can hear it, I'm going back and forth, I have an idea and then I'm like that won't work.

Speaker 2:

I think a part of it too is uh, I think I've said this here before I can't remember if I was talking to my other friend or if it was here but it's a matter of we already have a routine. It's a matter of changing our routine. So, like right now you're saying like I need routine, I want to make a routine, but it's like if you are saying that you're already having takeout a lot of the time for dinner, that is your routine, yeah, it is. So now it's not a matter of I need a new, I need to make a routine. I think it would be easier if you had the mindset of I need to shift my routine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think I just need to not give the opportunity for Rams to have an opinion. I know that sounds really harsh and he's. He has just walked into the in the door everyone.

Speaker 1:

So he's going like what the fuck are you talking about? But I just have to make it so that I'm like oh, he has headphones on, yay, that this is what's for dinner, you know? Like Right. So I sent him a message today, actually while he was at work, and said are you down for chicken burgers and salad tonight for dinner?

Speaker 1:

and by chicken burgers it's because I have buns and the chicken burgers so, and now we just talked about where chicken burgers means like chicken and then, like I have lettuce and tomatoes, which I just told you, so I can make a side salad, so I already put the idea out there. So it's like now I have to stick with it. And it's almost like maybe I could just do that and send the messages each day and be like, hey, would you prefer this or this today? And then it like, it's like too like, especially when I have options, and then it makes me a little bit excited about like, oh, I can like, do this. I have to find the excitement in cooking again.

Speaker 1:

However, one thing I'm trying to do to eliminate the frustration with what are we having for dinner is I bought 12 the sandwich size, but a little bit smaller containers that we talked about whenever. Uh, and I'm gonna make wait 12. So 4, 8, 12, so like probably four containers of a buttered chicken on a cauliflower rice, four containers of chili with a quinoa, with turkey instead of beef, and I'm not too sure what the last one is, but it's probably going to be some sort of like a chicken stir fry sorry, on top of quinoa, since it's not that bad to reheat. Um, and then I can just have those 12 meals in there and just grab and go for the day specifically when I don't want to do something, and the options take out.

Speaker 1:

So I think that is something that might help, but I will only know once I start doing it, because how many times have you done something like that and then it stayed in the freezer for months?

Speaker 2:

you know, all the time. Yeah, yeah, I'm at a point now where, when it comes to freezer stuff, like it's either my smoothie stuff or, um, a meal that I've planned, smoothie stuff, a meal that I've planned, smoothie stuff, a meal that I've planned so like something that we've bought and put into the freezer, like the mac and cheese or whatever, or lasagnas or something like that, um, or if it's just leftovers, but I don't go out of my way to make something to put in the freezer because I won't eat it.

Speaker 1:

I know I won't eat it yeah, I, he has headphones on so I had to point at him. I'm like uber's coming not for food, pet food, the cat's uber yeah, they go up to the door, meow, meow, uh. So I think like one, like a positive thing that I have done. I hate talking about all the things I'm not accomplishing in life, but I'm really happy with myself about making the room and the door very aware now how many condiments I have. I very much wish, though, that rams and I could have a normal size refrigerator and not this apartment single person's fridge. It's so annoying like the top shelf is literally just like milk. It used to be some condiments, but now it's like olives and stuff and water.

Speaker 1:

Like that's one whole shelf taken. I hate it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, our fridge had a major downsize when we moved too. But I found it as a positive thing Because, just like the freezer thing, like the amount of times we would buy stuff and be like, oh, we'll just put it in the fridge, like we'll have it another time. Oh, we'll just put it in the fridge, we'll have it another time, like there isn't any of that now because I don't have the space for that now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Did you see my the chicken crust Big Mac pizza? Yes, Did we?

Speaker 2:

talk about this already. We didn't talk about it, but you and I have talked about it and I saw it, but we haven't talked about it here.

Speaker 1:

With you trying to stay away from sorry. That laugh was because you just had a conniption over there.

Speaker 2:

Do you think, because you're staying away from pizza, that that might be a triggering thing, even though it's only shaped like it, but it only tastes like a Big Mac? I've thought, I've thought about that but, honestly, like I've also like I've been avoiding any pizza like things, like even bruschetta, like any kind of flat bake, like any pizza like things. I've just been avoiding like the plague because I don't know what would or wouldn't trigger it actually there.

Speaker 2:

So around mother's day, the grocery store that we go to had maple bacon donuts and it was the first time, just about drooled, saying it was the first time having a food that triggered me, to the point that pizza triggered me. And I said to Brandon like I was getting it every time I went to the grocery store. And I said to Brent and I, like, was finding excuses to go to the grocery store to get these donuts. So I said to Brandon, after like the third time going, I I noticed it and I was like Nope, I'm, I'm seeing this, I'm realizing this. I need to just not have these ever again. And I haven't, because I did not want to get down the slippery slope of what pizza was yeah um, but I have been talking to my nurse about it.

Speaker 2:

That was actually one of our big topics, uh, that we talked about at my last appointment. My appointment that was supposed to be today got canceled and pushed next week. But, um, the last appointment I went to, we started talking about pizza and everything and then she was like, would you have pizza again? And I'm like I don't know, like I've thought about it, but at the same time I think about, like, how it used to make me feel mentally and how I feel now without it, like I don't feel like I'm missing anything, but it's just. Sometimes you see somebody with that slice of pizza and it's just like, oh, like I, and it's not even like the taste that I want, like it's just like I just want that cheesy feeling in my mouth, like the warm dough with cheese?

Speaker 1:

yes, okay, let's not, and I that's why I'm just like yes, yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

I did go on a bit of a Taco Bell binge a few weeks back when my husband went on a fishing trip and he doesn't like Taco Bell. So I think what triggered it in my head was he's not here, so I need to eat it as many times as possible before he gets back, kind of thing, because when he got back I was able to stop it no problem. Like I got Taco Bell this weekend and that was the first time for a few weeks since having it. So Taco Bell doesn't make me feel the way that pizza made me feel in the addiction side of things. But if I get like their cheesy grilled cheese burrito or their like just their soft tacos, it gives me that melted cheese on dough vibe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that I miss from pizza. You know what I mean, but it doesn't make me feel like I'm eating pizza. Does that make sense? Yeah, so Taco Bell's like my nicotine patch and I literally like, as I said, I went on the binge because Brandon wasn't here and like even afterwards I was like, okay, you went, you went crazy, like you need to not do that again yeah but it has.

Speaker 2:

It's just something else that I can have that isn't going to ruin my mental health like pizza does yeah, I think it's like.

Speaker 1:

What it sounds like to me is, for example, like talking about the chicken big mac pizza thing. It's like if it had an ingredient on it like the tomato sauce, like I could see that instantly being a trigger, because it's like no, now it's like pizza, yeah yeah but sorry, you know how you were telling me. I was like I'm gonna try and eat it like a taco and you're like I think it's gonna crack to crack on you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, the center, not really the outside very crispy, Like you know have you ever made a pancake and like a little bit dribbles on the outside? And you get that crispiness, just like that, but chicken it's so good, um, but the middle was so nice.

