The Weighting Room Podcast

Fat Girl Therapy 45: Influencer Party Drama, Crisis Coping, and Body Image Battles

Chris & Lisa

Ever wondered what really goes down at extravagant influencer parties? This week, we unpack the drama from Girl A's infamous birthday bash, where 500 guests mingled, and Girl B stirred the pot as a plus one. Our "Am I the Asshole?" segment seamlessly transitions into dissecting the etiquette of influencer events and the psychology behind such audacious critiques. Don't miss our deep dive into internet backlash and the intriguing layers of this scandal that had everyone talking.

But the drama doesn't stop there. Brace yourself as we recount the nerve-wracking experience of a flat tire on the way to the movies. The sheer panic, logistical nightmares, and emotional chaos of dealing with such emergencies without roadside assistance are all on the table. I share my spiraling thoughts during the ordeal and Ramz' valiant efforts to offer support amidst my fluctuating needs. This candid segment highlights the mental toll of sudden crises and the importance of having a strong support system during life's unpredictable moments.

Lastly, we tackle the heavy topics of societal pressures around weight, body image, and the anxiety surrounding travel, especially to the U.S. amidst its gun violence concerns. From discussing food cravings and dieting challenges to sharing insights on medication and weight loss surgery, our discussions are as relatable as they are thought-provoking. We wrap up with some light-hearted banter about our unpredictable podcasting journey and a teaser for an upcoming guest who will further explore body positivity and weight struggles. Tune in for a blend of humor, real-life challenges, and insights that promise to keep you engaged from start to finish.

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Disclaimer: We are not Medical professionals and all views and opinions are our own.

Speaker 1:

hello lisa, hello chris. Oh, my god we're doing. Am I the? I was gonna say that weird we're doing. Am I the assholes right?

Speaker 2:

I assumed. So I have nothing ready me either. I have. I had a couple saved that I can pull up, but we were just like on our cord, we're like sure.

Speaker 1:

I did send you a text message, though did, did you hear? Because I love this trying me trying to do storytelling thing. I don't know, no one's giving us feedback, so hopefully you like it. But did you see that drama on TikTok regarding that one influencer's birthday?

Speaker 2:

oh, no, I didn't and I meant to tell you. No, I didn't.

Speaker 1:

Okay, great so I'm just going to give you a quick synopsis and we'll vote who the asshole is, even though we definitely know who the asshole is. Oh okay, so there's this girl, um girl a, that was having a birthday party. She had she's an influencer with over four million followers, I think, and so she was doing this birthday bash and I think there was roughly like 500 people that were invited. Holy shit. She made a poster for it but it said birthday bash starts at 1030. But it did look kind of like a party flyer, but it said birthday party on it.

Speaker 2:

So there's, I can't even imagine starting the party at 1030 anymore Like that, just that sounds like a chore.

Speaker 1:

I guess we can all like realize that I am definitely talking about people in their early twenties. So person B we find her by posting a get ready with me and this person has under a hundred thousand followers. So person A 4 million. Not that followers, followers matter, but like it kind of does in in this scenario yeah, it's so.

Speaker 2:

It's a thing yeah, uh.

Speaker 1:

So person b does like a, get ready with me, and she says I'm going to, and then gives the person's screen name birthday party. Uh, my friend was invited and I'm going as a plus one. Um, I'm not sure if I'll know anyone there, so, and I have a what is it called? A degree? Or she's in school for something with psychology and she's like so I'm gonna like psychoanalyze people while I'm there. I'm not gonna give opinions, uh. So she posts that get ready with me. The next day we see the video of her being like let me tell you what this party was like. And then she posts a video with the sneaker sound over it do you know what I'm talking about? Where it makes it seem like something's cringe or lame, where it's like the you're watching a basketball game.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna insert the sound here, vibes of the party uh, but it's just like the sneakers hitting the floor like when you're playing basketball, and it just with no other sound.

Speaker 1:

So it makes it seem like this is lame. Um, so she posts that and says you know that this party, like I was there for hours and no one showed up and like no, like she kind of complained that no one paid for her Uber and that you had to pay for your own drinks. So she was like I've been to other events and it just doesn't seem like this was right or like whatever, and she's like it was pretty lame, I didn't have a good time. So this is this. This is this is the way that the videos have gone right the person that had the birthday party. We haven't really seen much from her, but we know who she is, because the person started it off with him going to so-and-so's birthday party. Uh, so, anyway, the internet comes for her and they're like this is a birthday party you went to, you were a plus one, like so this wasn't even your friend and you're like reaming out her birthday.

Speaker 1:

And she then starts getting defensive of course but also it's the you went to a party to go psychoanalyze people, like to watch them in the wild. Like have you ever been to a party before? Um, also saying that she had been there for hours. She shows a text message proof of messaging her friend that she had been there for hours. She shows a text message proof of messaging her friend that she had already left the party because it was lame and she had been there for hours. That was around like before 1 am, but after 12. If the party started at 10 30, how are you there for hours? Were you there before the party started? Like, also, if a party starts at 10 30, normally people don't. That's just been throughout history. No one shows up at the time. That it says on the flyer.

Speaker 1:

And I'll be, probably out out pre, pre-gaming, so anyway. Then, um, the person a comes out with a video, uh, talking about something completely different, and then goes into this is weird behavior. Like I, you're, who are you like? Why were you even like there pretty much. Uh, why are you posting about my birthday now? I went to today because I wanted to talk to you about this to see what. What was like. Has anything happened in the last couple days? And everything has been deleted. So I'm like, have you guys gotten over it? Did you make amends? But it's like, why, like what that person? I will let you figure out. I mean, we know who the asshole is here, right?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, yeah yeah but like, uh, what?

Speaker 1:

what no one can understand is like no one would have even known you were there. Why are you bashing an influencer with millions like what were you expecting?

Speaker 2:

were you expecting this person with millions of followers that, just because it's her birthday, they were going to pay for your uber, my other thing, too is like, if you're texting your friend and saying oh, I already left, you were a plus one, what are you doing there without your friend, right?

Speaker 1:

well, who knows which friend that is like I?

Speaker 2:

we don't know which friend that is uh, I guess it's weird, but if she's starting by saying she doesn't know anybody who's going to be there, she doesn't know who it's going to be there, then I would assume that that's going to be that friend also. I mean, she went there without the plus, like being the plus one. That's so weird and since you um. Sorry, I lost my train of thought um, sorry, you started thinking of the thought birthday party.

Speaker 1:

Did you go up and wish her a happy birthday? Did you go up and make sure that she was having a good time? If you went to a birthday party and noticed that almost no one was there, would you be like, oh, this is cringe. Or would you try and make sure that the birthday person's having the best day ever?

Speaker 1:

yeah like, even if you're not her friend, you were invited to this as a plus one. Like you would not be in this room without your friend and it's just like, yeah, what is wrong with you? And then she's talking about all the previous influencer events I've been to like girl.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's not an influencer event, but also everyone's different and also I'm not American so I don't know how it works, but you have under a hundred thousand followers. What events have you been to where they're paying for your booze? Yeah, like I have. I actually think I had more followers than her. Maybe I don't even know, but it's like I haven't, like I'm not that I think people want me at their event. But it's also different for people that are younger. But like what? I would never see a flyer that, even though it looks like an influencer event, it's a it says on it it's a birthday party, like there's no cover charge, it's not a yeah, it's not an event.