Speaker 1:

So I, I, um, you know, like when people fold their pizzas yeah when their slice, I did it like that and then it felt more like I was eating a triangle shaped taco. Um, and it was. It was just really good and for me, being someone that likes pizza as well, at no point did I associate it really with pizza, even though it's great, right, um.

Speaker 2:

Kind of like how I was with the pizza salad Like I ate that, no problem which disappeared. I had it the one time and then gone.

Speaker 1:

I was like okay, I would love to make that chopped, like all those chopped salads.

Speaker 2:

I see where they put all the ingredients.

Speaker 1:

And then it's they look so good, but so messy. I wish.

Speaker 2:

I had more counter space.

Speaker 1:

I have been thinking I brought up the chicken big mac pizza, uh, for you to try. But also I was thinking, since you have to cook the crust for like 40 minutes first and if anyone's wondering out there, I do have a video about it, but it's like a chicken crust made with canned chicken. Uh, I found it from Shay, who does a lot of food stuff, and she got one of those 10 ounce cans from costco. I used two almost six ounce cans, so it was a bit more. You add like a quarter cup of parmesan cheese. I use that like not the shelves, not shelf stable, but the one you put in the fridge after that comes in the bowl like the craft the shaker yeah, thank you, yeah, uh, and the cliche parmesan on top of your parmesan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it actually goes really fast. I was surprised it does, but you can get it at costco yeah, I'm definitely doing that, but it's like 18 dollars for like the big thing and it's like seven bucks for a like the smallest one I've ever seen.

Speaker 2:

But here's the thing. I have seven dollars now. Yeah, I don't have 18.

Speaker 1:

That's what I said to myself when I got it. I was like, yeah, I can afford this one. Uh, so you put that and you mix it all together and then you put it, you flatten it into a circle yourself onto a, onto a tray. It actually was surprisingly easy. Easy. I thought it was gonna be really hard to make a circle. I normally get frustrated, make a square instead.

Speaker 1:

So you put that in the oven. It was either at 350 or 425. I can't remember off the top of my head right now for about 40 minutes. I could have probably kept it in for maybe about another five minutes to get the middle. But then you let it sit for like five minutes and the bottom is very pizza-like, so it stays pretty solid, and then you just mix all the ingredients. So everything that comes on a Big Mac. Personally, me, next time I'd leave off the pickles and put pickled beets instead, because I love pickled beets. But then we're getting off topic of it being a Big Mac. So if you want a Big Mac, do it that way. Mine was way more calories than Shea because I didn't have fat-free cheese. I had bigger ounces of the chicken and I could not for the life of me, find fat-free light, thousand island, anything so.

Speaker 1:

I just got regular but it was a quite a difference, because hers was like 600 and something calories and mine was over a thousand, but luckily, like rams and I were sharing, so it ended up being less right anyway, the point of me saying this was I want to make chicken cups like in a tin, like turned upside down like a muffin tin, and then take those chicken things and put them onto the tin, that way to have little cups and then make like a chicken cream, cheesy mushroom something to go inside of it, or like even tuscan chicken, because you can add, like um, italian seasoning to the chicken crust. That would taste so good. To have little, like little flavor bombs of protein that would be, good, so I really want to try that.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if other people have made chicken cups, I haven't seen it but I.

Speaker 2:

So this is actually what I was about to say because I think it's so funny that all these things are coming back as trending right now, because back on, when I was doing keto and posting on Instagram like before, tiktok was what it is today, um, there was, I was doing the tuna, so I had seen these chicken crust things before and doing the cups.

Speaker 2:

Instead of putting it on the outside of the muffin tin, people would take two muffin tins and like put it in and form it around and then put the other muffin tin inside that muffin tin so that it still kept the muffin shape, because if you go on the outside, the egg may cook more than the chicken, and then like separate, yeah, um, so, because that's, I used to do this, but instead of chicken, I took a small frying pan and did tuna, uh, with a little bit of mayo, and then egg and tuna was great because, um, it was way like it has way more flavor than, um, eggs, and I did like a tuna melt thing, which I loved. But the other thing that's trending right now that I did all the time when I was doing keto, except right now, people are doing like the blended cottage cheese with egg and then baking it into a wrap.

Speaker 1:

Have you seen those? I have. Honestly, I really want to do it, but then I watch them bite into it and I go no to the texture immediately.

Speaker 2:

So I used to do this, but instead of with cottage cheese, I used cream cheese and mozzarella and spun and did it that way, but this was to make noodles for like sheets for lasagna. So now I'm seeing people do this with cottage cheese as wraps and I'm like I want to do this with lasagna, where it's like put the, put the wraps in between of everything and the sauce that Brandon makes. He makes his own sauce. We just use canned, crushed tomatoes and then add more vegetables, add more seasoning, all that stuff. It's my favorite way to eat vegetables at this point because it's so like. This sauce is so freaking good, so I really want to try making a lasagna with these noodle sheets. Um, I haven't gotten around to it yet because we're just so flipping busy, but uh, that's, that's in my to-do list.

Speaker 1:

That sounds like I could see that being really good. I just like think about like the water, but you're baking it before because, like cottage cheese, just loves to leak. It's so annoying.

Speaker 2:

I think, as long as you make it thin enough, because some people I see what you mean the texture almost looks like an omelet and I can't do eggs a lot, so but I think if you make it like thin enough it would make it more crispy and not so soggy in the middle so two things, uh, one, um, I forgot already two.

Speaker 1:

You don't know this, but you know how I have a hard time talking about women's monthly thing you've told me this about warm tuna.

Speaker 2:

That's why I tried to talk it real quick oh good, you did know, okay.

Speaker 1:

So just know everyone out there, if you happen to ever comment, don't ever suggest something that would include warm tuna ever to me, because reading it, thinking about it, that just just the words alone make me want to vomit exorcist style like I get so nauseated. I started feeling dizzy while you were talking about it because I was trying to contain myself.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to talk so fast because you you did say this before, when you were talking about the chicken pizza.

Speaker 1:

It's so weird, though, because I could eat a tuna melt. It has to be when the planets are exactly aligned on a Thursday at noon. It has to be like flash done, you know what I mean, like where the cheese just has that enough time to just melt enough. But the tuna will still be cool enough, right.

Speaker 2:

I'm picking up what you're laying down.

Speaker 1:

I can't. No, it's so awful and it's getting worse. Like I'm like what is this? And everyone I know has been suggesting tuna recipes to me and when I say that thought is disgusting they'll be like what about tuna casserole? I'm like never fucking had it.

Speaker 2:

I don't blame you. I love tuna casserole, though, but we won't get into that no way, please don't. Yeah, all of a sudden you can't see me anymore because I can't even say like, take off your headphones and I'll tell everybody else, because you have to edit the thought listen.

Speaker 1:

Lisa will add it to her story tomorrow I can.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I, I won't get into it. I will add something. When does this come out?

Speaker 1:

because it's got to be that tomorrow I'm hoping that I will have this actually out tomorrow because I'm going to try and edit right when I'm done here, because we haven't really gotten off topic yet wednesday.

Speaker 2:

So well, jinxed it.

Speaker 1:

Wednesday, I will post a interesting recipe for chris not to watch or thursday, because you know, in case I fall asleep while editing, I uh had so many things. There was a first of all. What were we talking about? Damn it, warm tuna and oh, trending that's. I got to my point myself. I'm growing.

Speaker 2:

Everybody mark your calendars.

Speaker 1:

Let's not talk about other things so that I forget. Trending things. I'm noticing so many things from even 2020 are coming back, but they're not.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I know back then.

Speaker 1:

So it feels like there's all these new people that have joined and have ended up on the old side of of the FYP or something and are doing those trends. Then people are like getting nostalgic over it and then doing it, or I think they're going down those rabbit holes and they're like, oh my god remember the song.

Speaker 2:

I love the song.

Speaker 1:

And then, posting to it and that fact that tiktok has tiktok memories, that doesn't help because then new people think it's a new video.

Speaker 2:

Oh, do you know? Oh, my god, do you know how annoying it is when you post uh on this day and then people are like no blah and commenting as if it's present day and it's like do you not see, like I didn't remove this date, it says on this day Like.

Speaker 1:

it's not even in the caption. It's right on the video.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, I refuse to look at on this day anymore, very similarly to my Facebook memories. Actually, facebook memories I don't look at because they're like massively cringe, like it's like high school me, what, why? Yeah why is all I got? But then when I go on my TikToks on this day, it's like that's when I start getting in my head about my weight loss stuff. Yeah, it's like, hey, you've been doing this for five years and look how much progress you've actually made and it's like, well, thanks, thanks for that. Yeah, that feels great.

Speaker 1:

I, I yeah, cause I actually went backwards. I'm almost almost back at my starting weight from four years ago, which frustrates the fuck out of me, but also it frustrates me for a second and then I think about something else. It's so I don't really click on them that much, but I look at the icon because I'm like if I recognize it as being like a funny video, then I'll look into it and then I'll probably post it.

Speaker 1:

But um, yeah, no, it sucks sometimes to look at. Um, I actually wanted to tell you so. I haven't had, other than my GP, a doctor, really talk about my weight much anymore. It's almost like they went to a class and were like we don't do this anymore. You know, like when I brought it up to them, they're like yeah, but there's other things that it could be or whatever, just because I've been told it's my weight for so long. And then to hear like maybe not, it's like like wow, thank you, uh.

Speaker 1:

So I was at my podiatrist and I've mentioned weight to him before and he's never really the first one yeah, he's never like responded to it, he's like never really acknowledged it.

Speaker 2:

I'm laughing because it's like the amount of times you and I have talked about doctors, different doctors you're seeing, and I'm like I need to clarify which one yeah, so you know let's be my psychologist.

Speaker 1:

Uh, well, hopefully, um, but uh, I said okay, so he I. I think I've talked about this. Yes, I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. I think there might be a bone spur, uh, but possibly not. Uh, they gave the. He asked me if I wanted to get an injection of cortisone and I just felt like I don't know. I had that once in my knee when I had my torn acl and stuff and uh, it helped. So I was like sure, but the, the dread leading up to it is getting an injection.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, getting an injection into the bottom of my heel I was just like. It just made me keep thinking of yeah, there you go. That's how I feel when I think about tuna. It kept making me think of home alone when he steps on the nail when he's going up the stairs, that's all I kept thinking about.

Speaker 1:

so it did hurt, but I I got it instantly not instantly, but like within a day. It took a lot of the pain away. I can walk a lot better on it. But I can still feel like residual pain afterwards and like this pain, like as if, like you just think, like it's bleeding into, like your arch. There's no blood, it's just like the pain and bleeding. It's just like the pain and bleeding.

Speaker 1:

And so I'm getting orthotics now and they're in, so I see him on the 31st and then I get to walk on those for a couple of weeks and then hopefully do a gradual return back to work. The point was that I said to him I'm in physio, I'm doing this stuff that you're doing, like that. I just explained I'm seeing a massage therapist now for it. Is there anything else that I can do just to make sure, like my me returning back to work, like I'm not going to get another flare up? And he was like looking at down at his chart and he's like you said you were and I. He looked up at me and said you said you're possibly getting bariatric surgery right, and I said yeah, and he's like, oh, okay, and looks down at his chart again and I'm sitting there like staring at him like this because I was like was that the answer?

Speaker 1:

What did I ask him? And then I went, oh, weight loss. And he's like yeah, I'm like oh, you didn't want to say it. And he was like just started like giggling a little and I'm like, yeah, no, it's cool. I'm like we're an open book here. I'm like I get it. I'm like I've done, I just love that it wasn't right away Like hey, you need to lose weight.

Speaker 2:

It was.

Speaker 1:

We've done A to Y and this is Z, you know. So it's like yeah, wait, does y come before z, x, y z? Yeah, listen, I got a point for remembering where I what I was talking about you know, it's just.

Speaker 2:

It's the fact that my almost two-year-old could have answered this question but it's like you know, I can't say much because I'd have to go through the entire alphabet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like when you've ever seen those cops, like I watch, like I've seen these come across oh yeah, and they're like alphabet. No, they don't do backwards, they say start at d and end at s. I'd be like d, e, f, I'd be like how about you first?

Speaker 2:

oh my god, yeah, I would never be a friend.

Speaker 1:

I'd be like how about you first? Oh my God, Can I call a friend? Harper and you play the abcs. I'm sure she has something on there, oh my god, what are they? Do you have like a toy for abcs? Isn't there a thing?

Speaker 2:

we have a book. I'm sure one of her toys sing the abcs, but we usually use a book. Um, and I do have. Shame me, all you want. I have an ipad, kid. Um, we let her go on it for 10 to 15 minutes a day and we have a game on there that she can trace letters and know, like goes through the alphabet, and it's like a shape sorter, like it's this, it's this game that has like a hundred other toddler games kind of thing. Um, and, as I said, we just let her go on it for 10 to 15 minutes a day and like she's learning. You know what I mean. So I don't, I don't have a problem on that note.