Speaker 2:

It's someone's birthday. Yeah, so anyway, I just like to update you on the current events that are no.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate it because immediately, if Lisa like either doesn't answer like this time, or she says no, I'm like great, don't look for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't have the time to look for it anyway yeah, so it works.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait till I'm back at work, so I have a life, which, um, by the way. So yesterday I, rams and I well, you already know because I texted you immediately Rams and I are on our way. You don't know the whole story. Rams and I are on our way to the movie theater and as I'm on the highway, I hear a pop and I was like was that the, was that our tire? And he's like I think you hit a pothole. I, like we would have felt a pothole and I didn't feel anything. And then I said if that tire goes, I'm throwing this cart in the garbage. And within five minutes we go over the bridge, this bridge to go on the side street or whatever, to new West. So I didn't know where we were.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And all of a sudden it sounded like we're going over a cattle grate, and I was like no so I pulled over.

Speaker 1:

I'm like we have a flat and panic sets in. Because now I'm like I just knew that I had to deal with it because, like I knew, rams couldn't help me because he doesn't know many people here. So it's like how am I gonna deal with this? Like I need to figure this out. So then I'm like where I don't even know where we are.

Speaker 1:

We have to get our money back for the movie tickets because we bought a double feature. Um, I don't even know who. How are we going to get a tow? A tow is going to cost us three hundred dollars. So I'm like we need we don't have BCAA. I can't call my mom. I don't know where I am and she doesn't know how to use a cell phone or GPS. So I'm trying to call my brother. Doesn't answer. Call my brother. I'm like will you answer your phone? So I finally I'm on the phone to like landmark, trying to get our tickets back. But we had to go through this other lengthy process. My brother calls me and, with all my emotions going on, I just broke down and I started like almost hyperventilating and he's like you need to calm down. Wrong thing to say.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, I know, I know I hate that, the amount of times I go and then my family's like you just need to breathe. I'm like you need to not say that to me and I had snapped on Rams.

Speaker 1:

Because I told Rams like I need you to find this. But then, like with me, it's like within a minute things have changed, so it's like I don't need that anymore. So then he comes out with something and I'm like I don't need that. Like I snapped on him because I was in a full-blown panic attack and Michael could sense that, and so I'm like I'm gonna drop my pin. He doesn't know what that means. And I'm like it's, it'll connect you to Google Maps, it'll let you find me. So, um, after that happened, I started to calm down. So my brother called me back. He's like well, you sound a lot better. And I'm like, yeah, fuck, whatever. Uh, when we got home, I my brother gets it, because then all of a sudden, embarrassment sets in. Like you know, you're like why did I react that way?

Speaker 1:

So I'm trying to talk to rams about it and I was trying to explain to him what was going on in my head and he was just like wow, cause he thinks, oh, the tire's flat, we got to call a tow or whatever. My head went fuck, the tire's gone. How are we going to be able to afford that? I'm like I just got Rams on board. Like this is what my brain's doing as I'm getting out of the car. I just got Rams on board for Ontario. Now I have to give up Ontario. Yep, they're the tires flat. What are we going to do? This is going to cost $300, plus whatever the tire costs. This really sucks.

Speaker 1:

How are we going to get our movies back for the movie? I've been dying to go see those movies. Why, like now, I don't have BCAA. Mom won't be able to find me. How can I get a hold of Michael? Will he be able to come out here? He already said that he was tired. Is he gonna show up for me? This? I'm not even at the part that I'm starting to freak out yet and that's what my brain has done. So when Rams comes out of the vehicle, I'm on level a thousand and like the panic was just and I couldn't stop it. So after this I told Rams not that he did this, but I'm like don't ever use the words calm down around me, because you're gonna get you're actually probably gonna get punched in the face, like it's so sad to say, but I will get that angry. I probably wouldn't.

Speaker 2:

I get it. No, I totally get that, because it's like you're already working on calming down. It's already something that you're in the process of trying to do. It's like I need to process the thought that I am currently having and then I will be able to hit that step of calm down. But if you're telling me to calm down before I'm ready to be at that spot, yeah, it's just gonna set me off because and like it's like a reset yeah, and with me asking Rams for help, like I'm like I need you to find Landmark's number within a minute.

Speaker 1:

I'm not concerned about Landmark anymore because now I have Michael on the phone and I'm thinking about the tire. So when Rams comes out to talk to me about Landmark, I snapped and I was just like you're not on the same level as me, so it was like you just have to go away and I felt so fucking bad for it. I told him afterwards I'm like, when I'm going through that I'm not even here anymore, like I am spiraling, I need you to grab my shoulders, look at me and tell me to breathe. Because, like, don't tell me to calm down, don't say it's not that serious, don't say anything like that. I just need you to tell me to breathe because, like it's just, it really was not that big of a deal. Like, thinking back on, it's a flat tire.

Speaker 1:

But I went into panic mode and I think a lot of it has to do with the whole Ontario thing because I felt so happy like I'm like I'm gonna get gushy, but fuck off, don't mind me. But like you're like my literal friend, soulmate, I was telling Ramz that I'm like to think about going an entire year without seeing Lisa, her daughter, all your family, all your family, you um really makes me so fucking sad, because I'm like I've never had a friendship like ours and it it's like we don't even have to discuss things to like get it, even though we have a podcast. And so I was so fucking happy Like we had discussed that yesterday and he was okay with it, and I even sent you a text we're going to call today and so, and then when we're at home, like I, like I had said, yeah, I guess Ontario's out and whatever, and then he drove it home because I was like I, I was so, oh, I rolled my ankle too, so it's bruised yay um.

Speaker 2:

I said Chris texted me that part yesterday. She's like I rolled my ankle and I'm like we just need to put you in a bubble at this point.

Speaker 1:

My ankle is fine, but it is bruised and it hurts a bit, um, but like he's just like, yeah, so like. Anyway, I wanted to get takeout because I was not gonna cook and I was super stressed out and we just whatever. But we made it really cheap. You need the comfort but, he's.

Speaker 1:

I was like, well, I don't want to get takeout, like I can't even, can't even afford Ontario. And then he's like, well, we gotta eat. But yeah, yeah, I think Ontario is out. And I was just like, listen, I'm already saying that, like I actually there was, like there was this hope that he'd be like, oh babe, we'll figure it out, or whatever, or like I don't know, maybe not drive that point home right now. And so like I was not worked up. But I got like snappy again because I was just like, look like I just want your support, like I'm very aware that this can't happen, or whatever. But he ended up turning around and being like maybe we can figure it out, and I'm like, don't do that out of guilt because I'm being upset right now.

Speaker 1:

But yeah it might actually still happen. We'll talk about that more afterwards, but it's been a day, yeah, and like that happened yesterday, it's freaking holiday today, so I can't even in my car. I have to cancel appointments now that I have on tuesdays. I go deal with the car and I'm just like this sucks, I just need a new car. Yeah, we have sunk about three grand into that car since the beginning of this year and I'm like we just need like the check engine light, so on. It's never going to be good. This car will probably have something else happen within a month. It's just dying. Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry this is, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

So both my stories first person was the asshole, second one, I was definitely the asshole oh man anyway, I guess I just really need to get off that off my chest because I was just like, oh, I don't know, I just still feel like really worked up about it. But it's in the way of now that I feel I shouldn't have, it shouldn't have happened.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I just wish I could control it. I don't know. It's just that chaos, like if there's a lot of things to do, I can get organized and I don't feel chaotic. I love that kind of stuff, but when something like that happens and money is involved, my heart stops I get it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we just have a lot of things that are coming up that we have to pay for, like, and it sounds stupid, cause like, by the way, anyone out there thinking that I'm sitting here like, oh I, that's not the truth, it's. I still have nothing, I only have credit. But Rams and I are planning things like Vegas and whatnot. So it's not like we're sitting here like you know. Yeah, it's just. It's those things where we're trying to buy Vegas with funds we don't have and then when these unexpected things come up, you're just like, why now? Why couldn't you just wait?