Speaker 1:

can we not shame fucking parents for that, especially in this day and age? And my biggest example as a non-parent your kids knowing technology early on will probably make their future brighter, and I say that as someone that's sitting here that still knows technology but didn't grow up with it enough. Watching these people in their 20s make hundreds of thousands of dollars because they know how the internet works and algorithms and posting or they're doing whatever, like the people that Mark Zuckerberg, you know, with the people for Facebook and how they knew coding like I'm sorry, how do you learn coding you know? So it's like let your kids have the iPad. Yes, still make sure they have a good balance, like with eating, of outdoor time and being on the iPad.

Speaker 1:

The amount of Karen videos I've been watching recently, though, of like that one of that guy that got drunk and then screaming at these teenagers for fishing for fishing at their pond behind their house because it wasn't a public pond, it was their private pond and he's screaming at them, breaks their poles and most of the people in the comment section are going, and this is the type of boomer that's saying that their kids need to go outside and stop playing video games. It's so fucking sad, but anyway healthy. Did you know?

Speaker 2:

actually that's what I was gonna say they actually have replaced cursive writing in schools with coding, so like that's a mandatory thing now that kids just learn. They're gonna ask me a question. I'm gonna be like the fuck, I know, but it's, it's crazy. Like the world has changed, the world has developed and I think there's a difference between, like, letting them have screen time and giving them the iPad and say go away. Like there's a difference between those things. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I actually was just explaining that this'll be a little bit of a window into my past, but I was at a family gathering this weekend because one of my aunts passed away. So we were having a celebration of life and I got to see a lot of family I haven't seen in a while, and at one point we were talking about growing up.

Speaker 1:

You know, as the night goes on um as you do and I said I'm like you know, I used to come home and you know when your parents would be like, oh, how was your day, or whatever. I would come and I'd be like hi, mom, and the answer would be I don't know if that picked up on the microphone, but it was a shush, uh, very loudly, and I'd be like the streets on carnation street and I'm like okay, and I would just walk to my room or do my homework. And then she would come out later and be like so, how was your day? And my answer would be fine, and she'd be like what'd you do at school today?

Speaker 1:

School stuff, like I just shut down because it's just like I don't really want to communicate with you, I don't want to tell you how my day was, and it's just like that is a perfect example. It wasn't an iPad, but it's like my parents just didn't want to hear about my day. So it's like I, I like that changed my brain chemistry. I, I just don't care, you know.

Speaker 2:

And that wasn't you as technology, that was your parents with technology.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, with a TV, with a TV show that could be recorded. It did get recorded every day, so I don't know what the hell was going on. Oh, that was a trauma dump Anyway, and I turned out fucked up.

Speaker 2:

So let your kid have an iPad. Oh, man and I turned out fucked up. So let your kid have an iPad, oh, man and, to be fair, she shares my iPad. Because we're broke, I'll send her mine. It like goes to step on the keyboard and I'm like, oh, no, no, no, like we need to. She's like let me trace this letter a with my big toe. I'm like, let's not, let's dial it back a couple notches that picture you uploaded of her today on base oh my god, she's so cute.

Speaker 1:

You can actually see it the way that she's looking. I'm like develop, like I know she already has, and I'm like developing even more of a personality. I can see her changing, you know, just like her thoughts like she has like more thoughts and I don't know, like I'm not, like it's just a picture but you can see it, I know it's so great, she's so smart.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I miss you guys so much. So I'm going to like way back rewind, because I wanted to say this before, but then we went down a different path.

Speaker 2:

But we were talking about doctors and how you were saying like you feel like they've. Last year, when I first went to my family doctor and I was like I want to start Ozempic and he was like, at the first question he asked me. So I was like I want to lose weight, I want to focus on losing weight. I've been trying to lose weight. I'm would have been last year just before my gallbladder situation. So I would have said that I was down 80 pounds and still like, and it's been like four years and I'm still struggling, or however many years, I think last year would have been four or five years. So I'm like and I'm still struggling. And then he was like okay, and he makes some notes and whatnot.

Speaker 2:

And this family doctor I joined like five years ago. I want to say want to say because it was just before I got pregnant and we wanted to go to the same family doctor for Harper to go to the same family doctor, so I switched to this one and he was like okay. And he was like have you always been plus size, like your whole life? I'm like, yeah, pretty much. And he's like okay. And then he was like have you ever experienced any health problems with being bigger and I like really started thinking about it and I was like not really, like you know what I mean. Like there's never been like something to show up on blood work. That's like, oh, this is a major issue. Or I wasn't really having a problem with my knees, like back pain here and there, but nothing, because nothing has ever come to me. That was said.

Speaker 1:

Would your gallbladder count?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, because it's very common for women who just had a baby to have a gallbladder issue, so that easily could have been a Harper situation and people that are not plus size have gallbladder issues, right, and that happened right before, like that happened before my gallbladder situation. Okay, so, because that was june and then I got my gallbladder emergency removed at the end you had a lot of crazy shit happening, holy fuck.

Speaker 2:

Last year was insane yeah, yeah, I know my entire mat leave. I was in the hospital. Pretty sure I was either with my baby or in the hospital for myself. There, that was it. So, um, but yeah, it kind of just.

Speaker 2:

I was taken back by them asking, like, have you had problems? And not just immediate, like, yeah, we need to, we need to get you to lose weight before there's problems like you know what I mean? It was kind of just, yeah, but then it was so, and then even he said that he wasn't comfortable prescribing the ozempic because he doesn't know enough about weight loss and he doesn't know enough about, like, obesity. So he wants to send me to a specialty clinic, and I'm thinking like, again, just totally baffled, because anytime you talk to most like you talk to people and their experiences well, they want to put you on the weight loss drug right away, even though you're in there with a different problem, kind of thing. So I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I am happy I went back this year, though, and went to the like went straight to the weight loss clinic, because it was that blood work that a surprisingly came back. I'm not even pre-diabetic. So many times, like people look at you and they're just like, oh you're. You're probably pre-diabetic a because of my weight and B because I had gestational diabetes. But people I said to them I feel like I should be retested for my gestational diabetes because I literally got tested or I literally came back positive by one point and I was able to manage it with diet. I didn't need insulin. So and even when I was managing it with diet, it never spiked like everything, like it was manageable. You know what I mean. Like it just didn't.

Speaker 2:

It didn't feel like it was manageable. You know what I mean. Like it just didn't. It didn't feel like it was what it should be and the chances of you getting type 2 at my size, plus having gestational diabetes, is really high, and I'm not even pre-diabetic, so it just it doesn't add up in my books, but um, but it did come back with the fatty liver. So I am so glad that I went and got the tests and everything and I still feel like the steps that I have been taking are still for my health and more than just a cosmetic change With this clinic. I'm at, too, like I have to get blood work done every three weeks or three weeks every three months to make sure that's what you meant, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Just just to monitor that my liver results and my cholesterol results are going down. And the body scan, I think, is like a once a month thing. They said that they want to do the scan more than. Oh and I want to talk about this. I talked about this on Tik TOK. Hold on. Organize my thoughts for a second here. Before I do that, I want to go back to the Ozempic thing that I was just talking about.

Speaker 2:

No, no, that's fine.

Speaker 2:

Remind me to come back to the weigh-in thing, okay, so I started thinking about it because there's so many celebrities that you're seeing who have lost a ton of weight, and I'm not talking about like just people who were already smaller and now they're losing weight. Like I'm not talking about like just people who were already smaller and now they're losing weight. Like I'm talking about like obese celebrities who have lost weight that I'm sure have gone on some kind of weight loss drug and I like praise that, because I'm sure so many people have looked at that and they're like, oh my God, like body positivity, like they're not for body positivity, like they should have just loved themselves, blah, blah, blah. But how many of them have had health issues similar to like me and they found that and have just been struggling to lose weight all of this time? And now this tool is here to help them and now they're able to lose weight, but, like so many people, like put them down because they're a celebrity, so it must be a cosmetic thing. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I have full praise. Just because they're a celebrity doesn't mean like we know everything that's going on in their life.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't mean we know all their diagnoses and they don't owe us that either, and it's like we don't know the struggles. And one thing regarding that that I really hate is plus size. It's not that I hate it. I hate such a strong word, but I don't know how to feel about it is that a plus size person breaks out into um Hollywood and they can never change, like they have to be plus size because they are that plus size actor and also that fat people like.

Speaker 1:

So me, I'll just say me like, I'm like representation. You have to stay there Because you're representing us right now. I see me in you. You can't change. And then they do change Because for whatever reason it could be a medical diagnosis they don't like the way that they are, they don't like the way that they look, they don't like the way that the weight feels like, whatever. I know that not liking the way you look can be rooted in fat phobia, but sometimes someone might have been used to being a certain weight or they just want to look that way. It's like it's their choice. It's the same like with people getting plastic surgery. You know, I don't I don't judge at all, cause it's just. That's your personal life story and I'm not going to sit there and call another plus person fat phobic because they're trying to lose weight ever, ever, Like, even if they're doing it in a toxic way. I don't find that fat phobic. I find that person needs help Like they need guidance.

Speaker 1:

What I was going to say is they don't. They don't know a shit. And just because they change doesn't mean I have to change. I'm just going to find someone else to idolize, or why can't I still idolize them? They're still. They still know the struggle. They were still a fat person. You know, it's just so weird like I just I hate it. Like stop thinking that you own them now that a fat person made it, you know yeah. I'm thinking of Adele the whole time.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying that totally I know she was the first one I thought of uh I loved it, I was another one who lost a lot of weight rebel wilson oh yeah, I was gonna say rumor willis all the time, all the time uh melissa mccarthy. She lost a lot of yeah, wow and that's hard.

Speaker 1:

I think I feel like I haven't heard much about her since she's lost a lot of weight and it's like because she was the fat, the funny fat friend. Yeah, you know, totally, totally that's. That's always been her character and I hate that, but freaking hilarious, like she always played it really well, I know it's it's just, but yeah, I I honestly, I just yeah did we ever do an episode where we talked about that movie with Jennifer Aniston and her daughter was plus size? Did we do a thing on that one? No, you did.

Speaker 2:

Dumplin, yeah, dumplin. We each picked a movie and we talked about and I did shallow, how yeah did you watch dumpling?

Speaker 1:

I did like, oh, it's, it's, I like that, and it was just nice to see her be the the lead rather than the friend you know yeah it was nice.

Speaker 2:

Uh, sorry, you have to go and talk about way in oh my god okay so I talked about this a little bit on tiktok this morning because I did like a monthly recap before going to my appointment today, but then my appointment got moved to next week, so whatever. But the point is I graced on the topic of how I've lost five pounds over the last four weeks, which is great, fantastic, woohoo.

Speaker 2:

Except it's all come out of my ass and I'm so upset about this and, honestly, the only reason I know is because at the start of this year I was like I'm gonna work on my booty, like I'm gonna have a great booty, blah, blah, blah. So my booty was looking good like a month, two months ago it was. It was great. I was so happy with the way the butt, my butt, was looking. And then this weekend I looked in the mirror and I was like, oh hell, no, like this is not happening. My it. Now.

Speaker 2:

There's no more little like cup. What's the cut? Like a grippy spot. I'm just gonna call it what it is. There's no grippy spot, it's all just blended in with my thighs. Now cut the butt and there's no butt cup. There's no, there's nothing to grab. And my husband's like it's fine. I'm like don't talk to me right now. This is not fine. I'm like, seriously, like I've been losing it in my chest. I've been losing it like in my butt. It's just like take it from here. You know where you want it to leave, we all know where we want it to leave, but you're gonna take it from everywhere else.

Speaker 1:

I love it. It's we're so opposite because you have a butt and I don't have a butt. So if I like, look at a side view mirror like a side view, I look at myself from the side sometimes I like notice it and I'm like, oh no, my legs just flex.

Speaker 2:

I really don't have a butt at all, it's so flat so now, when I've been going to the gym which I have to tap out of the gym for a whole week this week because I've really effed up my back and it's like my back all the way into my hip and then down into my thigh and I'm also having an issue with my foot um, have you gone to an RMT? I don't know what that is so?

Speaker 1:

no, I'm a massage therapist, oh no. Um, because, like, for example, remember when I saw you and I couldn't my my knee was shaking. Uh, that was all because my ankle was weak and it had nothing to do with my knee and it had nothing to do like my hips and back were aching too on the opposite side and they're like this is all connected. And then once we started strengthening my ankle and he was doing things no more shaking and that was physio that did that one to me. So maybe there is something going on there and like you don't have strength in one of the things and they can see that by the way that you stand and everything. I would just go get that checked out, because yeah, I should.

Speaker 1:

By doing like specific exercises. You could help that. My physiotherapist. I showed her the booty buddy thing and she actually told me like I I'd have to look at it again. But there's two ones. She's like, don't do that. She's like, just do these. And it's doing the same thing, just do more of them. And it was in that thing. It was just like her recommendation based on my abilities yeah, for sure, yeah, uh.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm no fucking professional like no, no, but it was because of the issues that I'm having.

Speaker 1:

She's like this one will actually help you more. So it's like your workout and physio, so like, anyway, that's um, please keep talking about when so, yeah, but it's a lot on Friday.

Speaker 2:

I so I'm doing my Friday weigh-ins on TikTok again because I have to do a Friday weigh-in anyways for my weight loss stuff. Um, and I was three, 32.8 this week. When I started I was at three, 38.4. I think, um, that was my weigh in on oh wait, it's right here, hold it. Yeah, it was three, 38.85 was my weigh in on my body scan. And then when I did my weigh-in on Friday it was 332, 332.4, I think it was.

Speaker 2:

And then today I decided to step on the scale just because I wanted to get a weigh-in in the morning before my appointment in the afternoon, so I could kind of gauge what it's like through the day. But today it was three, 33.4, I think is what it was. So I, technically in my head, I was like you went up a pound since Friday. But then I was like, no, you're just dumb because you haven't been drinking water and you really ate like shit.