Speaker 1:

I have found, every time you start talking about making big plans that involve a lot of money in the car, that's when the car is like no, no, no which I actually have this little um car ceramic thing hanging from my passenger side um visor, and a friend put it up there in 2018 and it was from one of those like voodoo type shops down in New Orleans and it was for safe travels. That, like you know, if you have this, you're not going to get into an accident or something. And I looked at it the other day because it's still there since 2018 and I was like you know what, like, this car has had a lot of troubles, but the one thing I've never done is get into a pretty bad accident, so I'm like that's coming with me to my new car this carries over.

Speaker 2:

Uh, so are we into it? We're just going to do fat girl therapy now and then oh, should we, or should we just do some? I thought we do you have some stuff?

Speaker 1:

I would pull some stuff up, or do you? Have, I meant mentally, I have we're both like okay, there actually is no delay here.

Speaker 2:

You go no because we were just already talking about stuff, so I didn't know if you wanted to just talk about other stuff or if you just want to read. That's just my life like I just bitch.

Speaker 1:

So it's like I don't know, can I just be? Am I the asshole? Uh, do you have stuff to talk about?

Speaker 2:

you said I can go either way. Honestly, I'm just blah today. Um, I'm just blah today, so whatever.

Speaker 1:

We actually to talk about that. We are going to be recording with a guest this upcoming I'm just letting people know this upcoming weekend, so that will be in a couple of weeks from now. That episode, but it's regarding another dramatic thing I came across on my For you page and it's funny the way I'm not going to go into the story because we'll wait until she's here but a video came across my FYP of this person just saying, uh, that people that are trying to lose weight that were part of the BOPO are just like dead to them, and I was like, wow, that's harsh scroll to the next video like I didn't even interact with it, but I was like you're not a nice person.

Speaker 1:

And it wasn't until the next day that then the person that's coming on to our podcast posted their video and being like, that was about me, we were mutuals and then. So I just dove a little bit into their videos and I was like I want that person on the podcast. So Lisa and I are gonna be chatting with her and I'm very excited about that. Um, but I'm really enjoying the retelling of from TikTok. Is that my light?

Speaker 2:

now we're gonna like end up having a cancelled podcast let's talk about drama for a second here, because we're talking about pronouns and everything, and I just want to touch base on this Olympic bullshit that's going on right now. Oh my God, oh my God, it's insane. Like people are just so dumb, do you know?

Speaker 1:

what's the worst? Okay, so there's chromosomes, there's hormones and there's genitals. Right, like, let's put just those three things. There's more, but the, the people that are saying that this Olympian is a male, foreign female. Some people talk about the chromosomes Okay, whatever. I'm also not defending any of this, by the way, I'm just discussing this. But then some people talk about hormones. Not knowing the difference between chromosomes and hormones. They're like, well, they, or they don't use they. They actually say he, uh, tested with higher testosterone, so they're a man. And I'm like hold on a minute. Is this from this side that's been saying it matters what genitalia you were born with. Your genitalia is what tells if you're a man or a woman. Are you using me?

Speaker 1:

or argument about hormones, because I know a lot of trans people that could test with higher testosterone, or higher estrogen and it's like you guys are dumb, that you're not realizing that you're falling into the argument that you've been against this whole time.

Speaker 2:

There's so like it's just it's. It's so frustrating, it's like I don't even have anything more to say other than it's just so frustrating, because, like you can just explain to them that, it's like you don't get it. Like because they just still think that you're just defending the person in quotations by just saying that they're a girl, but it's like that. But they're biologically and genetically a girl, like they're. It's not an m to f situation here, it is cis f, f yeah, girl yeah, but because you don't like how they look, like that's it, that's the entire thing well, it's the, the chromosomes or whatever, that tested what making the person look like.

Speaker 1:

They have both and it's like, regardless, a lot there's, there's. There's more than just one person that's born like that and they're a female regardless of anything like you know, look at their even their childhood photos and like there's so many things to look at, including the country they're from like normally our parents have more old school mentality and you think that their parents would have let them transition there.

Speaker 1:

There's a possibility. There's lots of open-minded people like regardless of what country that you're in, but do you really think that would happen in a country where it's like illegal? Yeah to a child.

Speaker 2:

You think they would have been for that like no, so, um, in canada, here we've got summer mackintosh right and she has been, she's been doing phenomenally. She's got a whole whack load of muscles, a whole whack load of metals in the swimming right. Oh, is that the?

Speaker 1:

17 year old or something. Yep, yeah, I saw a flip.

Speaker 2:

I'm flipping through facebook, reading through comments and somebody said she looked like a guy oh my god and they were just like I'm really. They made a comment and said I'm really sick of the transgenders that are in the olympics right now and making comments about it and saying how she he looks like a man. He should be identifying as a man. Blah, blah, blah. And I'm just sitting here like it's a 17 year old girl. That like it.

Speaker 1:

Just it baffles me they think that if they have something that enhances their performance over others. Have you seen the arguments about Michael Phelps? Yes, like that guy's wingspan is like what, eight feet. Like I don't know the whole thing about webbed toes. I thought that that was such a weird argument. I'm like okay, like it's like he turns into a fish when he hits water, like a mermaid. But you know, people have advantages over other people and it's just like that's.

Speaker 2:

that's how they got to, how they are just life.

Speaker 1:

You know people, everyone's born differently, but no one's making a big deal about Michael Phelps like having an unfair advantage with having such long arms and shorter legs so that there's not as much drag. You know, like it's amazing that people also a lot of women's in sports uh, they don't have that stereotypical, like really feminine look like when they're in the sport, like because they have a lot of muscles. You know, like that that old school mentality of what a woman should look like, and so of course they're gonna have the that a little bit more. What you perceive as a man features because they're muscly and they're toned, and then you only pair that with men.

Speaker 2:

So like I just think oh god, you know what?

Speaker 1:

I was just watching one of those reporters at a trump friendly and I swear to god it is. That is like it's not. Even I used to watch jersey shore because it's a train wreck, right, you can't look away from it sometimes yeah I can't stomach that stuff. It's not a train wreck, it's like this is. I don't, I don't even have a word for it well, because there's a difference between reality tv and reality.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. So, and it's yeah, the whole thing is just, and the comments that are coming from people. You're on your fucking couch, like you know what I mean like you're not out there. You're not. You're not putting yourself out there in front of millions and millions of people.

Speaker 1:

You're, it's just yeah, there's a funny TikTok actually of a guy where he's eating a cookie on a couch and he watches a gymnast like fall to the side a little bit and he's like loser or something like that, and then he's walking off a sidewalk in trips and he's like trying to like look cool, like oh, that didn't just happen, that's like, that's so true um, lisa, and I don't really get political on this podcast or anything, but you know, it's just, it's disgusting to see that the way that the world is going and it's I don't know, I don't even know what I'm trying to say here, it's just like the world is turning to shit and it's like you can't even.

Speaker 1:

It's been turning to shit forever, but like I don't know, I just I think that this hits a little bit close to home.