Speaker 2:

Yesterday, I'm talking, I had ice cream twice, I had sausage and poutine, like I was just eating just to eat yesterday and felt disgusting afterwards. But, um, yeah, anyways, that's not the point. The point is, um, I'm losing weight in my butt and I don't like it. So, but I mean it was bound to come off. You know what I mean. Like I'm accepting it because at the same time, it's like I'm a 2x, 3x, depending on the store that I'm shopping at, and if you're gonna drop down in sizes you're gonna have to lose it on your butt, and it's just it's a thing, I've accepted it.

Speaker 2:

You're building muscle but losing fat. Yeah, so I'm.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's fine when you were talking about that posting your Friday weigh-ins I immediately thought I'm like my content is probably going to change in like half a year, like to eight months, because if I end up going the bariatric route, I'm probably going to be posting about that. Yeah, and it's just going to totally change and I kind of just I do think there's going to be a point where I want to start fresh, in the way that not all my content, but I want to go back to try and delete like half my content, not delete, but like private it because it's just like not where I am anymore or like people will look at. Okay, like there's a video I posted in 2022, maybe 2021, and it is still getting comments every day and it is where I'm struggling with ozempic and I even had someone write to me and they're like oh, welcome to the bariatric life and this and that and and like indicating like I've had bariatric surgery and just all these things. And I want to like clap back at some of them and I'm like this video is two at least two years old, like just stop. So I do want to just go back into the content and you know, it's the same with the podcast. I actually thought about it.

Speaker 1:

I do want to go back and get rid of our my FAQs and stuff and I think, like, if we continue this next year, I want to have like a fresh foot forward. I think that. I think I just want to like I'm one of those people that like to leave the past in the past occasionally and just purge everything and just start. You know, like not a new name or anything, just it's like that was our past, like I wish there was like an archived folder where it can be like this is our past, this is things we've discussed, but it is not us anymore. Do you know what?

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, like weight watchers, I know you know, we've changed so much from how we were before.

Speaker 2:

This is one of the podcasts where it's like you really should listen to today and then work backwards because there are some times where we talk about stuff in the past but at the same time, if you try to listen from the very beginning and come forward, there's going to be a lot of moments of oh my god, you're complaining about this again. Like of course we're planning, because I'm planning about this shit again. It's been our entire lives being fat. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like but that's why I just also like to say goodbye to it. Like you and I did so much over four years, we still have the rot that we still have the edits in our computers and stuff like. So they still exist. It's not like I want to like forget it ever happened, or like it's not like I regret things that I've said. It's just also when people come to us and they're like, oh my god, I'm starting your podcast from the beginning.

Speaker 1:

It's like god damn, please don't yeah you're not gonna stay with us because especially when they're seeing our content now and, like new followers, they have no idea we were on Weight Watchers. They have no idea the ups and downs of our like the toxic thoughts and it is a good thing that we have that out there, because it's the reality of the situation a lot of us are living, but we've talked about it and I just want to move forward at this point. So I think that's something you and I can maybe look at, but I'm definitely going to be doing it for my content. Things that just are not applicable to me anymore, like back when I lived with John.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's just, I think, when we were like back back when we were starting to. It was like we were aware that we were fat you know what I mean. But now where we are is like we're aware and we're telling you you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like it's it's a very different vibe now than what, like we're way more confident now than we were then yeah, and some of the wording we use like we weren't trying to be toxic sometimes, but sometimes I've listened to it and I'm like, oh, I can tell that I wasn't fully like in the zone or something, or like I was still like treating myself horribly. You know like there has been times where I've listened to an episode and I'm just like, wow, I must have been going through it.

Speaker 1:

Or tiptoeing around body positivity movement going around body positivity movement, if, if, if we do, I think, like some highlights like, for example, I would not want to get rid of the ozempic episode, I wouldn't want to get rid of any of our guests and stuff, because, like, every one of them brought something amazing to the table and I love those episodes because it was about them and their journey. It's just that we have changed so much.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to go too much more into it. That's something we'll revisit another time. As I say that now and keep this in, people like I'm going to go back and save it so I can use that against you later. There's nothing that important back there.

Speaker 2:

I do think it's funny, though, when somebody like so how recently somebody put a comment on my video, how they were just like they were listening to an old episode from like two years ago, and they pulled up the quote how I was like I am never gonna run. If I am running, then I am a clone or abducted by aliens.

Speaker 1:

And here I am yeah, yeah and that that I love. That video for some odd reason got flagged on our TikTok for the waiting room and it wouldn't post. But we have to change out of a business profile. I think. Like it's not post, but we have to change out of a business profile. I think like it's not a business, it's just a. It's just a, it's just a TikTok. We're not generating business from it. So I hate that. Every time I go to post something, I'm like I can't use modern music, it's all the elevator stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Always the elevator music.

Speaker 1:

Um, um. One last thing I'm going to share is I have an appointment on thursday because I'm gonna go get a proper sleep study done for sleep apnea uh, where I actually sleep there, not not bring it home with me.

Speaker 1:

Um I still have to tell ramza that I'm here on thursday night. Uh, I'm very excited for it. I have the machine. It's just that it had it didn't never worked for me. But if I have, if I'm going down the avenue of bariatric surgery, I have to be compliant with it. So, yeah, that's what I'm going to be doing this week. Do you have anything that's going on this week?

Speaker 2:

This was the other thing I mentioned in my TikTok earlier. I am focusing on my diet, which is not being in a calorie deficit because, like honestly, the medication just automatically puts me in a calorie deficit but just making healthier choices. I had McDonald's six times last week, easily, easily, and one of those days I had it twice, and it was just a matter of life was super busy and I was on my way to work. I didn't have time to make breakfast in the morning, or I wasn't hungry at that time or whatever, so I grabbed the breakfast burrito. Here's what I was getting.

Speaker 2:

I was getting a single breakfast burrito and a sugar-free vanilla ice coffee. It came to be about about 450 calories. It's because it's 300 calories for the burrito and 150 calories for the sugar-free large iced coffee. Um, versus the iced coffee, I could make it at home with a protein shake and a coffee for the same size, if not bigger, for 140 calories. So the same amount of calories, but I'm also going to be adding 20 grams of protein in there, which I would not be having in a sugar-free vanilla iced coffee from McDonald's. Uh, the other thing, too, is the breakfast burrito. When I know if I make a breakfast burrito at home using peppers and egg and cheese and sausage in the low carb tortilla. It's less calories, full like real fiber, real protein, like it's just better. You know what I mean, but I just didn't have the time to do it. So my goal for this week is focusing on just the healthier choices of diet, not necessarily being in a deficit, just more making the healthier choice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, love it. Yeah, it's like I'm trying to like focus on vegetables once I buy them. Yeah, I think that you, I think you got this, you know, know, you know what you want and you're pretty good at sticking to things, like once you're determined. And if you're not focusing at the gym this week, I see that happening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, I, I can't focus at the gym this week as much as I want to, but I was a dumb bitch, um. And on Friday I uh, I don't know what I did beforehand, but on Friday I tweaked my back while I was picking up Harper and then I was like, oh no, no, no, I'll be fine. And then Saturday we were going to a pool party and I lifted a very heavy cooler into the back of the car by myself, because I'm a strong person and my husband was golfing and I was meeting him at the pool pretty afterwards. So I tried to lift the cooler into the back of the car, which I did, and I was. But I also had to, like, lift it down a set of stairs, slide it to my car and then lift it into my car. So then that already had my back going like this hurts a little bit.

Speaker 2:

And then on Sunday morning I was like, yeah, I'm a little sore, but I want to go for a run. Uh, so I did that. And then through the night last night, my entire body was like, why do you hate me? Like why did we, why did we do all of this? We were telling you we were sore. Why did you keep doing things, so I was dumb, and now, um, I have to tap for a week.

Speaker 1:

So that's where my body's telling you what it means.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I might go to softball on Thursday still that parts in the air. I'm going to wait and see how I feel on Wednesday, but right now I'm just going to be at home and rest for a few days yeah, yeah, I have to.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I got my new ninja air fryer today and I cannot wait to use it. However, already noticed I don't like it that much, um, before even using it, because, oh my god, the baskets are small. It's a dual ninja one where you can do two at the same time. Just, I'm telling some people at home it is so small, like one side will fit two chicken breasts and that's great, but it's just like.

Speaker 1:

I would like it to fit more I want one of those ones, so bad yeah, I'll let you know what it's like, because you know I'm pre-judging it, so maybe it'll actually you know what maybe um portion control is gonna love it so yeah yeah, oh, speaking of uh food and whatnot, I was drinking that dirty dr pepper while we were.

Speaker 2:

I need to try that. You said that you tried the regular one. Okay, you sent me a voice note about that.

Speaker 2:

I ignored it because I was busy, uh, no, what I meant by regular was because when I originally tried it for the first time, I used the cookies and cream oh yeah, um, and then I added some vanilla stuff to it, but this one was just one can of dr pepper zero, half a uh vanilla premier protein shake and four pumps of coconut sugar-free syrup. It is like I put Harper to bed and I've been going into this habit of like having a dessert or having a snack because this is, this is mine, like not to come off like my toddler whereas mine, but anytime I have something that looks good, even if it doesn't look good, she like some, like some, and I'm just like sure, and I always have to share it. So now I've gotten into the habit of when she's in bed, I go have a dessert or some kind of snack that it's like this is mine and I don't need to share it. And my husband's very aware of this as well. If he wants something he'll get his own thing, because I'm not fucking sharing.

Speaker 2:

Like she's in bed, it's my time. So, but lately, because that's been my vibe, it's always been like eminem's has these, um, caramel toffee or butter toffee cakes, where they're like little mini bundt cakes that you just microwave for a minute and then you flip them over and you take them out and it just like caramel oozes everywhere and it's like a toffee pudding cake my, my weakness. And I also want to say that, like there's a dessert place that we can get them and it's $20 for one, or I can get these ones from M&M's in a two pack for seven bucks.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Tastes the exact same, nice. So I yeah, I had, I had a bit of a spree there for a little while, but anyways so she would go to bed and I would have one of these, but these are like 400 calories Plus. I was putting ice cream on top of it, like. So when I was talking to the nurse and the clinic that I'm going to, um, that was one thing that I talked about was how, like I, with the medication, it puts me in this deficit and I'm really not eating much through the day, and then at night I see that I still have a buttload of calories left at the end of the day. So my brain goes oh fuck, yeah, let's eat all of this really, really good stuff.

Speaker 2:

So and then she was like is this something that you want to ease out of, or is this something that you feel like you should just quit? Cold turkey? And I was like I feel like cold turkey is probably the best way to go, because that's what I did for pizza, that's what, like anything that I've dealt with. Just don't go near it, because if you just go ease into it, then it just triggers and you're just going to whatever. So I did this tonight instead of eating something, because I already tracked the calories for it earlier in the day. I made an iced coffee and then didn't finish it, so I knew the calories were already tracked for it, so I didn't have a problem with us with me having it while we were talking about this, and it was a drink. It wasn't like I was sitting here eating something heavy, you know what I mean. It was just a whatever dirty Dr Pepper I call it not so dirty because it's. It was literally 70 calories for this entire huge that's amazing.

Speaker 1:

I was actually gonna. When, when Lisa didn't reply to me for two days, um, I almost called her because I was driving down Marine Drive and I was like, oh, the no carb place is here. And I was like, but I don, carb place is here. And I was like, but I don't know what I need. Like, did she try it? Like, did she use vanilla syrup? Then, instead, like to do this other one, and I think you could just go there and get coconut syrup. So then, rather than calling, I was like, okay, just go get the coconut syrup, and if it's more of that, then you'll figure it out. I go there and it's fucking closed on a Sunday.

Speaker 1:

I'm like eat shit so now I'm like probably never gonna go there again. Uh, I really want to try it, but I don't know I really so good. I also really want to try it with a root beer because, like, I've never been a Dr Pepper fan, but I'm also nervous to try it with root beer honestly.

Speaker 2:

So I was really nervous about it, which is because it's like, like, why coconut?

Speaker 1:

who thought of this?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I have no idea, but they're genius. Um, but I already had the coconut syrup because, um, I was putting it in with some of my smoothies.

Speaker 2:

So I already had the Coke, the sugar-free coconut syrup. Um, I had the cookies and cream Alani knew just in my fridge already for my ice coffees and whatnot. So I just bought. At Dollarama they had the 500 mil diet or Dr Pepper zero, so that I didn't have to buy an entire case or whatnot, just so that I could try it. And then I tried it and I was like, oh my God, this is going to be my new obsession. So I went this weekend and bought a case of diet, dr cans and or it's not diet, it's the dr pepper zero. Uh, bought a case of that and then a four pack of the premier vanilla shakes, because I'm using half a shake to one can ratio right now. So it's good, I like it, I recommend it, I'm gonna try it.

Speaker 2:

I just yeah, it literally just tastes like a root beer float Nice.

Speaker 1:

It's no root beer. That's weird.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no root beer and the coconut. There's no coconut in a root beer float, but it doesn't taste. Usually, when you think of coconut, you think tropical vibes. Yeah, but I don't get. I don't think there's coconut in a mai tai. Are you thinking pina colada?