Speaker 2:

And it feels like we've been on that roller coaster where it's like we're going up, we're going up, we're going up, we're going up, we're going up, and it feels like now we're going up, we're going up, we're going up, we're going up, we're going up, and it feels like now we're at the top and we're going around that bend. Yeah, we're just waiting for that thing to drop where it just falls.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's, that's what it feels like. That that is extremely true, because I think, like, okay, so transphobia, disgusting, right. The transphobia is so fucking deep that they're coming after cis women now. Like your transphobia is so bad that you're seeing it everywhere. That's a mental disorder. That's a straight up mental disorder that you, you have fucking issues. And then when it's right in front of you and someone's like, nope, this, this, you're wrong, they're like they still just doubled down. I hope to god. I just I'm really bad with names. I I hope that olympian that everyone's attacking right now sues the fuck out of jk rowling, uh, logan hall, all those people that have said stuff, because that was straight up defamation, like in writing. They defamed her in writing yeah what is that saying?

Speaker 1:

like spoken words you can forget, written words you regret.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they regret that sounds right, they doubled, like they tripled down.

Speaker 1:

Even logan paul updated and still was just like sorry, it's kind of still on topic. Do you know how worried I am about going to wrestling? Because, like I keep making, because it's in the states for multiple reasons.

Speaker 1:

One, because it's in america. Two, I'm very like worried about rams because something's come out out of nevada, even recently in virginia city, which I wanted to bring him to because I had a great like, a great time like looking around there with my parents, um, so people that can't see me if you're listening, um, I'm white and I just found out that it's a sundown town and that city, like they, even like the, the people have been like oh uh, the people that run this the little town and city, um, are like no, this is not the way that we, we are here, whatever. It's like really, because we just saw a video of multiple people telling a black man that they have a hanging tree, uh, down the street or some shit like that, and then use slurs to them and and like I, I've been having nightmares about this Cause. Then it's like what if the other side is elected in there and they want to ban Muslims and Rams, like he has a visa from going to Pakistan in there?

Speaker 1:

Like there's a lot of things that worry me. I'm also like wait a minute, is there more like like monster truck kind of people that are at wrestling events and I sold rams. I'm like we have to have a conversation about this. At no point do you talk about trump. If someone says something about trump there, you just nod and walk away. Like I am, I'm probably building it up more in my head. But the shit that we see coming out of america, I can't. Not that canada's any better, but I can't get it out of my head have you seen that poem?

Speaker 2:

America's a gun no oh, it is. Uh, I should try and find it and just read it, but it's basically each line is country is a, and it's what everybody in the world thinks of when you think of that country. So Canada was listed as maple syrup, france is listed as a baguette well, um, that kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

And then every line was afterwards was America is a gun, and it's just like so I don't know if I talked about it on the podcast, but I'll talk about it again. Um, I'm just way more ramped up this time. So I haven't been down to America since like pre-COVID really, except for like a Trader Joe's run. And Rams and I went down to Seattle back in February to go see a show. And it wasn't until we were in the venue and right up near the stage that all of a sudden I was just like we are in America in a nightclub like venue.

Speaker 1:

Where are the emergency exits? And the emergency exits were back near the entrance and I was like, okay, well, I could definitely hop on the stage. I'm sure there's a back exit somewhere. But I was like, but what if there isn't? And then I started looking around and memorizing the people around me face and I was just like I am so freaked out right now, didn't talk to Rams about it until we got home. He had the same exact feelings as me and I'm like listen, I know people in America go out every single day. I know that. I know people are still out living their lives, but as a non American that went down there, I was very aware of where I was. All of a sudden, and.

Speaker 1:

I got shit scared and I hate that. I feel that way because I've been to America, um, so many times and nothing has ever happened, and I do get to walk around with that privilege that other people don't. Uh, I find America especially the way that the media is portraying them and like all the shit that comes out of there, um, as a scary place, especially when you find out how many mass shootings there's been since the beginning of the year, and I've only heard about three of them and there's like over a hundred that have happened since January. We're in August. That's nuts. So anyway, I'm very worried about WWE because there's over 50,000 people that are going to be there. Doesn't help that Rams and I just watched 11 minutes about what happened at Mandalay Bay.

Speaker 2:

Definitely should not have watched that, yeah, I don't blame me, honestly, because, like my brother, we're planning a trip to the States in a few weeks and my brother was like, oh, you're going down there, can you get this for me? I, me, I'm like, no, I'm not doing any shopping. I am going down there visiting family, staying at my family's house and then coming home and that's it.

Speaker 1:

I hope that people know that when I laugh in situate like when you can hear me laughing, I'm actually extremely nervous it's a defense mechanism.

Speaker 1:

It really is. I will laugh and do that, like so often. I'm like I am not having a yeah, yeah, and I know that there's Americans that listen to us. I'm really not coming down on America, because every country has their issues. So do we? In Canada, we have mass shootings that happen not as much, but we we have them. Every country has their issues. I just feel that, especially being America's neighbor actually, we're not even America's neighbor I feel like we're at the middle of the sandwich, because, even though Alaska is only like smaller, it's still on top of us. So we're a little bit of. We're sandwiched in here. Um, no, that's not, it's a cupcake. They're the cherry on top.

Speaker 2:

I was literally thinking I wasn't thinking cupcake, because it's kind of off to the side, so I was more thinking like a sundae, where it's like you got it in a waffle cone and then a little piece of waffle was stuck in at the top. Yeah, yeah we are not on drugs.

Speaker 1:

No do you remember last time that we were recording and you asked me to turn that on?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I didn't turn it off and the battery died um.

Speaker 1:

Did you end up going to your doctor's appointment?

Speaker 2:

you said you went up on your oh, yes, I did go to my doctor's appointment. Yeah, they did put me up from 0.6 to 1.2 now, um, and it's going okay. I was pretty nauseous the first couple of days but I was also nauseous on it, like got the 0.6, but whenever I was like messing around with the time changes and everything. But now I just take it first thing in the morning. All the time I was trying to take it later in the day so that it was like stronger through the day. Um, but honestly, since my dose has gone up, I've been able to take it around six in the morning and I've been fine. Like I'll go to the gym, I come home, get ready for work, take my dose, that type of thing.

Speaker 1:

As I'm currently experiencing it. How's your nausea?

Speaker 2:

It's been okay. I really only have it if I'm like like how I had rice the other day. It was just too much on my stomach, kind of thing. But in general it's been okay. I was back and forth. One thing that I've been pretty open about with my nurse is the fact that I don't eat pizza and why I don't eat pizza and all of that. Do you need me to take a break?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no. I'm just. I have to breathe through it, Okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm telling her about the whole pizza thing. I've been open with that from the very start, about the reason why because they don't believe in restricting right. So like, if you're craving something, eat that little thing that you're craving and then you can move on. But they understand that for me, pizza isn't a restriction, it's a addiction. Um, yeah, what I'm? What's that word? That I'm trigger. Trying to say trigger wasn't what I was looking for. It's like in the binge, I don't know. But my point is she knows why I don't eat pizza, fixation no, it's like I'm not gonna get past it, I know that's fine.

Speaker 2:

No, obsession, that's what I was looking for. It's not the right word, but um, um. So she understands all of it, she understands the mental health with it and she agrees that just not having it is is the best right For me anyways. Um, if there's somebody else who's like I just want a piece of pizza, and they can have that pizza and then stop and not think about it again, then you're fine. Um, and she did ask me a little while ago, like do you think you would ever have pizza again? Who do you think you would be around? Do you think it would be something you could do? And I was like I don't know, and it was something I had been thinking about. But then this past weekend Corey brought dumplings for our dinner that we were having and I'd never had like at home steamed dumplings before and we had them. Oh my god, I ate like six or seven of them they were so good.

Speaker 1:

What kind of dumplings were? They were like the the side, like they look like. They look like a pierogi gyozas uh, there was I don't know.

Speaker 2:

He got a whole bunch of them. I know there was like the steam bum, steamed bun ones, like the smaller ones, and then there was a chicken and shrimp and then a chicken and pork I love, like pork and shrimp, shumai.

Speaker 1:

It's just like I'll try and find a picture and then I'll put it up on the screen and show you. They are so good. But keep going.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, and they were really good, and I like was just eating them, eating them, eating them. And then after that I realized I probably can't do pizza, even with this medication. I think it would still be pretty triggering, which is fine, but I think, like Brandon doesn't get that, I'm okay. You know what I mean? Because, like he was wanting to have pizza, so we had some friends coming over today, so I was like, oh, do you guys want to bring some pizza with you and you guys can have that for lunch, and I'll just have leftovers.

Speaker 2:

And they were like, yeah, sure, we could do that, um, and then they called me a little while later and they were like do you, um, do you want us to get you a panzerotti or a calzone or something like that instead? And I was like, no, no, like you could tell they're being supportive, right, but it's like I just haven't had any pizza, like thing. Like I don't even lick my fingers after cutting Harper's pizza, like no pizza like thing since May last year. So I was like, no, no, I'm good, I'm good.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I'm sorry, I'm not gonna let you just go past that. Congratulations, because that is so fucking crazy, especially if people have listened to us to the beginning, like what. Like we freaked out on Jenny about her husband running pizza, so I'm just, I'm so proud of you.

Speaker 2:

Huge difference, thank you. Um, so yeah. So they were like want something else? I'm like, no, no, I'm good. And then Brandon, so like I'm getting Harper's pizza ready and he's like do you need me to get it, are you okay? Like some days it is harder and I'm just like Brandon, I'm gonna need you to need you to do this. You know what I mean. But then other days, like today, it was like, no, I'm fine. But he's like are you good? I'm like, yeah, I'm good, thank you.

Speaker 2:

It's all good and then, after he's like I'm so sorry, like do you want me to sit somewhere else Cause he was going to sit beside me? He's like now you're making it a thing. And then my brain is like should I be feeling this way, like should I just want this, when really it's like I'm fine, you know, I mean I don't care, it's been long enough. I'm just gonna go eat my leftover noodles and dumplings instead, like you know what I mean it wasn't. It's not a thing for me anymore. It's not hard for me to just not eat it yeah, could, was I still on the screen?

Speaker 1:

you're on the screen right now okay I didn't realize, like I just saw. Sorry, that you can like do a screenshot of your whole screen and put it in the chat, because I was like I don't know how to share my screen, but that's oh my god, that looks so good, yeah, there I'm.

Speaker 1:

It's gonna be hard for me, now that we've talked about it, to not order from bayo bakery near joy sky train station. If you're in vancouver, hit it up. Uh, so good, they're pork shumai. They have these deep fried prawn. Um, let's not talk about it, but they're like gyozas, oh so good, oh man um freaking hell.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry. I'm still focused on that whole pizza thing, like you're. Just, I wish I'm literally just thinking about the chicken crust pizza that I'm gonna make tonight that I still haven't. It's gonna be. Do you mind me talking about it? You're fine, okay, chicken crust pizza with some pesto, goat cheese, arugula and prosciutto yeah, and then some um, hot honey drizzle on top right. It's gonna be delicious good. I'll make a video of it. It probably will taste like shit, I don't know it sounds good.

Speaker 2:

I have been thinking about doing something flat bake, not pizza, like I feel like as long as I don't go down that direction of putting like mozzarella cheese and pepperoni and like all of that, I'm probably good. But if I'm am thinking about doing like the chicken crust with like an alfredo with mushroom and feta or goat cheese, because it's borderline, like my favorite pizza from Domino's was always the pan pizza with the Alfredo, the mushroom, the feta and the cheese extra cheese obviously, because pizza places don't know how to put cheese on pizza unless you ask for extra. So so and I transitioned and started getting that as a pasta. So anytime they ordered Domino's I just got the pasta version of it instead of the pizza version of it and it would hit my pizza craving and then I wouldn't think about it again. It would be totally fine. It would be other people being like, oh, we should get pizza. I'm like, all right, I'll just get this Like. You know what I mean? It was like the nicotine patch for pizza.

Speaker 1:

But pizza cottage cheese dip is really good, but I I try and use chickens or the pepperoni and stuff like it still tastes like pizza, but it's just, it's not, it doesn't. I don't associate that I associate them that I don't associate them the same way yeah, I get that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I'm kind of thinking of doing the same thing with the chicken crust, alfredo sauce with like goat cheese and mushroom.

Speaker 1:

I think that would slap if, if I can suggest something to you, try and make the big mac pizza first, because I swear god, dude, like I couldn't believe how much I was like this, hit the big mac craving but I used I used the iceberg shredded lettuce like I've actually bought a bag of it just to use for that I loved.

Speaker 2:

I love bagged shredded lettuce. I hate like shredding it, let it, yeah, and then just lettuce.

Speaker 1:

In general I'm not a big fan, but like the bagged one is so perfect for like the taco nights and just taco salads and stuff yeah, um, I still have not eaten any of the butter chickens and chilies that I had prepared, but, and like we have gotten takeout a couple times, I was just gonna say but how many times have you gotten takeout? Yeah, um, but I've said now that like no, we're not.

Speaker 1:

I say it every time, but I'm like it's just from what happened seriously when I rolled my ankle. It wasn't I, it hurt, but it wasn't until Rams pointed out he's like you're bruised and it was just all under my ankle. So I'm like not very happy about that anyway. Um, yeah, I need to start eating those. And the other day, though I was, I was happy with myself.

Speaker 1:

I didn't defrost anything and I was going to use that as an excuse to get takeout, but I just cooked the ground beef from from frozen and then just added in taco seasoning, um, onions and peppers, and then put it in a bowl for Rams and I to have over here and then brought some of the keto wraps and some sour cream and we just kind of had like a share plate. And I have to say I hate the way that in western society that we eat. If you look at other cultures, so many people have made even videos about this. I can't understand people that just order their own thing and don't share. And I'm like you know what?

Speaker 1:

When I was younger, we used to order stuff in our family and then like share with each other, and then it just kind of stopped, and now I mean past COVID, we don't. But if you look at like going to even Shabu-san a group of people, they all eat, like you know, and Rams and I I will too, because it isn't all you can eat and you share and whatever. But look at like korean dishes, they put them all out and then everyone just takes some and puts it on their plate. I love that like why is it that we don't have that more often? So me doing that yesterday then, rather than us and like me making our own little fajitas, was like putting it all down and then and I know that that's what we do with tacos and fajitas, not not fajitas Normally. I just wish it was something that I incorporated more in like all of our food, you know, like don't just make you like chicken and potatoes and corn or whatever, like put it all out there.