Speaker 1:

no, I'm thinking oh my god. I am thinking of a pina colada, oh my god whatever I'm like there's definitely not. It's like when you stopped, I'm like she's gonna question mai tai because even when it came out of my head, I'm like, was that right? I'm just gonna go with it and shut up. Trust lisa to call me out. All right, no, it's fine my bad.

Speaker 2:

Do we want to do a quick uh affirmation listen, bitch.

Speaker 1:

Stick to those goals this week and you'll be proud oh, that's a nice affirmation.

Speaker 2:

Do you want to see? If that's what she tells us to do, sure, watch, she's gonna be like fuck your goals.

Speaker 1:

And something else. Fuck your goals and get the takeout.

Speaker 2:

Order a pizza. You deserve it, that would be. If that's the affirmation, I don't know what I would do, to be honest. Podcast cancelled.

Speaker 1:

No, I'll trust it, I'll get the takeout.

Speaker 2:

Okay, tell me when to stop my roots are so much now.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you can see it, but I have a ton of gray up in here now. Oh, thank you. You're like yep, there it is. That's what you get for the Mai Tai correction Dude. If you, if there was no blonde here, you would see my hair looks so greasy, and it's only been two days and I used to be able to go a whole week without it being like this. And it's like this because I did an oil treatment I think it looks fine I think you're thinking it because it's your hair, but I think it looks probably.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, stop, okay, here we go. Listen, bitch, don't waste a drop of energy trying to change someone else. Yeah, change yourself, right? They obviously don't know the vibe of this no, I love it, that's good yeah, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I can't even say I've ever, I don't think I've tried to change a person oh, Rams went home after a year of being with me and they were like you did not pick out your clothes straight up new. And he's like, no, I didn't. I'm like because he used to wear really baggy pants. They were like 80s mom's jeans and like shirts that were too big for him and so I'm like let's go shopping. And then he went from that. At the time he was wearing skinny jeans and then his friends were like oh, dude, what are you?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I always thought it was so funny when I'd be like let's go shopping and do this, and he's just like I don't want to change my style, and it's like, listen, I want to look at you. Yeah, things like just do it.

Speaker 1:

I just realized. I just said he has good style, now that I wasn't trying to take credit for that like he can go clothes shopping himself take the credit.

Speaker 2:

You trained him well.

Speaker 1:

He still, he still asks me like do you think this looks good? I mean the same thing that I do you know? Like yeah, is this like you're the he's the one that has to look at me.

Speaker 2:

I have to look at him, I have to. Brandon comes shopping with my mom and I. He stays with Harper and sits in the change room and we come out and we're like what do you think? And he's just like, yeah, that looks good. And then mom's like like I trust that. Oh, speaking of which need to put out this huge red flag real quick, because and I never put down pennington's, I usually love pennington stuff they have new biker short swimsuits and I bought a pair this weekend. Do not buy them they because they are so thin and like when I stand up it's fine, but, girl, when I bent over my ass, you can totally see it like 100%.

Speaker 2:

No, I was already at the pool party put on the swimsuit and I'm like these feel really thin and like, even when I was putting it on, it was like there wasn't the usual like liner that's in it. And I was like, brandon, I need you to like check my butt for me. And he's like, yeah, it's a little see-through. I'm like, okay, I've been in change rooms with you before and you've said stuff like that. I need you to like check my butt for me. And he's like, yeah, it's a little see-through. I'm like, okay, I've been in change rooms with you before and you've said stuff like that. I need you to take a picture of my butt and show it to me. The flash was on and it was like two flashes that were happening. I'm not even joking Like my, you could see my crack where it started. I'm like, dear God.

Speaker 1:

So now my mom is at this pool party too, and I'm explaining this situation and I show her and she's like oh no, I'm like this is what I'm saying, but, like when I'm getting in and out of the pool, I'm like mom, you need to like cover my butt.

Speaker 2:

I still wore it, but I now need to wear my other swimsuit bottoms underneath these shorts because they are see-through. Great idea. Penningtons really need to work on the thickness of those, those swimsuit shorts to be honest, I seriously got a cramp in my.

Speaker 1:

I locked you hard um that bra. You got the pink one, do you like it?

Speaker 2:

no, I returned it I don't like it either yeah, in fact I returned it for these swims, oh my god, because we've been going to the splash pad so like I wanted something more comfortable oh, you don't need the receipt. Oh, do you?

Speaker 1:

have the tags. I don't know if the tags still on it, but the other ones yeah, yeah, so you have your online order, oh yeah, okay, never mind yeah yeah, and they're like super great about it.

Speaker 2:

It just has to be within 30 days of receiving it. Overall, like penningtons is great, like I've never had issues with penningtons I was just really disappointed in the quality of these shorts, because usually they're pretty good. Especially for the price of these shorts, you would think that it would be like top tier. I did get a bra, though, just so you know, I had the bra and then I got that bra and then I was like this just doesn't fit right and I was getting frustrated and I knew I needed these new shorts, so went that route you know, this podcast episode went so good I could almost post it without having to edit it.

Speaker 1:

But that being said, we have been recording for over an hour. So when you're looking for Lisa's story about her recipe about tuna, look for Thursday. Look on Thursday, because I most likely am not going to be editing this tonight.

Speaker 2:

5, 30 I'm like yeah, no it was like, but we said tomorrow, so we don't have to tell them Thursday, because you're going to post on Wednesday, and then you just had to tell me thursday it is monday today, right yeah?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, yeah I think, anyway, this was a good catch-up. I feel like we had a lot to talk about and we didn't have too many side tracks. I stayed on not topic, but I remember what I was talking about, what that was amazing good job. I'm taking new brain pills. No, I'm not Probably the vitamin D I'm taking. It's like hey, functional.

Speaker 2:

Your brain's waking up.

Speaker 1:

All right, yeah, rams just brought me a. I got something in the mail from Holland America Probably another deal, so I'm just going to go. Wish I was traveling.

Speaker 2:

Have fun with that. I'm gonna go make pizzas what I play a game on my iPad good pizza, great pizza fucking timeline and I just transfer over to that quickly. No, I'm gonna go make these fake pizzas for customers and then, uh, probably go to bed very soon we'll chat again soon.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna text you literally.

Speaker 2:

Chris and I are gonna text each other right after we hang out but we'll talk to all of you in like a weekish, maybe a week, honestly, like if there's some hiatus shit going on, stuff.

Speaker 1:

Um, I don't swear in front of my child and I I think I'm just getting some of that out, so I apologize, but um, if there's some unexpected hiatus stuff going on, it's summer and I'm very busy, so that's what's going on, we're fine yeah, leading up to going back to work, I have lots of appointments coming up and stuff, so we'll just we'll just see how it is. If you don't see an episode, join tiktok, if you haven't already, and come see us over there yeah, yeah, if we're not posting on tiktok, that's just.

Speaker 2:

You know we're fine why we're that busy. Then, yeah, we tell you. If we're not fine, don't worry anyway. Yeah, bye.