Speaker 1:

And then, I don't know, maybe it's also just cause like we don't. I don't remember the last time I ate at a dining room table your house. I ate at a dining room table. I have been eating on my lap or hippie style for ever. Yeah, I've been living in staff of comms with so many people and stuff. So you just kind of learn, you just adapt. And so now we have a dining room table with two seats. It's being used as a holder for everything.

Speaker 2:

Before having Harper, we sat on the couch all the time to have dinner, every single time because you put on your show, you're relaxing, you're eating, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But since having Harper because I had to focus on how she was eating Brandon and I really turned that into. This is our family time, like because we know, once life gets busy, like that's the only time that we're really going to have to just sit and talk about your day and blah, blah, blah, blah. Right, so we just wanted to introduce dinner time to be family time and a frick. I can't tell you the last time that actually I have talked about this a few times I don't watch tv. I turn on youtube from time to time, but I do not watch tv. The last time I watched a tv show was, um, when I re-watched One Tree Hill on mat leave and my child would be two at the end of the month. So that shows how long it's been since I actually sat down and watched an entire TV series.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I will sit down and watch TV. But I noticed when Rams went away in March I think he went to Ontario I didn't turn the TV on once while he was gone, and right when he came home, tv on and it just it's our normal but, even when he's watching stuff or we're watching stuff together, I'm not. I'm on my phone because I'm like I'm not interested and it won't grab my attention as like it used to and I do actually blame my phone for that, for giving me a short attention span, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I just don't enjoy sitting there and watching the tv anymore. Um, on that note, one of the things that they teach you in the food addiction class that we were talking about what, like two years ago, um is to not watch tv or your phone or anything while you are eating. They say be in the moment, sit, whether, if you're with other people, you can talk like that's not what it they're saying, but just no distractions. So you're being mindful of how full is your stomach, or you?

Speaker 2:

know how many times have you been mindlessly eating something while you're doing something else and then you're like, oh, it's all gone, and now you're going to take more, because you feel like you didn't actually get to enjoy what you just ate because you weren't paying attention.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, yeah, a hundred, like you didn't actually get to enjoy what you just ate because you weren't paying attention. Exactly, yeah, 100, and it's something I really have to work on. It's just that I don't like the sound of chewing, which also goes for my own chewing, so having something playing. If you were to live with me, lisa, you would hear the only. If people ever see that I'm online on facebook, I'm not. I'm watching facebook videos, not reels, just the one under the watch category, cause, like judge Judy will come on or something.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

And it's on all the time I'm doing chores. I distract myself from the chores so that I can get them done by having an earphone in and kind of watching the video doing dishes. I have to be watching a video, but that's the only way I can get them done by having an earphone in and kind of watching the video doing dishes.

Speaker 1:

I have to be watching a video, but that's the only way I can get that stuff done is to distract myself from the task at hand. Yeah, it's weird, but not at work. I don't need that at my job.

Speaker 2:

I think that's because in our brain like so our job? You're not in quotations allowed to do those things. You know what I mean? It's frowned upon for you to do those things. And now you've come home from work and you are both physically and mentally spent because you just did it all at work. So now you need these extra tools at home to get through the rest of the adulting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't remember what it's called, but there is also another thing. I think they were saying it's present for ADHD people, but I really think that this is with anyone. It's like reclaiming your time, so like when you're at a job, and like it's people that stay up really late. Um, it's them trying to have like as if you have control over time again. So it's all the things that you would like to do in the day and you're trying to like, kind of like get them done right.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to say here and anyway, it's just picking up what you're laying down yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it's like when you're at work you don't get to do all these things. So then it's just like you're in overload when you're off work because you're just like I want to do all the things that I want to do today still, but I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah I know I, when I look at the things, that it's like people say, like your health is a sack, like you have to make sacrifices for your health, right.

Speaker 2:

So like it's like I'm giving up video games tonight so that I can go to bed on time, so that I can go to the gym tomorrow. I'm cat, I am prioritizing getting enough sleep and being able to go to the gym over playing video games. But sometimes the video games is towards your mental health, so sometimes there is that give or take. But I have found that a lot of the time recently, not even because I'm playing video games, just because I'm so flipping busy, my sleep has been what's taking a hit, like cause I'm up at like three, three, 30 in the morning, right. So naturally that's just going to what's going to take the hit, without going to bed at like 7 30 at night, which is the same time my child goes to sleep. But like I still have to do the cleaning after the day, we still have to do the prepping after the day, like it's just there's not enough time for everything yeah, no, there really isn't.

Speaker 1:

No. Um, you know, uh, last time we had a fat girl therapy, I did say I don't remember what our goals if you had goals, I think you. But my goal was to try and do the booty buddy workout twice and, to be fair, like I do half them for my physio. But I haven't actually gone into the heavy app since having it and being like, yeah, I'm going to do that. Uh, and right now I'm trying to get used to my orthotics because I'm due back at work around the middle of this month. So I am very excited about that, but since rolling my ankle yesterday, I am not. So I just need to get more used to the orthotics. It seriously is like I gained an inch of my height. Like it's I feel like I'm walking on stilts, even though it's only an inch. It's just very. I need more ankle support, I think.

Speaker 2:

I actually had a conversation with mom yesterday because I was like I think I need to come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to be able to run that 3k, and mom was like what? Why? Yeah, we could totally do it. I'm like mom, I've been getting a pain in the bottom of my foot after running and she was just like you need orthotics, we got to go get you orthotics right now. You can still run with orthotics, blah, blah, blah blah. So doing one step at a time here.

Speaker 1:

No pun intended, but go see a podiatrist first, just to make sure, because also some people that's what I said it's just plantar fasciitis, but it could be even a bone spur.

Speaker 1:

so just um, and I kept walking on mine and they were like yeah, because even when I wanted to start walking on it once, being in physio, they're like you're going to, we need you to get into orthotics or it's just going to start regress. Like what is it regressing? Getting worse, yeah, yeah, yeah, anyway. So yeah, just go check it out quicker than later.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is on the list of things to do this week on the note of that, uh, I do want to give a shout out to sarah because on at the end of august she's gonna go do an iron man. Isn't that insane? I fucking what? Who are you girl? So it's going. It's a 70.3 triathlon, 1.9 kilometer swim, a 91.5 kilometer bike ride and a 21.1 kilometer run. Like who are you, you machine? Yeah, what a tank. Yeah, so she has her goals of what she would like, uh, her times to be and stuff. And she was like, yeah, I did hundred kilometer bike ride, um, and a 2.5 kilometer run yesterday. It took me out for the rest of the day. I'm like I'd be dead yeah, literally you did it.

Speaker 1:

I would not have um, so yeah, I really wish I could go up and see her, but it's like four hours away from here, so but good luck, sarah, and oh my god, please don't die. Go get go to. If you can walk afterwards, go up into the hills and go get some wine.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely, that's where she is, it's actually like wine country, and if you can't walk, just roll there. Yeah, roll up. Somebody put you in a wheelbarrow and just get you out there.

Speaker 1:

In one of those oak barrels, yeah, yeah. So with your. I almost said Ozempic, but you're not. What is it called Cixenda? Yeah, with Cixenda. What is the goal for your milligram dosage? Is there one?

Speaker 2:

No, no, it's kind of just play it by ear. If it feels like it needs to go up, then we're good. If it doesn't, then we're good. And right now I'm feeling pretty comfortable where I'm at. Before I was iffy, I was back and forth on is this the right dose? Should I go up, should I not go up, go. But after I did go up I'm like, yeah, this is, this fits. So right now we wait and see, we gotta wait a couple, probably about another month, and then after that point they'll determine if it's going to go up again or not do you know what the max dosage is allowed on it?

Speaker 2:

uh three is the highest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and I actually also asked her about so. So one thing that I mentioned to her was with weight loss surgery. I was like is this like a medication that you would take as a stepping stone for weight loss surgery? Does your body just naturally learn how to suppress its appetite, or how does that work? And she said how typically, if you've had weight loss surgery, after about five years, that's when they have to start introducing this medication again. So even if it was like you had weight loss surgery, you're not guaranteed to not take the medication again.

Speaker 2:

You would likely have to go on it again later.

Speaker 1:

They talked about that because I took a course last week about the bariatric surgery and medications and stuff and they were. Someone asked like do you stop taking like ozempic and stuff once you're having a surgery? And they did say, like, generally when you're having the surgery. They did say like generally when you're having the surgery, like you're not on it and they're like, but some people have still had to take it even after surgery and some people don't. So it's like very like case by case scenario, but I don't think a majority of people are really on it right after having it.

Speaker 1:

But it makes sense being on whatever drug like way afterwards, because it's like there's a lot of people like that go through it and don't get the, don't go through the proper steps, or even do go through the proper steps and just go backwards a little bit. And it's like you know you can. Like ken, when he was on here back in 2022, he talked about that. I think it'd be great to have ken back on and talking about that, just because like, like you know, it's something I don't even want to use the word considering, because it's actually more than considering now, but it's definitely an avenue I'm going down and there was this moment yesterday, when my brother was driving us home, that because he knows, like my anger, like that we both experience when, like things are too chaotic and you know you get stressed out, like if it's too hot outside, all of a sudden I'll start panicking and it's like that bead of sweat that's dripping down your back slowly. It's like, as it's going, my anxiety is rising and then I just I could snap, and it's just because I'm, I'm, I'm Christine.

Speaker 1:

So my brother was saying you know, like I do the same things and whatever, and I'm like I'm just, I don't want to be that stereotype, I'm going way over dramatic, because it's not like I have fucking absolute anger issues, it's just that when shit hits the fan, it's hard for me to figure it out. Um, and I was like I don't want to be that stereotyped, fat, angry person and I. So I said to Michael did it get easier? Because, since we have the exact same feeling your brother, sister, did it get easier when you lost the weight? And without even fucking hesitating, he said yes, and my brother's not toxic about it, he can be he.

Speaker 1:

We have both lived through the diet culture. He is 13 years older than me but he immediately was just like it. It changes because you're not as hot anymore and you're not as because that's a huge contributor to when I am over everything it's because I'm operating at way too high of a heat. I don't know like it's, so it's, it's not even anger, it's because I'm operating at way too high of a heat.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. So it's. It's not even anger, it's utter frustration. I can't really explain it, but I know a lot of people out there kind of like get it without me even having to really talk about it, especially that bead of sweat thing. A lot of people get that without even you know, yeah, and I remember, remember.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember exactly what it was. Oh, yes, I do. I can't talk about that.

Speaker 2:

Um, it's not my story to tell so yeah, um, because I just so as a side point, I just there was a conversation that I was having with somebody kind of similar to the chairs, how it's like we look at those chairs in the waiting room and we see how thin those legs are and our brain goes, oh no, I can't sit there. But people who haven't been at this size don't think of that. It's not something that they would consider. You know what I mean? It's kind of just like it's. It's just a different world and it's kind of crazy to think that a lot of people make the argument of oh well, 20 years ago, when you were looking around, there wasn't this many plus size people and it's like okay, but 20 years ago, like not even 20 years ago.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people compare in the back in my day. But if you also look at that back in my day era, you had a single income that was able to afford the house, while one of them stayed home with the kids and was able to keep your house clean and was able to put food on the table for when you got home from work and was able to do those things. Versus the era that we're in right now, you need to have two incomes. Both people have to be working full time. You can't afford like you are mentally spent, because even at work, they're just like, well, this needs to get done, this needs to get done, this needs to get done. And now you have to come home and have to get all that shit done too. No, you're going to turn to take out, especially the one that you can afford, which is probably the cheap one, which is probably not the healthy option, and so, of course, there's just going to be a spike in weight and people's health and concerns like that, because people have now, are now being driven into that lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

But then get blamed and get told well, you need to eat less. Like, this is your fault. And that doesn't even include the mental health on the side of depression or anything like that, where people have now turned to food to cope. Or maybe they used to be addicted to something else and didn't know how to cope, so then they turned to food. Like there's there's so many other situations other than just the day to day as to why people have started turning to these unhealthy habits. But then the people on the internet who haven't been in those bodies are just like well, you just need to eat less. Like there's. So you just need to eat less. Well, you just need to eat vegetables. Well, you just need to do this. Like it's not that easy. Yeah, in so many ways on paper, sure. Eat less calories, go to the gym, you'll be fine. Fine, on paper, it sounds great. But there was just. Our brains have been rewired that it's not that easy. And now there's these medications that help untangle those wires and it just makes it fuck.

Speaker 2:

I'll say it easier. Like people say, it's the easy way out, who cares? If you need the help, help. If you may think it's easy, hold on and I get it because it's we all.

Speaker 1:

Everyone out there knows it's in no way easy because, like you're, still struggling. You still have the food noise. Nothing's changed about like that. You definitely have like get mental health help beforehand, but you still have, like for me, 40 years of programming exactly, so it's just the easy way out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sure, that's like at least I'm moving forward now and not sitting still yeah, but you know what, like, if people ever came for me like after having that, I'd be like, but, but what's the problem? I did what you wanted, I did, but. But what's the problem? I did what you wanted. I did what you wanted. So what's the problem now? So now it wasn't the way that you wanted it, so I have to lose weight, because that's what you want for societies that no one's fat. So then I lose the weight and it wasn't the way that you wanted me to do it. So now it's a problem. It's like nothing's ever going to be good enough, and everyone just has to realize that nothing's going to be good enough for anyone out there, especially the faceless, nameless trolls on the internet, because they're there to put you down. Because what are they doing? They're behind their computer, trolling, or behind their phone controlling you, or controlling you commenting on bullshit.

Speaker 1:

And they're trolling you and they have, they have no life, and that's all that they want to do because they are at home, miserable and it's I sometimes hate saying that because it sounds like, oh well, that boy's just picking on you because he likes you. But, like in this, it's true, like people just want to see other people miserable, and it's so freaking sad. And if you're succeeding and you're getting haters and it's something that we did not realize for so long um, they, they want to see you fail. They want to see them, they want to see your life mess up.

Speaker 1:

Look at what happened around uh, you know I can't mention his name, but that whole if people remember the dramatic thing that happened to lisa a couple years ago, where she ended up on reddit a lot of people fat shaming her that was fucking awful and it was like lisa was thriving at the moment and they wanted to see her come down because they didn't like what she had to say about everyone else. And I don't think that you really let it affect you, but there's going to be an a part of it that affects everyone.

Speaker 1:

You know and it's just like leave us the fuck alone, and maybe what you want might happen if you just leave us the fuck alone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you know, and even if it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I will never understand how, how anyone talks about things that don't affect them. I know my weight affects literally no one except me. It doesn't affect. It might affect the chair I'm sitting on. It might affect different things that have nothing to do with another human being yeah, other than my mom. If I was fat, so unhealthy a heart condition okay, I got taken away from my mom. My mom can be upset about that. Okay, if I'm living that life where it's completely unhealthy but strangers don't know what your life is, I'm living that life where it's completely unhealthy but strangers don't know what your life is. I'm going off on a tangent that's not going to stop unless you stop me.

Speaker 2:

I always think of that analogy where it's like somebody, somebody's in the subway and they're waiting to order their sub and the person in front of them is like, yeah, I'll have a meatball sub. And then you're just like why are you getting a meatball sub? And they're just like because I want a meatball sub. And they're like, well, I don't like meatball subs. And they're like well, then, don't fucking eat my sub. It's the same thing. Why do you give a shit about what that person's doing? Whether, at the end of the day, it's what's in their pants, they want in their pants, whether it's how much weight they have to lose, whether it's they want to get boob implants, whether it's, it doesn't fucking matter. If you don't like what that person's doing, just don't be friends with them, walk away, don't do what they're doing. You don't have, we don't all have to be the same. It's that easy. But people have to make it a big deal because, oh, this person isn't doing what I like, therefore they're a bad person. No, not how it works.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I normally actually Lisa knows this I mute out a lot of the stuff when I talk about my mom but, like, sometimes I don't care and the one thing I can't admit to my mom is Rams and I's favorite restaurant restaurant is Shabu Sun down in Vancouver, downtown Vancouver. I can't tell my mom that I like going there. We go there on our anniversary because it's all you can eat. My mom hears the words all you can eat. Why would you go to something like that? You shouldn't be going to something like that. Rams and I like all you can eat, not so we can stuff her face because also, remember, I'm an ozempic girly, so how could I? We like, very like, the variety of food at Shabu Sam. They have Korean barbecue, they have sushi, it's so good and we love it.

Speaker 1:

But my mom hears that and thinks of me as a fat person and goes you shouldn't be going to places like that. And it's like you. Saying that to me is the same thing that my brain says to me as I'm walking through that restaurant and thinking are people going to be like, oh, I wonder how much she's going to order. Or the cooks back there going, oh, make sure we have enough sushi. You know what I mean. And it's like it's my own brain doing that, but it's the people that have put those thoughts into my head and it makes me just continue living like this miserable existence of thinking that everyone's judging me because one person judged me, that one person that's close to me put a judgment to me. It's just fucking sad, like just leave people the fuck alone and they'll probably come to their own, like I want to see who gives a fuck.

Speaker 1:

I will still not get over that, like the whole body positivity. Leave them alone, except those toxic bitches that come out to us that try and speak in the name of body positivity but it's like fuck man, just because, like, we're on the internet going, this is what we're doing, not once do. And I think that's one thing where we didn't get that many comments about when that whole stuff was going on with body positivity was because it's like we weren't ever saying you can do this too, if you do this. You know what I mean. And there is someone online right now getting that criticism because they're like and you could too. So you could have done that entire video and a bit of an awesome that it's unnecessary to say that because it's also it can.

Speaker 2:

It can get out of control with eating disorders and stuff, and not that person was doing anything toxic, but you know honestly, I think the reason we're seeing such a shift in the body positivity movement right now is because these medications have become such a big thing.

Speaker 2:

I think a lot of people were in the body positivity movement because they've been trying to lose weight. That's what they've been told their entire life they had to do, and then they couldn't do it and then they were like fuck it, I'm gonna love myself, which is great, like I'm not saying in any way that we should be hating ourselves, right. But if you were somebody like me who was in the mindset of I do love myself and that's why I want to lose weight, because I want to take care of myself, I want to be healthy, like that's why I had to step away from the body positivity movement, because it was no longer about being positive in your body. It became let's be fat activists and you have to be fat and you have to want to be fat to be here, and that was it. Yeah, and you know what?

Speaker 1:

oh sorry, no, no, you go, I was gonna say. And with that we should probably put a pin in this topic, because in two weeks from now this is exactly what we're going to be talking about with our guest, because in the body positivity movement, with mutuals that were part of that and then still wants to be in that, moving to also looking at weight loss and then getting that kind of. I just can't imagine that level of hatred coming from someone you thought was your friend, coming from someone you thought was your friend coming, not even a friend coming from someone that you connected with where your mutuals on on on social media. Because you know, there's a lot of people that have followed me for a long time, that have tried to even friend me on facebook. But I leave that as a boundary for me because there's also a lot of photos in my facebook that I don't really need to see the light of day.

Speaker 1:

I went back to try and find that one that I said I was embarrassed about, that said drunk on my forehead, so I was actually going to use it in my TikTok video. I'm like that's a time where I'm actually going to come up with that, because it made sense I had deleted that photo because I started getting worried when TikTok started happening, that I was like you know what. I just don't need these photos to be in here in case that happens, right. But anyway, it's a big deal to all of a sudden have like. I can't imagine if Lisa and I weren't on the same journey and all of a sudden she was like you're dead to me, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like I can't even my God.

Speaker 1:

It's so loud I can't even imagine she said that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

My laugh.

Speaker 2:

My laugh, your laugh, didn't even come through the microphone, but that's what I mean. Like that's what I mean.

Speaker 1:

like that's just that would be so aggressive. Oh, I thought you said my laugh was aggressive, because that's when I went. I'm like I just woke up.

Speaker 2:

Brems, that was alarm clock level, oh my god, we should probably wrap up because we didn't do anything. Am I the assholes? And I have to wake up my child soon, yeah sure um, do you want to do a listen, bitch?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I just gotta not on my desk.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's okay it's here, it's here, it's here because I was just glancing over there I'm like they're not there and I'm gonna have to dig for it and I didn't want to make noises on whatever it is funny that we're like let's record two mi the assholes this weekend and then we get online and I'm just like listen to the drama of TikTok fat girl therapy all right, I think we should do first.

Speaker 2:

I'm just I'm vibing with these black cards like I think we should just do whatever the first black card is here. Okay, ready, ready, listen, bitch, your best is more than enough. I promise, love it. That fit today. So well, it really did these cards know us they know they do thinking they do they've been listening? They're like listen, bitch, I'm in uh, yeah, this is great.

Speaker 1:

I'm very excited for next weekend's recording. I'm so not excited to edit this today.

Speaker 2:

So if you see it, on wednesday that's why it was a holiday here, it's fine.

Speaker 1:

Everything's a day late yeah, everything's a day late, even if it's not a holiday what we're supposed to record oh my god, yeah, uh, so anyway, uh, for any new listeners, anyone out there, we would love it if you could go to the place that you are listening to us from and if you could please rate, write a review if you like us, if you feel like us enough. Um, if you don't like us, uh, this podcast was not called the waiting room. Ah, yeah, your, your, your spotify lied to you. Um, it's called something else.

Speaker 2:

I can't think of anyone that I don't like podcast if, uh, if, you did like us and you stuck along this along, like all of this, and this was your first time listening wild why did you stay the entire time?

Speaker 1:

I still. I actually see the numbers going up from the first season and I'm like, oh my god. Actually, when I reached out to our guest, I feel like I should have told her she didn't respond for a few days of. Is this date good for you to record on? I'm like she's listening to season one. She saw the weight watchers episode. She doesn't she's like oh, no, yeah, no so um, oh my god, if you, if you've listened to us in season one, are you okay? How are you?

Speaker 2:

doing is your mental health okay we started seeing each other for therapy, so maybe you should look into that oh god, anyway, this is fun yeah bye, lisa bye, chris, bye everybody else oh my god, my mom's calling oh wow okay, I should actually answer this.